Here's a brief summary of my anime journey so far:
Broadcast (1970’s) - Gigantor, Speed Racer
Cable (1980’s) - Robotech
VHS/DVD Rental (1990’s) - Akira, Evangelion
DVD/Blu-ray (2000’s) - Tenchi Muyo!, Cowboy Bebop
ITunes/AppleTV (2010’s) - Fairy Tail, Naruto
Netflix (2010’s) - Death Note
Funimation (2020’s) - Reincarnated as a Slime
Crunchyroll (today) - My Dress-Up Darling, 86, Lycoris Recoil
Re-creating a watch history from memory is a challenge. I only have records from iTunes, Netflix, Crunchyroll, and media I own. I use Tags to indicate my source as best I can recall or reconstruct. There are several series I recall watching at least some of at some point but don't remember enough to make an entry here: Astro Boy (original); Gigantor (original); 8 Man (original); Speed Racer; and Gatchaman. As you might guess, these are shows that somehow ended up on US television, dubbed in English.
Other shows I'm sure I've seen some of but couldn't tell you which of the early series: Gundam; City Hunter; and Dragon Ball Z.
Scanning through MAL, I see a number of shows that look or sound familiar. I couldn't say for sure I've seen them so I've left them off my list.
Some entries here on MAL don't match my source. For example, a DVD release might have different episode titles than those on MAL. I try to note whatever I can figure out about any discrepancies.
Finally, there are shows that I would include here but which do not conform to MAL rules, especially Robotech and Avatar. There are several shows on Netflix that I can't find on MAL: Castlevania, Pacific Rim; Blood of Zeus; and Arcane.
I'm not a manga or light novel or visual novel reader so my Manga List and Stats will always be empty.
My score is based on enjoyment, not any critical judgment of production, direction, performance or any other technical or artistic element. For example, if I have a fond memory of an old series, it probably gets a higher score than if someone else were to judge it's 1990's production techniques. The scale:
0 == nope
1 == meh
2 == ok .. fine
3 == great .. wow
The factors:
Story 0-3 (plot, structure, character development)
Animation 0-3 (motion, background, character design)
Sound 0-3 (voice acting, music, effects)
Bonus 0-1 (extra credit for anything special or above and beyond)
For a range of 0 through 10. Note that "fine" across all factors results in a score of 6, matching the named score here on MAL. Factors are entered as tags so that I can filter. For example:
St2 for ok story
A1 for meh animation
So3 for a banger OP
These factors result in a score of 6.
If I have something pithy to say, I include that in the Note. I also use the Note field to capture details about the various streaming sources I have access to. For example, sometimes there are differences between the ways Crunchyroll and MAL group episodes into seasons. If I can make sense of the difference, I'll record them in a Note. For series that are airing, I sometimes put provisional score factors in as a Note.
I use Tags to note whether I watched the English sub or dub. No comments please. I've considered all angles and have made my decision: I watch dubs when they are available. Note that this means my enjoyment of voice acting applies to the dub where so indicated. I will admit, I have come to be a fan of some English language voice actors and know next to nothing about Japanese language voice actors.
I use the "Favorites" section to highlight a show and associated characters. These are not "favorites" in the sense of "my favorite color is blue". Rather, it is simply something I chose to draw attention to. You can find more of my thoughts on the notion of favorites in this blog post.
I am not sure about the "Recommendations" section. I'm not a professional or even amateur critic so I don't have the tools or inclination to make recommendations based on objective criteria. The MAL system of "if you liked... you might like..." seems like a good one, but also seems to me to require some objective means of equating or comparing/contrasting two shows. I enjoy isekai and fantasy, but "if you liked (isekai) you might like (isekai)" doesn't seem very helpful. I won't be using the "Recommendations" section of my profile.
Thanks to user inim for the idea of using named spoilers as a way to hide/show blocks of text.
I really liked your stocks with YouTube Critics Ranking - good idea with putting the quotes from videos, it's like a bunch of different mini-reviews in one place. It must take a lot of work, thanks!
Hi, I saw your Stacks on Cygames anime and saw your note of "There are at least 16 IdolM@ster Cinderella Girls entries on MAL. I'm not sure why this is the only one listed on the Cygames site." on Idolmaster Cinderella Girls: U149.
Basically, Cinderella Girls is the gen 2 branch [out of 5] of the whole Idolmaster franchise, and *only* that specific generation is co-owned and co-developed by Cygames (their gamedev side of things) themselves, in collaboration with Bandai Namco who owns the entire Idolmaster franchise as a whole.
They have many anime adaptations as you may see, even Cinderella Girls gen itself has at least 3 animes, but only the U149 one is animated in-house by Cygames! It's specifically a spin-off/AU of the Cinderella Girls generation, solely focusing on kid idols.
I hope that answers your question, sorry if it's a bit long!
In this YouTube video, KB says something I'll have to remember:
"It's time to go over the differences between 'story' and 'plot'. Story is the timeline of events that's present in any narrative - the narratives most basic blueprint. Plot, meanwhile, is the information that explains to the reader why the events of the story happen, and their dramatic, thematic, and emotional significance. Or to put it even more simply, story is there to answer how did these things happen, while plot is there to answer why did these things happen."
Thanks for your interest, but I'm currently not making a report of my findings or anything. I'm just doing this for fun. If you have any questions, I could try to answer them, however.
I started poking around in the forums, leading me to other profiles. I get the feeling I'm doing this wrong. Or at least using my profile page in an unusual way. Many people leave the description area blank. Some people display their likes or preferences by showing nice graphics or images. I've been using it as a way to explain my scores. I figure, if someone looks at my scores, they will need to understand where the numbers come from. (as an aside, I think that's a problem with every numerical scoring system; the numbers never mean the same thing to different people)
I suppose I'm using MAL more like a diary or journal of my anime journey, rather than as a social home or launch pad. As a result, I use the description here to document my rules for assigning scores, both for any strangers who pass by, but also as a way for me to maintain some consistency between shows and over time.
I may have to rethink the social side of things but until things changes, I'll just leave this comment here.
All Comments (9) Comments
Basically, Cinderella Girls is the gen 2 branch [out of 5] of the whole Idolmaster franchise, and *only* that specific generation is co-owned and co-developed by Cygames (their gamedev side of things) themselves, in collaboration with Bandai Namco who owns the entire Idolmaster franchise as a whole.
They have many anime adaptations as you may see, even Cinderella Girls gen itself has at least 3 animes, but only the U149 one is animated in-house by Cygames! It's specifically a spin-off/AU of the Cinderella Girls generation, solely focusing on kid idols.
I hope that answers your question, sorry if it's a bit long!
"It's time to go over the differences between 'story' and 'plot'. Story is the timeline of events that's present in any narrative - the narratives most basic blueprint. Plot, meanwhile, is the information that explains to the reader why the events of the story happen, and their dramatic, thematic, and emotional significance. Or to put it even more simply, story is there to answer how did these things happen, while plot is there to answer why did these things happen."
KaiserBeamz (32.4K subs) "Gall Force: Eternal Story | KYOTO VIDEO"
You link Shaft's Monogatari from 2013, not the unrelated 2023 anime in your list.
Correct link:
I suppose I'm using MAL more like a diary or journal of my anime journey, rather than as a social home or launch pad. As a result, I use the description here to document my rules for assigning scores, both for any strangers who pass by, but also as a way for me to maintain some consistency between shows and over time.
I may have to rethink the social side of things but until things changes, I'll just leave this comment here.