Rating scale
10: "Transcended above and beyond the medium of the Japanese arts and crafts.
9: "Exceptional" - Although some of these shows can be regarded as 10s, it is without undeniable doubt, according to the laws of the Pythagorean theorem and the derivative of historic animations, that these shows have etched a lasting mark along the branches of the ever-growing tree of anime.
8: The "Oddballs" - There are shows that are deemed as "true" 8s, while others, due to not having the elusive "high octane, high impact" factor which is a quality that is sought for by many like-minded critics elitest of the Japanese medium. There are also shows that would be given a value within the 7.xx rating spectrum, however, due to personal enjoyment and appreciation that the show has so kindly offered, they're overall scores have been raised to such values.
>Shows that would stir up argumentative conversations between fellow weeaboo brethrens.
7: The "Jack of all trades, masters of none". Some aspects about these shows are good enough to keep them afloat.
6: These shows lack any substance of content and their only redeeming quality is that they have they have a few selection of cute girls.
5: Masochistic levels.
No cute waifus.
*Take sequal's rating with a grain of salt since they're generally - Season 1 score +1 rating
Seasonal Rating Scale
(This scale is similar to the above scale except for different reasons and there's no "10s")
9: Reserved for shows of which I have been anticipating for an extended period of time and the execution of the current product has lived up to and or exceeded my expectations.
8: Definitely interested in the shows, and will be tuning in weekly.
> Shows that are possibly worth your time.
Also to not, a lot of "meme" shows, which are seen as distasteful by the Yelp critics of music and fine arts, are categorized here.
7: Films that have piqued the interest of myself but requires further investigation to accurately pinpoint it's value.
>Has potential
5: Bad.
**Ratings that are given to current seasonal shows are simply first impressions, and not to be seen as an overall rating for the show itself. These shows will be given a more accurate rating at the end of season as I not only harness more of the earth's natural energy from the Soul Society, but as more qualitative day comes in.
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You will be missed ;_;7
You will be missed ;_;7