Hey. My name is Lea. I am 15. Born on July 20th 1995. I live in canada, and I love anime. I dont really have a specific genre of anime that I like. I like horror,comedy, romances etc. I mean I like anime with blood but not like a huge river size of blood (if you know what I mean). and not a big fan of nudity either.
Favourite Anime would probably be D. GRAY-MAN by: Katsura Hoshino
My first Anime that I ever watch would be Cardcaptor sakura and Sailor moon. But mostly cardcaptor. That what got me into anime. I watch it when I was around 4 years old....I even bought those huge card for it.
Favourite songs:
1.Running up that hill-Placebo
2.you're a Wolf- Sea Wolf
3. Who I am- Nick Jonas
4.Love, save the empty-Erin McCarley
5.Rich girl-Down with webster
6.She's dope- Down with webster
7.save your sissors- City of Coulor
8.Story of us- Taylor Swift
9.Beautful Soul- Jesse Mccartney
10. Neverest- Everything
11.Brightside- The killers
These are just some of the ones I actually remember
favourite TV Show:
1. Vampire Diaries
2. Glee
3. Pretty little Liars
4. Criminal Minds
6. The War at Home
7. Cake Boss
8. Say yes to the dress
8.Teen Wolf
9. 8 Simple Rules
10. Supernatural
Favourite Movies:
1. Sherlock Holmes
2. Coraline
3. Howl's moving Castle
4. It
5.Unfornaton Events
6. Horrible Bosses
All Comments (47) Comments
And I have to agree entirely. I've read other manga with the makeover theme, but this one did it badly. She became completely superficial, and completely changes outside and inside. Others only have the heroine change on the outside. I would have liked it to be that way, personally. And as for the main male, he wasn't. He wasn't a good person, wasn't good boyfriend material, and the main character was too blind to see that. >_<;. I don't know why it was ever translated--or why another series by the same author got translated whereas other GOOD series never see the light of day. D:. I am so glad to see that I'm not alone in my hatred for this series. :).
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