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Tensura Nikki: Tensei shitara Slime Datta Ken
Tensura Nikki: Tensei shitara Slime Datta Ken
Yesterday, 6:27 AM
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Mar 7, 12:21 PM
Completed 12/12 · Scored -
Re:Zero kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu 3rd Season
Re:Zero kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu 3rd Season
Mar 7, 9:19 AM
Watching 13/16 · Scored -
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JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken II: Golden Heart/Golden Ring
JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken II: Golden Heart/Golden Ring
Jan 12, 12:22 PM
Reading 3/8 · Scored -
JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken Part 3: Stardust Crusaders
JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken Part 3: Stardust Crusaders
Jan 9, 10:37 AM
Reading 121/152 · Scored -
I Fell into a Reverse Harem Game!
I Fell into a Reverse Harem Game!
Jan 9, 10:34 AM
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Zera Jul 31, 2018 4:40 PM
My replies will definitely vary with length, I guess I just write until I run out of things to say. Now.. where should I start?

China was great! We went to (and in this order) Beijing, Harbin, Hefei, Nanjing, and Hong Kong. It wasn't an equal amount of time in each place, Nanjing and Hong Kong were 1 night each. Hong Kong was my favourite, probably because it felt more familiar.

I should probably move on to talking about Devilman Crybaby. I'll make sure I add some spoiler tags in for this too.
Yeah, the amount of sexual content was one thing I was not a fan of. The only scene I guess I liked (which isn't really sexual) was the scene where we could see Miki in the bath, because wow, it was nice to see a character be allowed to shown naked in a non-sexual way. You know, because that kinda thing only really gets shown in ecchi anime with emphasis on the breasts and yeah. Or it straight out gets censored with weird camera angles. I was happy Devilman Crybaby could actually do that, but the sex stuff was too frequent and unnecessary. For example, that scene very VERY early on in the show when Akira becomes big-buff-devilish Akira and you randomly see him watching porn (???) WHAT IS THE POINT OF THAT??
The violence and gore doesn't affect me though, probably because I've seen lots of it in other media. Now, onto things I really liked about the show..
I liked Ryo. He definitely is a sack of 2-dimensional shit compared to the manga, but I guess the way he was portrayed I wanted to know more about the character and see more. Especially after he was shown to be maniacal and casually harm a bunch of people in the club episode 1. That's the thing though really, with the entire series itself. I guess it just made me want to know more about the source material, especially with how modernized the show is I wanted to see how it originally was.

I'm not too sure if the img tag works right now, but I will try it anyway. Here are some things that might convince you to read the manga a bit, or some comparisons with it and the show in general. First of all, Miki is a lot better of a character. She has spunk.

Ryo has PERSONALITY. He isn't stoic, and he has expressions. It's really funny while reading it too because his facial expressions often don't go with the text and it just looks hilarious-

I kind of thought Akira was a decent protagonist, or was
but none of that sexual BS is in the manga really. Take Silene as an example, nothing sexual ever happens with her character in my recollection. That's right. Just one badass fight scene or two.
I feel like I am rambling at this point, but I will add one more thing to the whole Devilman thing saying that
in the manga is different and horrific. I kind of found it more impactful myself, just because I felt like I could feel the terror in the whole situation. Scenarios in the manga are similar, but completely different at most times so it's like reading something familiar but completely different than Devilman Crybaby.

But yeah, I guess I just liked the show because Miki seemed sweet and nice and not an annoying female character like most are, Ryo intrigued me, and I liked the action. The suspense that kept me watching
from episode to episode, I guess that doesn't happen often with me. I just straight up binge watched it. Oh yeah, and I also liked the ending because it was something I WOULD NOT HAVE PREDICTED. Whenever things make my jaw-drop, I love it.

I never really got any further in Cowboy Bebop either really, and I think I only watched 7 or 8 episodes too. Maybe it gets good later on? Either way, should've gotten good by this point. Oh well. And yeah, I remember seeing a bunch of stuff about DMMd so I had my friend help me pirate it in the summer of 2015 and I binge-played that baby. Great game. Did you know it's going to get an official English release?? JAST USA (a company that licenses and translates VNs to English) opened up a new section called JAST BLUE not too long ago, and said it's going to work on the Nitro+CHiRaL games Sweet Pool, Lamento, Togainu no Chi, and DRAMAtical Murder. Honestly I'm probably stylizing names wrong since I'm going by memory, but yeah I am hyped. Soon as they get released (which, I know it'll be a whiiiiiile), they can take my money.

I've been really slack on watching anime. I plan to watch things, but I just got over my jet lag a couple days ago. Oh well. I watched episode 1 of Free season 3, but it disappointed me. I'm gonna get back to it after I watch Free Take Your Marks which comes between season 2 and season 3 (didn't know it existed, not that it's a big thing or really matters but I'm going to make myself watch it before I continue).

I hope you've been well!
Tsururin Jul 27, 2018 12:58 AM
Hi ! I'm Dorna , thanks for your friend request! and so sorry for my very late respond! it's been 2 years and kinda weird ! :D but I wasn't active and after I came there was some problem with MAL so I hope you understand ^^

anyway nice to meet you :)
Zera Jul 1, 2018 6:32 PM
I'll be in China for 2 and a half weeks starting this upcoming Wednesday, although it'll be a full day of travel before I get there. I've never been to Asia (and can say the same for most places), so I'm beyond excited. Man, that does sound super hectic though. How's the new apartment? Do you like it better?

One thing that really shocks me is that the forums are STILL down. I never was one to post on the forums, but it was fun to see what kinda topics were going on in the casual discussion section and submit the occasional response to that or the discussion of an episode. It's just really weird for me, especially because before I watch a show I don't know much about I generally go to the forum discussion of the first episode to see what people say. I've been using that BL forum site Aarinfantasy just to satisfy my forum needs and curiosities, but it's pretty dead.

I haven't been watching anything either, but when you watch Devilman Crybaby make sure to let me know how it is. I enjoyed it, I impulsively binge watched it back in February and watched it a second time to show someone it in March. I really liked it, but then after reading the original manga I wish it had stayed a bit more faithful to the source material because it would've made the characters a lot better. That's just me though. I must've REALLY enjoyed it when I first watched it though, because it's not often that I read the manga you know? Normally I'd read the manga and THEN watch a show, not vice versa. They're vastly different though because the manga was made in the 70s.

Most of the time whenever I feel like watching something, I've been watching documentaries on documentaryheaven or YouTube. I've always liked documentaries, but I used to find anime a lot more enjoyable to watch. Maybe I just need to find the 'right thing' to get me back into watching things, I tried Cowboy Bebop a little while ago but I've only gotten a few episodes in so far and I think I started it in April. I'm probably rambling, but I've also started to watch the show Malcolm in the Middle which was been super cool for me. I watched the first two seasons of it as a kid, but my mother thought I wasn't old enough to watch the show so she stopped me before I could get to season 3.

I was going to re-read the big ramble of words I just typed, but completely forgot it was Canada day and all I hear right now are fireworks.
Zera Jun 24, 2018 9:46 PM
How has everything been? MAL has been super weird for the past little while, I haven't watched or read all that much lately. I'm travelling soon, once it hits July, and I'm super excited.
Zera Mar 11, 2018 1:35 PM
I work at a daycare/after school program. In the summer there was a lot of kids and I had a lot of free time so I would work longer days, but I usually just show up for 2 hours on weekdays when the after school kids are there. On the weekends there's birthday parties, so that job is just cleaning up and preparing for the parties rather than watching children.

How'd the convention go? That sounds exciting!
Zera Feb 25, 2018 3:17 PM
Definitely, things have been well. Some of the hours I work are a bit weird (and I don't like working weekends since the weekend job is completely different), but it's a job I enjoy doing.
What's new with you?
Zera Feb 15, 2018 5:28 PM
Gosh, why am I so bad at replying??? Happy Valentine's day! I'll try to remember the next holiday. Once again, how've you been?
Zera Jan 1, 2018 12:40 PM
Oh hey, thank you so much! Sorry I haven't had much to say this year. I was able to get a job for the first time, and going from having so much free time to so little gets so overwhelming. Happy 2018! I have high hopes for this year.
-Armageddon- Jan 1, 2018 7:12 AM
It is nice to see you back online. I hope everything is going well for you. I did not forget about your comment, I saved it, so that I can reply to it later. Sorry it is taking so long.
-Armageddon- Oct 29, 2017 10:12 PM
Haha, that's totally fine. Time flies by quickly.

Thank you for the advice. I do keep track of my ideas, in my head. I don't like making lists or short notes. You can draw manga? Too bad some of your ideas are gone ):

How does downloading make life easier, if it takes up space on your computer?

Omg, you actually did download them all! Now that you reminded me of it, I want to re-watch Casshern Sins. Maybe I will, maybe I won't. In general, few people claim that Casshern Sins is objectively bad, but many people say that it is not their type of anime, because it is slow and bleak. It is indeed very introspective, but it is interesting and unpredictable nonetheless. Tell me how you find it, after you finish it.

I see you started Twittering Birds Never Fly. How do you like it?

Yes, the second season is over, and who knows when the third season will start. Koogi is skipping every other week anyways. I am dropping Killing Stalking because in my opinion, it had already seen its best times.

Then I will give Sabita Yoru top priority when I decide to get back to manga. Right now I am not reading anything, only watching some episodes from time to time. I read quite a lot for college, which makes me tired of reading altogether.

I too reply whenever I feel like it, so don't worry, I understand.

Yes, I made some changes, it has been a long time, after all. However, yesterday I deleted the content of 'about me' section without first saving the code. Right now I am too lazy to code it all over again.. But when I eventually do get to re-coding, I will probably make links instead of spoiler buttons.
-Armageddon- Oct 24, 2017 12:53 AM
Did you trade your sleep for Twittering Birds?
(I will reply to your wall message soon.)
-Armageddon- Jun 20, 2017 2:22 AM
You can answer as you like, I don't mind it either way.

My break officially started in June, but I skipped graduation and went home a week earlier.

Yes, now it is too late..
I like those subjects too, but I can't imagine myself doing research in biology/chemistry my entire life.
Educational institutions are always hell, but at least some of them provide somewhat decent education.

Yes, I do. I already have some episodes in mind, but not a coherent story yet. Personally I feel like I am not mature enough to write anything right now, so I will wait. Also, since I noticed that the endings even of some very good stories are usually off and not quite in line with the general mood of those books, I will avoid that by starting to write only when I will know the ending.

So you download instead of watching shows online?

Okay, I will keep that in mind.

You should definitely read Twittering Birds Never Fly, it is very good. I am not an expert, but I think it is a must for yaoi fans. And it is not a comedy.

>I do find it very unfortunate how the Anime ended, Light could've won in so many ways, but they had to make him fall in a silly manner.
Many people agree on that, including me. Sadly, there aren't any absolutely perfect shows.
Yes, Light's God complex was like a final, completing stroke to his awesome personality. I wouldn't call myself a Kira supporter, because I didn't care why he used the note, but I found it stupid of Light to believe he could make a "new" world.

>I got busy so I never continued the rest.
Killing Stalking is not as sadistic anymore :/ The main characters just hang out together in different places. I read KS on Lezhin, but only when I can't find new chapters elsewhere.
-Armageddon- Jun 10, 2017 10:32 AM
It is fine, I don't mind late replies.
>I'm assuming your spring vacation ended by now?
You are killing me, of course it had ended, it is summer now XD

>I would love to avoid working in a hospital as much as possible
You would love to, but can you? Why would you choose this major in the first place?

Yes, being in a shitty university sucks. I have got into an average university, probably will be reapplying or transferring.

>I would be really interested in following up any story or Manga you create in the future
I will remember that ^ ^

Tell me how you liked Casshern Sins when you complete it.

One Punch Man is also short, so maybe I will watch it one day, when I need a good comedy.

Yes, Junjou Romantica is classic, every yaoi fan has to read/watch it. It was my first yaoi show; I liked it, but I didn't get into yaoi after it. Though I read and watch yaoi sometimes. Have you read Twittering Birds Never Fly?

I watch most shows in dub to increase my skills in English, and yes, DN's dub was great. Why did you like Light?

By the way, did you see that Killing Stalking is on hiatus again?!

Yes, that's a novel, though I wish it was a manga. I want to see more of Ferid.
Zera Jun 7, 2017 4:38 PM
I guess I felt like a change, this name should be here to stay but I'm generally indecisive.
I had no idea Caste Heaven was updated, I'm going to go check up the updates now!

On another note, I've really been enjoying RE:Creators. The concept of it is just amazing, and seeing all the characters from different worlds interact is fun to watch every week.
Zera May 5, 2017 12:00 PM
What've you been up to lately, watch or read anything good?
It’s time to ditch the text file.
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