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Ao no Hako
Ao no Hako
Jan 13, 8:58 PM
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Chi. Chikyuu no Undou ni Tsuite
Chi. Chikyuu no Undou ni Tsuite
Jan 13, 8:39 PM
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Shirokuma Cafe
Shirokuma Cafe
Nov 17, 2024 6:51 PM
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Sayonara Eri
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ens_ Aug 9, 2018 2:18 PM
OK I ADMIT IT I LOVE YOU OK i ♥♥♥♥ing love you and it breaks my heart when i see you play with someone else or anyone commenting in your profile i just want to be your boyfriend and put a heart in my profile linking to your profile and have a walltext of you commenting cute things i want to play video games talk in discord all night andw atch a movie together but you just seem so uninsterested in me it ♥♥♥♥ing kills me and i cant take it anymore i want to remove you but i care too much about you so please i'm begging you to eaither love me back or remove me and never contact me again it hurts so much to say this because i need you by my side but if you dont love me then i want you to leave because seeing your icon in my friendlist would kill me everyday of my pathetic life.
ens_ Aug 9, 2018 2:17 PM
It's COOL to be gay!
Post this on the profile of a homosexual friend and tell them how COOL they are
KalfKaneda Jan 13, 2018 1:39 PM
Läser du tokyo ghoul re , vad tycker du om den?
Danae May 22, 2016 2:46 PM
In my case I have to currently force myself into reading because it turns out that I have the material for the exam is quite a lot.. for example in cognitive psychology I need to study 240 pages (thank god the test will consist of multiple choices so I don't need to actually memorize things).

Wow 20 choices are ample, but then again that's a good thing because you are keeping your options open. We have a similar system for university entrance as well, but I only picked 5 choices because I didn't know what else to put in there, plus I was quite confident that I would have passed in one of those since the last choice required a relatively low grade in order to be accepted.
And yeah that sounds like it will be quite a move for you indeed. I hope you have any of your friends nearby, but even if you don't I am sure that you will meet many people quickly because that's the standard procedure when you begin the uni life. People are too sociable and friendly. Also I believe that it is a nice thing living by yourself because, while you have some responsibilities, you are more free and you can do things whenever and however you like. Moreover you don't have someone nagging at you 24/7 but hey I don't know if your family does that as well so I could be wrong xD

It's nice that all of your choices have to do with computer science since that's your preference and you are skilled in it. I'm certain I've heard of M.Sc. Seems like a very interesting and lucrative field tbh. Is this only your #1 choice or did you apply to different universities for the same major? Working for game developing or in high budget movies or practicing in NASA is definitely a huge deal :O Thanks for all the info :D

I couldn't agree with you more about the killer's identity. It was a let-down for me as well. Spending episodes with the characters' wondering about his identity only to reveal something so anticlimactic.
Did you know that Berserk will air soon-ish? I'm kinda hyped but I don't know if I'd like a reboot for GA as well (I don't think that will happen anyway-they'll most likely adapt from Black Swordsman arc and beyond). Maybe it will be a 2-cour.

Yeah, Kaguya's fight will be unsatisfactory- it was meh even in the manga because she wasn't a very good villain, she didn't even have many lines. Cheap replacement for Madara. The final fight will probably be good, but I imagine it will be full of those annoying flashbacks and we will just have to suffer through watching their fight before Sasuke left Konoha and whatnot all over again. Yes, I actually read many speculations about Naruto being dead in Boruto and I was like wtf? I think this is uncorfirmed though so take it with a grain of salt. I assure you they'll milk the hell out of it, and this is really sad because the original manga was pretty good up to a certain point in my opinion. Despite its decline, it is still a classic manga and I wouldn't like it to continue forever or be gradually distorted with all this new generation bs. Naruto was about himself and his struggles with achieving his goal and friendship at first and that's how it should be remembered. Boruto will simply bring back nostalgia feels, I imagine.

You have a point there, but there are so many unsuitable parents out there already xD I mean, I don't know about their social life and skills but there are so many that decide to have kids frivolously and then treat their children like garbage or like they are some sort of burden, ugh.

I'd like to see the censorship in Hero Academia, that sounds kind of funny haha. I wonder what that guy's problem was for swearing that much at someone but you said that it is a good adaptation so I'll definitely watch it instead of getting spoilers.

Oh really? I thought that since Finland had such a good system then most of the scandinavian countries would be similar. Garbage wage and annoying brats as students is the exact definition of being a teacher here as well xD
The message is fine, and congrats on your english exams :D Hey it's a good thing to chill out and party once in a while, I hope you had a good time and that you didn't drink to the point of vomiting because that must be an unpleasant experience. Hasn't happened to me fortunately.

You are right, the art in HxH is appalling. I could have drawn some of those scribbles and I suck at it anyways *high five*. Togashi is on fire though, I am honestly impressed because there's no hiatus announcement and there are already 5 chaps out HxH (2030) confirmed? :O
Sorry this message must have gotten rather long! Also I apologize for my belated reply :)
Danae May 3, 2016 12:00 PM
I see, procrastination is one of my strong qualities as well haha. I always put off studying (like I am atm for the finals) and then I end up having to study non stop in the last few days, which is very tiring and annoying. I always promise to myself that next time will be different, but here I am xD
Wow applying to universities is certainly an important task. Did you apply to universities near your house or are you open to moving out and stuff? Because that's a fairly common thing to do in my country (I didn't btw). Also did you apply solely for computer and technology stuff which interest you? I hope you get accepted in the uni of your preference :D

I haven't finished Erased tbh.. I know it has ended and I fully intend to finish it sometime soon haha. I have stopped at episode 7 but I am not as enthusiastic about it as I were in the beginning. I don't know if that has to do with a decline in quality and plot or with the fact that I stopped watching for quite a while. What did you dislike specifically? You can answer with spoilers because I will definitely manage to have it completed until your next reply. But I see that it used to be #5 and now it's in the top twenties, that's a sharp decline lol. I think some people were salty because the mc didn't get on with the girl they wanted, from what I observed on mal (both choices were weird af though imo). It's cool to know that Haikyuu lived up to your expectations and hype. You mean to watch ep. 24 of the first or second season?

I see! Well I wouldn't know about those moves that require mechanical skill haha. But I think there were some specific champions (is that how you call them? idk) that could perform some insane moves, like Nasus, if I recall correctly.

Yeah you're right, but the release of NS4 will probably harm the anime, when it gets back to canon. I have watched the first episode of the Itachi arc, the animation was crap but I think the story is canon because it is based on the novels. I hope they're keeping the budget low because they want to go all out on the last two battles, but knowing Pierrot's staff that works on the anime I wouldn't expect much of the animation. At least buying the game has its merits; one doesn't have to watch those painfully long flashbacks, like the one with Obito losing his eye, for the umpteenth time haha.

Low birth rates are not a bad thing per se imo, but it is a shame that some people can be that introverted and recluse. I mean it's their choice, but I hope they are happy with leading their lives however they like, because that is the important thing in the long run.

I had most of the shows you mentioned on my ptw, but then decided to not start watching them since I wasn't in the mood. As for me, Boku no Hero Academia seems pretty fun stuff so far. I think :re zero or something is appreciated by many. There's also Super Lovers (BL anime, no sexual stuff though) which is garbage so far and I've watched the first two episodes for the lols. The fact that homosexuality is represented in such a ridiculous and shallow manner in anime and manga is cringe-worthy to say the least.

Well 7/32 doesn't sound that hard to achieve, but it always depends on the difficulty of the test. I'm rubbish at math so I would strive to achieve 2/32 haha. I think that your school system, as well as the ones of the countries nearby, is pretty commendable and efficient, from what I've heard. In Greece you just have to study as much as you possibly can in order to be accepted in a uni near the city, which is stressful and challenging, but when you actually go to uni you are way too relaxed; you can just study before the midterms and finals, which is cool but not a very efficient way to learn about your major.

What was the game you made about? I'm probably too late but good luck on your exams!! Also did you notice that HxH is back? And some serious shit is about to go down, if we're lucky enough in the next few chapters before the inevitable upcoming hiatus xD
Danae Mar 28, 2016 3:45 AM
No worries :)
Wow sounds like your schedule is pretty different compared to your first semester. Being busy all the time kind of sucks, I remember when I was studying for midterms I was thinking about all the stuff I wanted to do if I had free time. When I finished the exams I went back to doing nothing though haha. Netflix and chill, though in the literal sense haha.

I agree, Erased is the only anime I will stick with till the last episode because nothing else drew my attention. However I've seen quite a few interesting titles for the spring season, I'll probably try watching 4-5 of them. It's cool to hear that Haikyuu's second season is as interesting as the first one (even though I disliked it) because that means that the quality hasn't dropped, which is a rare thing.

I see. So that means that if you just casually play without trying to improve, just enjoying the battles, then you don't get a higher rank? I thought that there would be a system like in videogames where you play battles and you gain XP regardless of the outcome, or something like that. I think it would be cool to watch a replay if you pull something like pentakill/ go on rampage and stuff. if I did that I would replay it just to show off to my friends xD Maybe that's just ordinary for you though, judging from the fact that you are in a pretty high rank atm.

How about buying the version of Ninja Storm 4 for the PS? The game will be such a spoiler for the fans out there but you can't really blame them. Fillers that recap fillers, inception xD I've resigned myself from watching Shippuden until the fillers end. That's just as unlikely as HxH returning from hiatus though (which coincidentally is going to happen but I am not really hyped about it). It's really sad to see what the anime has become, because it has been my favorite series and I remember watching it with anticipation up until the war arc, where everything was fucked up, with the welcome addition of fillers of course. It's just disappointing to the loyal fans.

Yeah, I agree with you, they are designed to be good looking but I still can't fully grasp the excessive appeal. Japan has gone overboard, I saw a video on youtube the other day where some guys can wear virtual goggles where they see an anime girl, they hold a plastic doll and it's like they are having sex with it. It's pretty sad and weird. But I guess it's fine since this is one's own business.. still better than being a pervert who harasses people in public.

Yes, I haven't checked anime news lately but I am positive that there hasn't been an announcement about SnK's release date. The hype will be real though. Still not sure if I should wait for it to finish airing in order to marathon it properly or watch it weekly as most fans will do. Not watching :re anime sounds like a wise decision, I may watch it only for the laughs since it obviously cannot be seen seriously. I just hope a studio will make a reboot in the next few years, who knows.

Erased manga had announced that it would end before the conclusion of the anime, which means that the anime ending will be canon. The same sort of thing had happened with Shigatsu if I remember correctly.

Sounds cool that you are not obligated to go to uni but you can rely a bit on your school grades. In my country if you don't go to uni you are basically granted a job with low wage. Unemployment is really high though so that would be difficult as well. Sounds like your school system is pretty tough though, judging from those reports you mentioned. And wow, did you actually create a game? That sounds pretty cool! I have no idea how you can do that but it must've taken a fairly long time. So since you're done with this obligation, now the only thing left is the exams?
Danae Feb 14, 2016 5:12 AM
Np, if I remember correctly you'd said in the past that your second semester would be more demanding, right?
My semester exams just ended, I did pretty well in most of them apart from two subjects but the tests are not graded yet, that will probably happen around March. I still haven't started OPM because I started watching House of Cards, which is pretty interesting and insightful if you wanna learn how politics work. Do you know this show? I'm also reading a new book that I bought last Christmas, so I've taken a break from all the airing anime I was watching (with the exception of Boku dake ga Inai Machi). In fact, I'll probably drop most of them since they were deserved a 6/7 from me so far.
I see, so do you think that you will make it to Diamond in the future? Can you really watch a replay of yourself? That sounds cool, especially if you have pulled something fantastic like pentakill/ rampage etc. Back in the few days that I was playing, managing even a single kill was a huge task heh.
I agree with you about Ninja Storm. Are you going to buy the new one? I think it will be interesting since there will be more power-ups, Kaguya and more. It's kind of fun if you think about it, the game will conclude the story before the anime does. The anime will probably carry on to infinity because the fillers have been around for like a year. Milk the cow until it dies, I reckon.
You're right, I just don't understand the appeal of 2D characters in sexual poses.. I mean, I could easily say that some characters can be attractive but definitely not arousing or anything of the sort. That's just my opinion though, and since I don't like excessive ecchi I just stay away from series where having boulders for boobs is the main theme or an on-running gag lol.
About sex, what I meant to say is that they could add it subtly, with some censorship and not showing the full scene. Implying or mildly showing something like that is in my opinion better than immature panty shots which could appeal mainly to horny middle-schoolers xD
I agree, SnK is probably the only series that I anticipate for some time. Hope it comes out soon. Off topic, but another thing that I have observed is that the last few chapters of :re have declined in quality (imo) and are kind of rushed, filled with info that we have been wondering about since the beginning. Due to the symbolism of the Fool's journey, we could assume that the story will conclude with volume 8. So I was wondering if Pierrot is waiting till then, hoping to release a full :re adaptation, which would probably suck ass.
Hell yeah, Boku dake ga Inai Machi is awesome so far. I can't see it having a happy ending, but it is definitely one of the best anime I've watched so far. It's serious, with interesting characters and engaging plot. It may actually make it to my favorites' list if it doesn't get screwed up later on. It's still early though so I'll refrain from establishing a view. Also, don't worry about not watching many series this season, I'd probably say that Ajin is the only interesting anime apart from the aforementioned, but it also bares a strong resemblance to Tokyo Ghoul, which is not really an advantage so far imo.
Lol, I don't know of the VN, but most of you guys are having second thoughts about Yuki Kaiji voicing Phoenix Wright, which must mean that such a voice doesn't fit the character haha. Well the Itachi anime will be a welcome addition if we take into account how much Shippuden has fucked up lately.
Oh I see, that sounds tough. I thought leaving highschool was a somewhat typical and easy procedure, and that the only demanding thing was the exams for uni entrance. That's at least what happens in my country's faulty education system. Good luck and reply whenever you can, I am on a semi-hiatus anyway so don't feel bad for writing a belated reply :)
Danae Jan 15, 2016 1:03 PM
Sorry for my belated reply, my exams for the semester are coming up next week so I'm on a tight schedule. My last one is on 9th february which is way ahead, that sucks.
I haven't watched another episode of OPM, but I'm planning to in the near future. I have already started numerous series for this season (5-6 titles or so) that I sadly have to postpone for a while. Anyway, I'm glad that I will watch OPM when everyone has stopped talking so much about it lol. Also hyped to see his pupil, many fans tend to like him so I imagine he has a cool personality.
Wow so you belong to the 6% of the community? That's like the chosen ones haha. How long will it take you to make it to Diamond? So, silver is not that special haha. I think it must be exciting after completing the levels trying to move up ranks, but it must be difficult and take quite some time.
Yes, Mortal Kombat is a great game but I haven't played much, just vs. matches with my sister. There are many patterns you have to follow in order to perform some 'super' moves so that's kind of confusing, but it is a fun game.
I do not buy games through Steam but I know many guys that do that, I think there are some free games there as well. It's okay for you not to buy Fallout, it's kind of mainstream anyways haha.
You're right, few people know the difference. It's just that excessive echi stuff and sexual fanservice is kind of ruining the whole picture.. I get it that many guys might like it, I just find it unnecessary and annoying when it has nothing to do with the plot or is too excessive(If it is not excessive I don't mind). In my opinion if the studio wants to add fanservice in an interesting anime they should either do it discreetly (like in Code Geass) or they should go all the way and add sex instead of panty-shots, weird landings/poses etc.
Yeah I've seen the Berserk anime's ending out of curiosity, it just leaves you with an empty feeling of despair, like there's no hope for the characters and everyone died there. The GIF you posted about Berserk's PV is just too damn accurate haha.
Seems like you have many upcoming series to be hyped about. About SnK though, hold your horses it is still not confirmed that it will air in 2016. Apparently the studio wants to focus on an new anime they are going to adapt so many people are speculating that the release date will be pushed forward. I hope that's not the case [s] we've waited too damn long to see what's in that basement /s] As for me, I am excited about SnK, Heaven's Feel (still haven't finished UBW though), Gyakuten Saiban, Berserk, Rewrite, ReLife, Sakamoto desu ga?, Shounen Maid (for fun) and the new Itachi anime since there's no hope for Shippuden anymore.
Danae Dec 25, 2015 12:06 PM
I haven't watched Human Centipede but I've read the description and it is extremely disgusting. Even worse than Boku no Pico imo. Each synopsis is even worse than the previous movies. I wonder who was so sick that wanted to create movies about such a topic.. I'll never watch it since I don't want to be scarred for life or never eat again xD
Yes, Benedict seems like a pretty interesting guy. His voice is awesome as well imo. The problem is that he has so many plans for upcoming movies that Sherlock is delayed (new seasons are supposed to be released every 2 years- or a bit earlier than that- and now we have to wait 3 years).
Well I watched OPM's first episode and I didn't like it that much.. it was not an abomination by any means but I found it uninteresting. I was like 'am I supposed to laugh at this?' almost the whole time (there was a scene I did find very funny though). I'll continue watching since, as you said, the first episode is considered by many people unimpressing, but I don't understand why it is so overhyped. Hell, I saw in the forums that in the first episode's discussion the majority said that OPM is instant AOTS or even AOTY lol. Anyway, I'll tell you what I think of it when I watch some more episodes because now I cannot form a complete opinion on it.
Wow the guy you are using currently on LoL seems OP. Playing LoL and earning money for it sounds pretty awesome. Can you remind me in which rank you are now on LoL? I think you've told me in the past but I can't remember. I think some guys in my school said they were silver so that must be praiseworthy judging from the fact that there are 5 more ranks left.
What I wanted to ask is whether you've bought gifts for your friends/ family. I always buy a gift for myself on Christmas :D Plus, some distant relatives give me money because they can't pick a present for me so that helps. I received some pretty great gifts from my family this year. I also bought Mortal Kombat and I've played a bit today.
That's nice to know, since I've wanted to buy an Assassing Creed game which is not too expensive. Does knowing the ending of Fallout 4 ruin that much the experience? I mean, it is not a movie where spoilers are crucial, it's a game where you play mostly for the action I guess.
The main couple in Ao Haru Ride is pretty great imo. The main girl is crying a lot at many parts, but I really like the fact that she tries to help the main guy without worrying that she has to mind her own business, leave him alone or not seem too clingy. I think most people would have such thoughts concerning a friend or a romantic interest, but she didn't and I find it admirable.
Well I don't know if there really are some good romance shows, but at least I haven't watched them. I usually prefer to read shoujo manga instead of watching them because the manga form is more interesting and has more development. Also manga go over the stage that the anime stopped, since shoujo anime tend not to have sequels with some minor exceptions like Kimi ni Todoke.
80% of your class? That's insane, in my class there are 3-4 guys who watch anime or read manga occasionally but that's it. The rest are either bored to do so or they think that cartoons are immature and childish so they don't want to try it out.
I haven't watched the anime of Berserk, only the movies :/ Doesn't the animation kind of suck due to the fact that the anime is too old? Oh and some cool news, in case you haven't checked, a new project of Berserk will be released in 2016 :D We don't know yet which arc will be adapted or by which studio though. I understand that it is very difficult to adapt Berserk properly, since the atmosphere of the manga is pretty unique and there are some scenes that would get censored or left out due to the heavy content, so I am not very hyped, just mildly interested.
Merry Christmas, I hope you had a wonderful time :D
Danae Dec 16, 2015 10:24 AM
Well, I still had to apologize because a lot of time went by :P
'It was enough' hahaha. What is your favorite and your least favorite horror movie? I like The Shining, Psycho and Saw. I dislike The Exorcist and Paranormal Activity (maybe Insidious 2 as well) for scaring the shit outta me, and Scream and Final Destination for being ridiculous.
LOL that sounded wrong, Ryan Reynolds reminding me of Batman sounds even more nonsensical than Ben Affleck portraying Batman (at least judging from the trailer).
In case you forgot to check, Dr. Strange will have Benedict Cumberbatch as the lead actor (he is the guy who plays Sherlock) so maybe your friend will be excited or drag you to the cinema with him xD
I'm definitely going to watch OPM. Is it really that funny though? Atm, I am re-watching SnK to brace myself for the 2nd season (hype!). So when I finish watching this, I'll start OPM.
I see, it's nice that they refresh the game in order to prevent it from getting boring. Who is your favorite character, the one that you want to pick before starting a game? Wow, 1 in 200 people is definitely an insane number. I'm just thinking though, haven't the players who have reached the ultimate level (Gold? Platinum? Smth like that right?) get bored of LoL? They don't have anything they strive to achieve so what's the point of playing? I'm sure we have to take into account the enjoyability of the game as well, but still.
Do you have any gifts you want to buy for christmas? Personally I want to buy a new pair of sneakers and the rest of my gifts will be surprise, so idk.. I will go shopping to check out if there's anything I may like though. As far as games are concerned, I am interested in Fallout 4 and Assassin's Creed (both must be expensive as hell though).
Job over summer.. you did that this year as well if I remember correctly, right? It's tiring to even consider it haha. How are your studies going btw? I am studying for my exams because this semester will be over after christmas.. the amount of stuff I have to read is overwhelming but I am still surprisingly calm and inert lol.
I heard the last episode of Flash, or the previous one, was cringe-worthy so beware xD
Read Ao Haru Ride at all costs! The manga is way more enjoyable imo. It's my favorite shoujo manga tbh, because both main characters undergo development which doesn't have to do with their relationship solely. Sadly, I don't have anything to recommend you as far as anime are concerned, but there are some interesting titles that you may want to try (they don't have anime adaptations though): Hirunaka no Ryuusei is one of my favorites even though the author fucked up big time at a certain part of the story, Strobe Edge is made from Ao Haru Ride's mangaka but the plot isn't very similar, Tonari no Atashi is pretty good and likeable to the majority and Heroine Shikkaku (maybe? I really liked it personally after some chapters). You can read the descriptions of the manga I stated above and see if anything catches your eye.. I would recommend all of these though. A shoujo anime that may appeal to you is Ookami Shoujo to Kuro Ouji but I only read the manga and the plot is a bit cliche at first (read the description as well). So tell me if you are keen on reading/ watching any of these :D
Well be grateful most of my friends don't even watch shows atm haha (anime is not even a possibility of course).
On a side note, read :re man!! A very important arc just finished and things are insaane. You can catch up since there will be no new chapter for two weeks, if you got the time of course otherwise I'll keep pestering you xD
Danae Dec 4, 2015 2:41 PM
>Replies almost a month later
Sorry for my belated reply, I was off the internet for 3 weeks because we wanted to upgrade the internet connection and the company had some issues apart from being lazyasses lol.
Jump scares always get me as well. Scary Maze is the worse because the image is the one from the exorcist.. that girl was creepy af, I remember I watched the movie when I was on the 8th grade and it kept me up for a few hours at night. That movie was scary even though I don't believe in exorcisms or anything of the sort.
I was just rewatching Batman Begins on tv :D This is the main theme from the trilogy mixed up. It's pure epicness, it really reminds me of Batman and the movies' whole atmosphere. The weird thing about the Deadpool movie is that Ryan Reynolds will be the lead actor.. and he has already played Green Lantern. I mean, aren't there any other actors? There's also Dr. Strange coming out in 2016, the description of the movie is interesting.
You're right but you know what, I was planning on watching OPM but all the hype and the hardcore fanboys shoving it in everyone's faces has put me off. I may watch it when it stops airing and the excitement has died down xD
LoL again? Haven't you grown tired of it? I always get bored after spending a significant amount of time on one game haha. Do you consider buying Fallout 4?
No I haven't watched the Flash, I'm so lazy lol. I will though. Sometime. xD
Danae Oct 30, 2015 11:45 AM
Haha I have made the same mistake in the past, I was even wondering why you haven't answered lol. No problem ;)
I imagine that girl likes the Vikings now, doesn't she? Was that the guy friend who forces you to watch Sherlock as well? Haha.
I couldn't agree more. If you dislike jump scares you should watch the Scary Maze video on youtube or Follow the Red Dot. Watching Paranormal Activity with one friend of mine was torture as well. I kept calm though lol. The scariest part imo is waiting for something to pop up, when you know it's going to happen anytime now.
Batman?? Meh?? That's a blasphemy! You should hear the main theme from the trilogy, that music kicks ass even if you don't like the superhero himself. I agree with you about Deadpool, some jokes are funny but breaking constantly the 4th wall is tiring at times. The whole hype imo is going to let down some fans. I'll probably watch the movie though tbh.
I still haven't watched OPM, the only airing series I keep up with is Noragami which is pretty cool. It's great to know that you are doing well and you also have some free time :D
If Haikyuu! is not full of friendship powers etc. then I might give it a chance haha. I agree, I have put the 3rd season of KnB on hold because I got bored. The flashback on Kiseki no Sedai was kind of anticlimactic as well, I thought it would be more interesting learning about their past.
I think the 2nd season of Noragami will appeal to you more, its plot is actually more interesting. Gotta love Yato though, the guy is hilarious imo xD
I might as well start watching Flash this week; Radiation poisoning, goddamn. It's kind of fun when you are like 'wtf is happening in this show' sometimes though XD Thankfully it's in english so no need for subs. Most websites with online series and movies have now been banned here, because why the fuck not, we don't have any other more significant problems at hand currently, right? Also youtube is putting down many videos these past few days from what I've observed.
Danae Oct 7, 2015 10:26 AM
I didn't know there's such a thing as casting sites, that must be convenient. Well there are definitely some cool girls who watch Vikings. I bet you must know some girls from school who do^^ Personally I am fine with horror movies, but the scary pop-ups make me uncomfortable.. especialy the time you expect them to appear is pure torture lol.

Whaat Batman is not boring! I find him really interesting, especially in the trilogy. The concept of the dark knight, who's not a good guy whose worth is recognized by everyone, was pretty cool imo. I don't have high hopes about the new movie though, since Batman will be played by Ben Affleck for the first time. I haven't seen X-Men yet, but I plan to. Green Lantern's movie was garbage indeed, I'm glad it did not have a sequel; the same guy will play Deadpool though.

I see, how are the tests going? That seems tough, not having free time to relax and do what you want.
Haha I should finish it sometime.. You are not wrong at all, Haikyuu is more realistic than KnB (especially the eye of the emperor concept, lol). Tbh I do not really enjoy the 3rd season, hence it is on hold. Most people agree with you anyways, there's a lot of hype surrounding the topic of having a second season.
Thanks for sharing your opinion :D I think Charlotte had a lot of potential which went down the drain, sadly. It could easily be one in my top 10 if it was handled better and had more episodes for development. Btw for this season I've only started Noragami, which seems good so far.
Good luck on your remaining tests :D
Danae Sep 28, 2015 2:27 PM
Of course it's something. That's cool, maybe if you see that there's an audition about a show that's interesting, you could try it out. For real? I think that if there was a kid who played on tv at my school when I was younger he would be pretty popular tbh. Anyways, I am sure that if you got the part in the Vikings you would be pretty famous, especially to the young female audience haha.
That's a pretty good attitude, unfortunately I have never tried it though. I am even extremely nervous when I am having a presentation in class lol.

Anti-hero Green Arrow? That's my stuff.Could you give more details as to why he is an anti-hero? From the info you provided, I think I will enjoy Green Arrow the most because I am usually indifferent to the classic, idealistic image of the super-heroes. My favorite super-hero movies are Nolan's Batman trilogy. I should certainly get round to watching Avengers as well.
I will watch :re as well, but it will probably turn out as a flop. There's the ova coming up tomorrow (the one about Arima). Btw you should catch up with the manga, there's this character with a huge death flag activated for a couple of chapters. Things have gotten pretty intense.

I haven't just left Haikyuu incomplete.. I've actually dropped it (don't have a heart attack) xD I'd like to finish it sometime though since I don't find it terrible. It may get promoted to ''on-hold'' soon. I was on episode 10, but the main characters seemed pretty idiotic to me. Plus that move where the guy hits the ball with his eyes closed O.o Btw what is your opinion on Charlotte? I'm finishing it tomorrow and I find it pretty good, with some wasted potential of course. I enjoyed waay more eps 1-7 than the fast-paced second half. I really liked the mc. Anyways, I am hoping for a season 2 with a better pace and fewer unsettled cases, but that's probably not gonna happen.
Danae Sep 20, 2015 11:49 AM
Crime series? I originally thought about a sitcom, but that's definitely more interesting. Well they accepted you for the part so you cannot have been awful, at least for your age back then. Maybe if you took classes you would be better at it, if you are interested in it that is. Are you famous at your school or not? Anyways, I think it is pretty awesome that you auditioned for the Vikings; saying 'why not?' and gaining new experiences is certainly rare these days.

That sounds like a pretty decent system. In my country it is pretty laughable to say that public schools are good in any way. Thanks for the feedback btw, I was always interested in this law.

No misunderstandings? That's pretty rare lol. It has definitely caught my interested. I like superheroes in general (looking forward to those vs. movie battles xD)so I will keep an eye on this show.

Yeah those idiots are making a :re adaptation and it will probably suck. I have no expectations whatsoever. I will always hope for a reboot though, no matter how futile it seems xD Seriously though, the anime cannot even compare to the original source.

Hahaha I do that too so don't worry! I actually have forgotten some english vocabulary from my proficiency test as well, so I'm writing in a very lazy manner xD

PS. I haven't finished Haikyuu hahaha!
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