Aggressive comeback in the works. Get ready, it's epic.
Who is SkinneeJay?
I'm a nerd from Israel. I love video games, books, music, anime and food. My favorite video games are Fallout 3 and The Neverhood. Favorite authors are Bret Easton Ellis and Chuck Palahniuk. If I understand Ellis correctly, we have the same views on life. Favorite movies are Terminator 2, The Killer and Ed Wood. In music, I can listen to everything. Nine Inch Nails is my favorite. Other things you need to know is that I love discussing nearly eveyrthing, I'm writing my own short stories, hoping to create an Action Movie Encyclopedia and taking over the world.
Didn't have time to watch Anime in a long time. Now I'm back.
All Comments (324) Comments
Ick, David Lynch. You sure you mean "strange films" or "shit films"? I'm all for the unusual and odd, but that guy is just a prime example of trying too hard and excusing mess as complexity and challenge.
Speaking of weird films, have you ever seen Battle Royale? I strongly recommend it. Great film if you like pulpy strangeness and Japan.
Torrent Vaccine
Cyanotic is among my favourite bands, and one of the best industrial acts today. It's been described as "angry robot music", which seems to be the kind of thing you're looking for.