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Javucho_780 Jun 10, 2024 4:31 AM
Lol, but to be fair, we pretty much learned the colours and the numbers from one to ten when we were five, so I don't think it's impressive. That's nice, I like how he speaks and how he reacts to the gameplay. But why unsubscribing though, you can just deactivate the notifications if you're not watching his videos anymore. The good thing is as long as you have ten free minutes, you can already watch one of the three games. That's nice, it's such a nice game I feel like most people would love it, plus it has a pretty easy platinum too, you just have to explore everything in the island, which I would recommend you to do after finishing the main story, because you'll probably want to keep playing the game (there's a new game+ trophy, but it doesn't count for the platinum, which I think is great).

Yeah, but I think they'll probably just make you stop your business, like the thing they did deleting a ton of maps in Garry's Mod just because they had things related to Nintendo. There's a series in Twitch Spain which is called the Pokemon Twitch Cup, where a lot of streamers that haven't played a lot of Pokemon try to do a Nuzlocke with the help of another streamer who knows how to play, and the game they play is an unnoficial game they made (with a lot of references to all the streamers, like one of the streamers was third in the world in a Pokemon competition, so in one of the gyms you fight his younger version as a leader, with the team he had for the competition), so I think it's truly alright as long as you don't sell the game. Damn, I'm sure you have to be a completionist for you to spend 400 hours on a single-player lol, but I don't judge you, I'd spend them on Elden Ring. Yeah, plus if you wanted another Samurai kind of game, there's other options like Rise of the Ronin. Well, I think it's different, I don't like the concept of battle-passes or having to pay on a gacha (although I've played a lot of them like One Piece Treasure Cruise or Bleach Brave Souls), but at least by paying you get nice things like skins on a game you might play for 10 years. But with most single-players, you'll play it once and just go onto the next one, so why paying every month?

Well if you were underleveled it's no wonder you couldn't beat them, I always used the strat of buyint hundreds of heals and revives lol. Well, with the remakes you could consider playing it again, although I don't know how enjoyable will a Pokemon game be for someone who has played better games and isn't the biggest fan of the saga.

I think it's understandable, I'm not sure, but I think Gintama is mostly a comedy, so I'd say it's normal you're more hyped about a big story with so many characters and misteries, you'll always have like 10 different questions about certain characters or arcs, and by the time they get answered, you'll have another twenty.

Well, I think it depends on how hyped you are for the Jujutsu Kaisen story to continue. If you're not really hyped, maybe letting it rest for some time while reading Vagabond would be nice, but if you really want to know how the story continues you should read it now, specially since it's close to finishing, so in order to avoid spoilers it might be better to start it now.
Javucho_780 May 28, 2024 1:24 PM
Well, to be fair, I learned it since I was like five up until this point, so surely for me it seems easy, but maybe it's harder if you try to learn it in like a year. I just think it's easier compared to other languages like spanish, french or japanese. Yeah, it's hard to learn it unless you're raised with it I think. I probably know what game you're talking about, the thing is there's so many horror games about anything man, I guess it's just easier because you can make a 20 minutes game with a few jumpscares and it's great to play (like speaking of Markiplier, look at his series Three Horror Games, where he plays three different ones in like 40 minutes). True lol, but it would be funny though. I don't know anything about Metal Gear so I can't compare, but at the level he is right now, Goku can easily destroy a planet with a normal attack. It's fun to debate with your friends about what character might be stronger, specially when they're from different animes. I'm glad to hear it man, hope you enjoy playing it as much as I did (it's one of the games I'm seriously thinking about getting the platinum of, which I think speaks a lot in its favour).

I guess it's just about considering wether or not the money you'd get is more on less than the money you'll have to pay Nintendo. I think it's ok as long as they don't profit from them, like you can make a fake Pokemon T-shirt for yourself, but you can't sell it. You're completely right, like I don't know if you're a BIG fan of Assassins Creed, but the new game they announced basically proves you right. It has a battle pass. A single player game man, why in the world does it need one? But still, maybe some people will buy it, and it's some money for them.

Lol, it just felt worthless, and the thing is, it was truly unnecesary, because I would beat the league ten levels above them so it wouldn't matter. Man, it must have been pretty sad to lose something you've put so many hours into, did you ever play the game again? Yeah, which at least gives a bit more security. That's a shame, I've heard that the platinum of one of the games is really difficult to obtain, which sounds like a good challenge.

That's another option, the more variety you have the more you'll enjoy each of the animes you watch, so maybe it's good that you switch it with JJK season two. Well, as far as I know, Gintama is a comedy anime, so I'm sure it's alright if you just continue watching it some day. We'll see, if you drop One Piece before 10 episodes then we might think it's kind of improvable lol.
Javucho_780 May 23, 2024 1:21 PM
Thank you!! I wish I was hard working too lol (although I'm getting there). But I think everyone seems smart when they talk about the things they like. I mean, to be honest, english is probably one of the easiest languages to learn, I believe it's a lot easier to learn a second language as a spanish speaker than as an english speaker, like in spanish for example, there's a different word for every verb depending on who you're refering to (for example I drive = Yo conduzco, You drive = Tú conduces). And from what I've heard japanese is pretty difficult too. That's true, fans would make fantastic games about famous sagas, but there would probably be a lot of weird games out there like a Metal Gear where you play as Goku, and you can just finish the game by turning super saiyan and doing a kamehameha lol. Yeah, Iki Island comes for free with ps plus (although to be fair, I have the premium suscription, since I want to play a lot of the old games that come with the premium version, so I don't know if it's available if you just buy it for the online). Well, here it's pretty similar, it's really focused on our country history, but we also learn quite a bit about the rest of the world.

Yeah, you could drop a horrible looking shirt with a pikachu on it, and before you got sued by Nintendo, you'd earn a lot of money man. You make a great point, and it's kind of sad that this is the gaming industry, just pursuing money, because the thing is, from a video I've watched (from a guy I think of as trust-worthy, so I understand that what he says is research and not what he makes up), the games that give the money the biggest amount of money are gacha games or games with loot boxes in general or battle-passes, which would let single-player games on the side if they're just pursuing money. I don't know man, if they keep making great sales from similar types of Pokemon games, why would they change them?

I mean lets be honest, as a kid we would have trouble beating Pokemon man, I remember looking at the screen thinking "why would I want this attack if it doesn't make damage", and it would be the best boost attack in the game. I get what you're saying, there's times when you want to play games like a Baldurs Gate III, where you need to think carefully about every movement that you make and how to solve every situation, and sometimes you just want to relax and not think, and this kind of games allows you to do so. That's a shame, I can do with some bugs or glitches, but if you're save can be lost is kind of a set-back when starting a game.

I hope you enjoy it if you do, I'll be waiting to hear your thoughts on it. But I'd honestly just take it slow, otherwise you'll probably get bored (it happened to me, and One Piece is my favourite anime, along with Vinland Saga, Hajime no Ippo and Ousama Ranking but this is off-topic). With how much people use TikTok right now, I think your attention span might not be that bad.
Javucho_780 May 12, 2024 12:53 PM
I'm not sure if I'm getting what you're saying (I'm not the smartest lol), but I feel like you're saying that regardless of how well received the games are among the old fans of the saga, the new players will enjoy the game, so the company doesn't have to make those changes, but hopefully they do them in a way that is well accepted for everyone. I agree, it's a posibility that because there's so many games out there they don't want to try too many different things because they might be compared with other sagas, but the thing is, maybe the fans are complaining without a reason, but they probably complain about some things because they know of a better way to do them. I think you should play Ghost of Tsushima if you ever want to, it's not a really long game if you just go to the main story, but it gives you so many things to do with the exploration (plus if you have PS plus, it comes with the DLC for free, which is probably as good as the game, although I still haven't played it). Me too man, history is really interesting for some reason. Probably the fact that you had to study instead of just learn is what makes you not like it at school.

That's a nice idea, like it would be great to have like an open world where there's like all the regions of Pokemon and you can compete in all of their leagues, it would be interesting. Yeah, but I guess it's easier for them to make a shorter game which will probably sell the same because it is Pokemon. I guess it might be easier to fix games on PC than on PS5 and XBOX so they try to make the game as good as possible so that they don't have to fix it in the future.

I get what you're saying, and I guess it might depend on the game. Like with Spyro, I think I played one of the games on a NintendoDS for like 30 minutes, but from what I know it is more of a platform game, and also pretty short in comparison with games like Far Cry 3 (although it's not like I know for sure), so maybe the kind of game doesn't feel wrong, because it feels like new different levels of the same game, or maybe with how long the games are it doesn't really get to a point where you're bored. By the way, have you played the remakes?? Because it looks like something I might be interested in playing.

Well, the problem isn't a big amount of fillers, but the slow pace of the anime. When you have an anime that has the same number of episodes as the chapters in the manga with not a huge amount of fillers you know it's a slow anime. Yeah, One Piece has a few things where it is amazing, like the story or the world in which the story takes place, it's so well writen it feels like the world is alive, like the author connects everything little by little. I think maybe the key is just to watch it whenever you feel like you want to watch One Piece. Like if you want to watch 100 episodes this week, good, and if then you don't want to watch it until November, good. But if the remake is truly good and fixes the pacing, it might be better.
Javucho_780 May 5, 2024 1:25 PM
Yeah, that's why I think that remakes are great, because it allows people to enjoy games that because of the graphics, or the way you control the characters would seem like a waste of time in comparison with newer games. But I think that the problem is that most gamers aren't new, but people who have been playing for years, so even if I'll probably enjoy my first FarCry game regardless of how it is, the hundreds of thousands of fans of the saga need a better game to enjoy playing the saga. That's interesting, since even people who game a lot are excited about GTA6, and I feel like it's because they think the game will be pretty original. If you like games like Red Dead Redemption 2, where you're so inmersed that you become the MC, you'll probably enjoy Ghost of Tsushima. I think the key is that you play it when you truly want to, if you actually want to play it, if you play it because I recommended it or because you think there will be better games in the future, you probably wont enjoy it as much as you would if you play it when you truly want to.

True, I think that's the reason people like to collect rare cards worth thousands of dollars. I don't know, I think it would have to be one of this smaller games Pokemon does on the side, like the Pokemon Ranger games, since the main saga is actually focused on kids, so a simple game works regardless of it being the same. I think if they allow a smaller team of their company to develop a game for the people who have been their whole lifes with the saga, they could make a great videogame. When I watched the video I mentioned before the YouTuber said that he thought the reason for the game being so broken at the begining could be the people from the videogame company trying to get the fans to buy the game on PS5 or XBOX first to play it as soon as the game was released, and then on PC to play it with better graphics and with mods. But I feel like maybe more people game on a PS5 than on PC, since a PS5 is cheaper than a really good PC, and so because of the amount of gamers it has, it's worth it to focus more on the PS5 version of the videogame. I'll tell you when I play it, but it might be this summer, I don't know, since there's a great amount of videogames I really want to play.

I get it considering how you've played this kind of videogames for longer than I have, so even if it feels like a new videogame for me, it just seems like a copy to you. Yeah, I get what you mean, the fact that you can enjoy the remakes because you really liked the original games doesn't mean that it would feel better for you if there were new games instead, like new games of the saga, with the same esence but with different stories and mechanics. Lol.

I heard of the remake but I didn't know it was legit until now, it's amazing if they do it right, because if the fix the pace of the anime, they could get to where the current adaptation is in like 500 episodes, which I feel like would make some people decide to watch it, who where kind of not interested because it's a 1100+ episode anime. If the remake is good, it can save you a lot of time. I love the original One Piece, but it's probably nostalgia more than it being the best anime in the world lol. I'll tell you when the remake has a few episodes already.
Javucho_780 Apr 29, 2024 2:15 PM
I agree, since we have to understand that the gaming industry, is just a business. So when a studyo wants to make money, it looks at what's popular at the time, with RPGs as you said, with open worlds, with battle royales after pubg, and with gacha games after genshin impact. Like even if the developers wanted to make something original, they'd have their bosses telling them that they had to instead make a game with a specific formula, because it's what's famous right now, which means sales. And it's the same with famous sagas, they just see them as an easy way to get money. I've seen a video the other day that talked about FarCry 6 and he said that the game was just FarCry 3 with other skins, like the game was the same but with better graphics and a slightly different story, but it was done like this probably because of the success of the first games. I haven't played Red Dead Redemption 2 yet, but I'm looking forward to do it, since they say it's a great open world, which probably makes the story more inmersive and makes you feel like a true cowboy, kind of like what Ghost of Tsushima does (which I'm playing right now), the world of the game truly makes you feel like you're a samurai saving your people.

I feel like they also play with the factor of nostalgia, like playing a new pokemon game can make you remember when you played it as a kid, so even if they make a game that is pretty much the same as the previous one but with 50 new pokemons, people still buy it. I think that's great, with how the games are, I don't think you should buy them expecting them to be good games. I'm not sure about what you mean with Dragons Dogma 2 unless you're talking about the micro-transactions, which are pretty lame. Oh, maybe I know what you're talking about. I'm a PS gamer so I didn't have a problem with the game, but I've watched a MoistCrytical video where he complains about how the game didn't work when it came out, that it crashed all the time. Well, it's true that they make a lot of remakes and remasters just to get money from a game hey know is going to be a success, but I'm glad they're making them, since I haven't really played any of the Resident Evil games yet, but I'm planing on playing the newer ones and the remakes. And at this point it feels like it's a lot better to play a newer game, like Dragons Dogma 2 instead of an old game.
Will it get overwhelmingly positive reviews? Well, I don't know, because I do think people will still buy and like the games, but as it happened to you with pokemon, some people might get tired of games that are pretty similar.

I didn't know about his diet, how in the world can he train like he does with 800 calories? The thing is, I kind of believe him because he has no reason to lie. People see him as the goat, so why would he lie? But still, 800 calories sounds like less than the correct amount of calories for someone who doesn't work out, and David Goggins works out quite a lot.

Yeah, I don't know if there's surgery for hearing, but if there isn't there will probably be in the future a way to fix hearing problems.
Javucho_780 Apr 24, 2024 9:42 AM
Yeah, it would be nice to check on those worlds some years after you played them. Yeah, he has been part of the server for a few seasons now. I don't really know which game Cube World is, but because of its name I assume it's something similar to Minecraft. Yeah man, it feels weird seeing videos you felt like you watched yesterday but are actually from years ago.

I've heard some people say the same, and they think it's because the lack of originality (I haven't played enough yet to say for sure). Like, there's 13 different Assassins' Creed games, and 137 different Pokemon games, and to be fair, they are the same game with different graphics. And while of course it's an exageration, it doesn't really feels like they're new games, but more of a copy of what sold in the past. But I'm saying someone else opinion, I don't know if you agree. I think that because of what you say, it might be true that the new games are just copies. Like look at the games that have been loved for the last few years. Baldurs Gate III, I haven't played it, but from what I've seen, I don't think there's any game that can be considered like really similar. The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild and Elden Ring, are both open world games, like another 1000 games, but instead of having a map with a lot of marks in it telling you where to go, it shows you interest points by world design. Like when you start Elden Ring, you can see the Stormveill Castle from where you are, which is literally where the main story starts. In TLOZBOTW, when you unlock a map in one of the towers, you can see from there all kind of different things that catch your attention.

Yeah, and when you listen to his story it's crazy, like he was legit around 200 pounds when he started working out, and he became a Navy Seal in just a few months (although I'm talking from memory here, you should check the podcasts he has with Joe Rogan).

I mean, I got a lot of spoilers some years ago, but I guess it was just because I was watching a lot of anime content on Instagram and TikTok, so if you try to avoid spoilers, it might be easy to do it.

Damn, you really listen to every kind of music lol. Do you like classical music too?? Well, I think that even if you lost your hearing, there's probably a way to get it back. Like have you seen the video where Mr. Beast makes 100 blind people see again? So I'd say that more than something horrible, it would just give you a goal, to be able to listen to your favourite songs again.
Javucho_780 Apr 21, 2024 10:59 AM
True, specially when it's a world where you've built a lot of stuff and you watch it all like in a panoramic perspective. That's nice that you used to play Minecraft with your brother, I'm sure both of you have great memories from that time (although having to quit mid-game was probably not one of them lol), but I guess if all you played was modded Minecraft, you can't really tell which items are actually from the game or something a mod adds. But to be fair, I only know what a conduit is and what it does since I got really into watching Hermitcraft during quarantine, which is a server with a lot of YouTubers who spend like 8 hours per day playing Minecraft, so the buildings they do are amazing.

Yeah, I've been doing it like this for quite a while, like because I want to complete a certain game I say to myself, I'll play it everyday from 5 to 7, which I guess works, because I finished the game, but sometimes it felt like I was doing chores instead of enjoying the game. I'm starting to give myself some freedom as to what and when I play, and it has made it more enjoyable, but the key might be balance, like lets say I don't want to play a certain game right now because wathever, I try to say well it's ok to not play it today, but lets try to at least play it every sunday, to not lose interest and forget some details of the plot. That's amazing, but I feel like it only happens with the kind of games that stay on your favourites for a long time after you play them.

Yeah man, it feels unreal to see how disciplined he is, like he's ran a race of like 200 miles in around 36 hours, imagine running for so long without stopping, with your feet broken if I remember correctly. Yeah, he's kind of a meme now, but in a good way I think, since his message reaches even more people. THEY DON'T KNOW ME SON!!!

Yeah, it's just so easy to find spoilers about any random anime, like scrolling through TikTok or watching a podcast, it builds a feeling of urgency to watch the anime. I agree, I've watched Naruto, but I think I'll read the manga instead of watching Shippuden, because I basically know everything that happens on the anime, although it's because my friend loves to give spoilers. I guess it can help you to have more things to talk about with people if you've watched the same animes, and it might also make you feel more like part of the anime community. Well, if you just watch them little by little, some day you'll realize that you've actually watched all of the famous animes. I also have some famous animes that I haven't watched, like Monster, Death Note, Sword Art Online, or Code Geass.

It's understandable, Ski Mask the Slump God has a pretty unique style lol. What about you, what music do you usually listen to???
Javucho_780 Apr 18, 2024 12:56 PM
Well, you technicaly can do it now with the elytra and some fireworks, so it can be a nice way to defeat the Ender Dragon. Well, I think they just wanted to make the game more complex so that people who have been playing it for years keep playing it and enjoying it, so having to wait for more damage just adds a little bit of difficulty to the game, and makes fights more dynamic, like jumping to deal more damage. I was also thinking about the turtle helmet and the conduit (which as far as I know it gives you infinite underwater breathing as long as you're close to it). Yeah, me neither, it just feels like a lot of effort for a small advantage.

Yeah, things like your job can actually make it so difficult for you to do something that even if you manage to do it, you wont enjoy it because you're just forcing it into a little space in your schedule. Yeahhh, playing more than 2 or 3 games at the same time will probably lead to you not playing one of them for a month, which will make you completely lose interest in it.

Damn, I'm glad just a comment had such an effect, and I hope you keep going on your journey to a better physique. But I think you'll get to a point where you wont need motivation, when you have actually become a really disciplined person (I'm trying to become one too). Because there's some days bro, in which you just don't really want to do what you're supposed to, but consistency is key, so I'm trying to become more disciplined (David Goggins type shit lol).

It's the problem with series that are so famous, I feel like in the last few years, no one has started Naruto without knowing half of the stuff in the anime.

Well, I'm not the biggest music fan, but I usually listen to Eminem and Ski Mask the Slump God a lot, I don't know if it fits your style though, listen to some of their songs and tell me.
Javucho_780 Apr 16, 2024 1:19 PM
Me too lol, I remember flying with a diamond sword in my hand fighting the Ender Dragon. That's nice, since after a lot of updates there could actually be one or two that you just didn't really enjoy. Yeah, the world just feels more filled with different things in general, not just a sandbox. It's not even comparable the nether when it was introduced in the game to the nether now lol, the same with the caves and oceans. I think that you could already swim when I started playing Minecraft, but I'm not sure if there were any ways of breathing underwater.

I guess that's a plus, commenting with other people online your experience on the DLC might be something that makes you look forward to keep playing the game. Well, I'd see it as a rest from Shin Megami Tensei, since you'll probably get bored if you play for hours everyday no matter how much you like the game, but I guess Elden Ring isn't really the game to relax lol. Well, I guess there's two ways of seeing it, with one being the fact that if new games are being made every year that you want to play, you don't really have the time to go back to some older games that you want to play. But I think you can also see it as you always having something to look forward to, because no matter how many games you play, you still have a lot of them that you want to play.

True man, I still don't have the physique I want, but I've been working out for 6 months pretty consistently, so I feel like when I actually achieve a physique I'm proud of, all the work outs it took to get there will make me happier and more proud. I don't know who said it, but only things that are difficult to earn can give you true happiness. I feel the same too, and maybe we're wrong, but I just have this image of me looking at myself in the mirror and liking the way I look and how confident it must feel, it makes me want to train even harder lol. Well, I think that maybe it's a matter of being happy with what you have while still wanting more. Like I think in general, but it also aplies to improving by going to the gym, you should be proud of the progress you've made, even if you're not where you want to yet.

It's great that you're watching JJK, but until you finish the two seasons, I'd recommend you to avoid using any kind of social media, since there's an incredible amount of spoilers about the manga, I haven't read the manga since like fifty chapters ago, but I still know what's going on on the manga. Yeah man, when an character is so confident to the point of seeming arrogant, but he actually is what he says it's amazing.
Javucho_780 Apr 14, 2024 1:43 PM
Yeahh, but I never actually beat the game, since I always played on creative mode on my phone, so I wanted to beat it and get all the trophies. It must be cool having played Minecraft since the begining, like you can apreciate more the changes in the game. Well, I feel like only Minecraft YouTubers who have played for thousands of hours (like the people on the Hermitcraft server) are good at building lol.

That's fair though since I feel like games like Stardew Valley should be played until you get bored, because it doesn't really have a story to complete. So maybe the genre isn't for you, or maybe you just play it in a different way.

Well, it's understandable that something like that happens with a game that takes 100 hours to beat, so I hope that maybe this summer with the DLC you'll want to actually play it again. I don't know if I would be able to spend 8 hours on a single game in just a day, so it's impressive that you have done it. Yeah, I guess if you buy the game again, you'll have the need to play it because otherwise it would wasting money. But yeah, each year there's like 10 different games that everyone is looking forward to play, so the more you wait the bigger the amount of other options you will have, but I wouldn't stress over it, because if you start the game just because of that, you wont really enjoy Elden Ring.

I'd argue that if you work to get the money, you'll have to work for 8 hours per day, while if you worked out to get Tojis' physique, you'd have to work out for two hours per day, so if you chose the money you'd have more free time.

Yeah, power ups are great, I was just saying it in case you were expecting a more unrealistic type of story. That's the best way to do it, just give it a go, and if it's not for you just go onto the next one.

Don't worry about it man, I'm glad if you're doing alright. Sometimes we don't have time for everything we want to do and need to set priorities. I'm working (only a few hours each day) now while I also study and work out, so I understand what is like not having free time for everything you want to do.
Javucho_780 Apr 10, 2024 1:54 PM
Yeah, I got it last summer, and it's amazing! Right now I'm playing Minecraft (a classic), Final Fantasy I and Stardew Valley (I'm trying to get the platinum). But there's like a thousand different games I want to play. I haven't actually beaten Elden Ring yet though, I'm waiting until summer to play like 6 hours per day, specially since the DLC comes out on summer. Have you finished Elden Ring???

That's great man, because I think anyone can enjoy JJK, even people who don't watch anime. Well, Tojis' physique is amazing, but I feel like it's obtainable without gear (although it probably takes years).

Both of them are great, Shamo has really great fights, without any power ups and stuff, just pure technique. Well, Vagabond is one of those stories that tries to teach you something (no spoiler), so even though from what I know, the author just gave up with it and decided to not write more (he might pick it up in the future, I don't know), it's still worth your time, to the point it's on the top 10 of a lot of people even while being an unfinished manga. By the way, Vagabond is the story of a hystorical character, so that might be what makes it worth it even without it being finished, like the fact that it's based on his story makes it more appealing to some people. Tell me your thoughts if you decide to start it.
Javucho_780 Apr 8, 2024 2:56 AM
Well, it was more like doing other stuff on my free time instead of anime (like videogames or YouTube videos), so even if I was really busy, I still could've watched more anime if I wanted to. That's great man, I don't want to set the bar too high, but I wish I could watch stuff like Attack on Titan or Jujutsu for the first time, so I hope you enjoy them.

I know what you mean, it happens to me too, to the point I try to only start reading mangas that are completed and fully available in my language. But to be fair, there's a pretty big amount of finished mangas that are great enough to catch anyones atention, like Vagabond, The Climber, Shamo, The Fable... So even if you only want to read finished mangas, you have a great variety from which you can choose. Well, I was caught up with them for a while, but I haven't read those mangas for months, since as you said, I end up forgetting the names of the characters, or what happened on the story, or even mixing up different stories (which is pretty easy if you're reading 50 mangas). I don't, that's why I stopped reading them lol.
Javucho_780 Apr 6, 2024 8:38 AM
Well, pretty good, although I didn't watch as much anime as I would've liked to lol. What about you??
Javucho_780 Apr 3, 2024 4:44 AM
Thank you bro!!!!! :)
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