Today Is My Birthday, So Spread The Celebration Around!!
Also, If U Don't Mind, Leave Me An Anime Birthday Post With An Anime Pic!! I Would Really Appreciate It!!
Haha yeah I really did, I'm glad you still sometimes get on here ^^
Omg lucky! School starts on Friday for me and that really makes me sad :(
Hehe thanks, I managed to reply to everything but now I again have to reply to some people xD
Hehe that's good, I guess :P
Aww you're very welcome, hope you like it :3
Aww thanks a lot! Happy New Year to you too, hope 2016 is gonna be the best year so far :D
Happy New Years everyone! I hope you had a great year! If not oh well I don't care. Anyway, as you can see, this newsletter is from Chibis!! I'm trying to make this club active again. I've started by giving the club a new look, and I'm editing all the threads to make them look nicer. The first semester of school is always the busiest, so I'm going to make time so I can help my club. I hope you guys can help this club become active again too! That will be much appreciated (*•̀ᴗ•́*)و ̑̑
Enough of that, now onto more important matters. Most of our staff is busy and yeah yeah yeah we need your help, blah blah blah ╮(─▽─)╭. I'm sure you heard this a million times from other clubs, but seriously, only like four of us is active. You can sign up hereif you are interested. No pressure. For some quick access to some of the staff links, here are some: Staff Chat Card Information Delivery Thread Staff Badges Since this club is one of those generic card clubs, then obviously, there are some (well, actually only one edition is open) editions open! Right now theHappy New Years 2015 holiday editionis open. There will be more editions to come, so keep your eyes open! (╯⊙ ⊱⊙╰ ) If you want to suggest some ideas for card editions (or some other things like events) then you can speak uphere. Speaking of events, I am going to experiment on some things ヾ(。・ω・)シ. I'm thinking of creating something like money and you have to buy things, with some special events, or like a festival of some sort. I'm also going to reopen the Chibi of the Month thread. I'm going to create a birthday thread too.
Thank you for reading. I know this newsletter is pretty long, but the spoiler button was not cooperating with me. I ask for your understanding ≦(._.)≧. To get the monthly newsletter, sign uphere.
All Comments (1889) Comments
Also, If U Don't Mind, Leave Me An Anime Birthday Post With An Anime Pic!! I Would Really Appreciate It!!
Hope you will have a great day ^^
♛ The Queen's Safe Haven
♛ Official Member Cards (November 2015)
♛ Pick up your cards here.
♛ Please save your cards on time.
♛ Thank you for requesting ^.^
Just relax and make sure you enjoy it as much as possible ^^
How's life , haven't heard from u in a while
I still use your revy edit for my forum shit
Omg lucky! School starts on Friday for me and that really makes me sad :(
Hehe thanks, I managed to reply to everything but now I again have to reply to some people xD
Hehe that's good, I guess :P
Aww you're very welcome, hope you like it :3
Aww thanks a lot! Happy New Year to you too, hope 2016 is gonna be the best year so far :D
Happy New Years everyone! I hope you had a great year! If not oh well I don't care. Anyway, as you can see, this newsletter is from Chibis!! I'm trying to make this club active again. I've started by giving the club a new look, and I'm editing all the threads to make them look nicer. The first semester of school is always the busiest, so I'm going to make time so I can help my club. I hope you guys can help this club become active again too! That will be much appreciated (*•̀ᴗ•́*)و ̑̑
Enough of that, now onto more important matters. Most of our staff is busy and yeah yeah yeah we need your help, blah blah blah ╮(─▽─)╭. I'm sure you heard this a million times from other clubs, but seriously, only like four of us is active. You can sign up here if you are interested. No pressure. For some quick access to some of the staff links, here are some:
Staff Chat
Card Information
Delivery Thread
Staff Badges
Since this club is one of those generic card clubs, then obviously, there are some (well, actually only one edition is open) editions open! Right now the Happy New Years 2015 holiday edition is open. There will be more editions to come, so keep your eyes open! (╯⊙ ⊱⊙╰ ) If you want to suggest some ideas for card editions (or some other things like events) then you can speak up here.
Speaking of events, I am going to experiment on some things ヾ(。・ω・)シ. I'm thinking of creating something like money and you have to buy things, with some special events, or like a festival of some sort. I'm also going to reopen the Chibi of the Month thread. I'm going to create a birthday thread too.
Thank you for reading. I know this newsletter is pretty long, but the spoiler button was not cooperating with me. I ask for your understanding ≦(._.)≧. To get the monthly newsletter, sign up here.