I am a person who like anime and various other things like reading and writing and filmmaking. I am bad at all of these things (including reading) but I enjoy them nonetheless.
Favorite anime is Fullmetal Alchemist.
Favorite book is The Sound And the Fury by William Faulkner
Favorite movie is The Seven Samurai.
Note that I'm a very visceral viewer. A lot of people view that as an inferior trait, like it's somehow bad to talk about one's personal impressions as opposed to looking at things "objectively." I think there's merit to both, just different modes of thinking.
How are you liking Aria? I've heard it has a nice tranquil atmosphere, but on the other side of the same coin I've heard the "nothing ever happens and it will put you to sleep" complaint.
Still one of my favorites. People ask me about it because of its placement, I tell them what I got out of it and I also suggest the best mindset for getting the most out of it, and for the most part if you go in knowing what to expect (not spoiled, exactly, just understanding how it tells its story and what it's trying to be) it's usually a pretty fulfilling experience; all of the people I've pitched it to who went on to watch it ended up really, really liking it. Ultimately, I think whether you can get behind it or not hinges entirely on whether you can appreciate its characters, who are subtle and grounded to the point that they can be mistaken for bland and dimensionless. Which they aren't, but I understand how some people come to that conclusion if they're expecting something louder and more straightforward.
I resisted the temptation for about as long as I could, but it just looked like SO much fun. I mean, I practically had to threaten the guy's emotional well-being just to become the gracious recipient of four sentences (of inarticulate drivel and fallacious generalizations) that actually attempt to address what I originally said. Nice song, make sure to get a harp accompaniment and record that.
As for Mushishi, I'm enjoying it a lot. I love the writing, rich with metaphor and subtlety. The general atmosphere is excellent, very calm and tranquil, in keeping with the "nothing is really good or evil, things are what they are" attitude of the series. It's a really varied show emotionally, dark and unsettling at times, uplifting at times, but it always feels natural and balanced. Also, in some of the later episodes I've found myself unexpectedly enthralled by the music and sound design.
By the way, you should let me know what your opinion of Red Garden is once you've dug into it a little. I like horror, and it's caught my eye in the past, but I haven't gotten around to watching it yet.
Oh yes, and I've seen you on the Bukkit a few times. I am the antithesis of interesting, but I accept your conclusion nonetheless.
Nice profile setup, by the way (much like that of our mutual friend). I like a lot of your favorites, and in particular I feel that Now and Then, Here and There is a great show that's often overlooked.
Thats ok, I actually found it on Danbooru under C.C. + hat and it was luckily on the first page. The original is big but doesn't have any more CC than your avatar..
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As for Mushishi, I'm enjoying it a lot. I love the writing, rich with metaphor and subtlety. The general atmosphere is excellent, very calm and tranquil, in keeping with the "nothing is really good or evil, things are what they are" attitude of the series. It's a really varied show emotionally, dark and unsettling at times, uplifting at times, but it always feels natural and balanced. Also, in some of the later episodes I've found myself unexpectedly enthralled by the music and sound design.
By the way, you should let me know what your opinion of Red Garden is once you've dug into it a little. I like horror, and it's caught my eye in the past, but I haven't gotten around to watching it yet.
Nice profile setup, by the way (much like that of our mutual friend). I like a lot of your favorites, and in particular I feel that Now and Then, Here and There is a great show that's often overlooked.
Other reviews kept telling me it's moeshit, yours explained me why IMnC isn't for me, thanks.