I choose the next anime to watch simply by systematically going down the top anime page. The vast majority of the anime on that page have been worth watching, so I find this method very rewarding. I am also a completionist, which means that it is interesting and fulfilling to me to try to watch through the entire animated franchise of an anime that I pick to watch. As a result of this however, I've watched some stuff that I would rather not associated with. Just know that an anime being on my list does not mean that I endorse its content.
I don't rate things anymore. I still like the idea of rating things and I respect people who have rated tons of things, but I often find myself getting caught up in the details when I rate things, so I have decided to stop.
I don't feel confident in my ability to call something a "masterpiece" like MAL recommends, so instead I rate things based on how worthwhile it was to me personally. A 10 means that I found it to be a completely worthwhile experience and a 1 means that it was a complete waste of time. I am pretty easy to please in some ways, so if something is significantly more good than bad in every major aspect, then I consider it worthwhile. This is why I have so many 10 ratings.
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