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Mahoutsukai no Yome: Nishi no Shounen to Seiran no Kishi
Nov 4, 2024 3:12 AM
· Scored
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Days: 4.4
Mean Score:
- Total Entries44
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- Chapters790
- Volumes10
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All Comments (915) Comments
I mean we never talked by any chance before and ever but sometimes I check your updates since I noticed Galaxy Express in your favs and spellbinding profile picture you had back in time (and you always do), so imo you have a very personal taste what catch my eye
My friends irl arent in to anime and I like talking about it so this discord was necessary could of joined a large one but I dont really like big servers prefer smaller more laid back ones so I made my own with people I've met over the years give us a shout if you're ever interested in taking a look.
I'll throw out some fairly recent shows that I enjoyed
Horimiya am sure you're aware of the manga you may recall I enjoy romance this is the best romance show I've watched
Mushoku tensei great isekai show another one I'd read beforehand has some weird (just japan things) but if you can ignore them theres a really good show.As im typing this i've just realized you said you didnt want ongoing shows so ignore what i've just said.
Interspecies reviewers....bit of a weird one coming from me this one people will say it's just a borderline hentai (it is if you're like 7) it's actually a pretty good comedy enjoyed it for what it was.
Tsuki ga kirei-romance good
Carole and tuesday I've actually had this on hold for a while was gonna wait till it finished airing and still havent got round to it worth watching it just for the music in it really.
I'd like to throw out some decent mecha or maybe something in space that was decent but honestly outside of 86 I havent seen a good mecha in ages I finished crest/banner of the starts recently but thats hardly a recent show plus you've seen it.Most of the good stuff I want to recommend is still ongoing or likely to get another season.
Aye Iroduku was very much my type of show cute little romance with a hint of drama nice to look at fits nicely into my drama folder with oregairu and WA2. Even got a nice little server icon for my discord from the show.
2020 was a rather poor year for shows but this years been fairly good so far Vivy aired last season and was quite the spectacle,86 also aired last season a show i'd already read some of the LN's for and they did a great job with it.Plenty of decent stuff floating around if you have a dig I'd throw out some more recs but our tastes are fairly different.
Ah thats funny. My boyfriend is INTJ lol
I dont think I'm TOTALLY ESFP but mainly I guess lol Ive taken the test like four times and its always ESFP. What are you?
Ive been online a lot recently. Slowly watching anime thats airing but now I started Jikogu Shoujo. I like it so far.