My name is Snow Rayjah. You may call me "Snow", "Rayjah", or "Rae".
I grew up in Rocket Town. Yeah, I did. Don't argue or I'll have the guys take care of you. I'm really quite a nice person once you get to know me. As long as you know, the boss doesn't mind. She's pretty strict but, hey. I love my job.
I am a writer,a knight and a dancer. All but one by choice. I let my soul speak through writing so that the world can better understand me. I am a knight to protect the hopes of those I love. All this I do for the fact that in reality I am a dancer. So if you think you are up to it, then please, dance with me.
Writing is my passion, poetry and stories that relate to what I know to be the truths of the world I live in and create. I am also fond of Ancient Cultures and mythology. The ways of the heart,the mysteries of the mind and the secrets of the soul, I'm very fond of them all, and I long to learn about as much of each of them as I can. I love music. It is one of the easiest ways to communicate emotion. If a song doesn't speak to my soul, then there is hardly a chance that it'll stick around for me.
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