Tuturu o/ On behalf on AG, I would like to wish you an early happy holidays :)
How has your year been so far?
It may have been a while since you've been to the guild page, so I hope you don't mind me leaving this newsletter here.
There's quite a few new events that we don't want you to miss out on!
[spoiler] Hello, and Thanks for Reading Anime Guild's Fourth Newsletter!
We at the Anime Guild have brought back the topic of the week, but now you have the chance to pick what topic will talk about every month in our voting thread that is ongoing right now. http://myanimelist.net/forum/?topicid=1456632 Have fun participating ^.^
Did you enjoy Shokugeki no Souma? We surely did with Souma winning both the Anime and Character of the Season Polls. What that also means is our Seasonal Card Edition is out for all your Souma needs.
Something unique to the Anime Guild has been our Power Rankings Committee. We have done some retooling recently to make the feature more accommodating for more of our members to participate. There are now two different classes (Casual Class- 5 show voting and Titan Class- 10 show voting). If you are interesting in participating in the 2016 Winter Season please sign-up here http://myanimelist.net/forum/?topicid=1456124
Then for the main event of the year, is the inaugural 2015 Anime Trivia Challenge. Where you can test your knowledge of what happened in this year of anime. Will you be the one with the biggest Anime IQ? Will you be our Champion? Thread link is right here http://myanimelist.net/forum/?topicid=1456288
almost asked what your prof pic was from, but I see now it's nagi.
well, glad you liked nagi!!!
enjoy the newsletter!!!
Hello, and thanks for reading the second edition of the Anime Guild's Newsletter!
We are proud to announce that we’ve introduced several new features to our line-up of great activities =).
Our first new feature is our Seasonal Opening Competition. We at the Anime Guild provide a great assortment of Seasonal Activities and we believe that this will be a great addition to the line-up. So if you’re a huge fan of openings make sure you pay attention to the rest of our tournament -.^.
Secondly we are attempting to incorporate more Manga to our club with our Weekly Manga Discussion. Where you members vote upon what manga to read for the week and then can discuss that with other members of the club.
Lastly we have something a little different in our Seasonal Power Rankings where we take a group of people AND SHOVE THEM INTO A STEEL CAGE TO FIGHT IT OUT! Nah seems too violent if you ask me. We’ve set up a power ranking committee that will come together and discuss which x-amount of anime to watch per season and rank them from 1 to 10-15 every 3 weeks during the course of that season. Please enjoy our masochism =p. Second Edition should be posted on May 18th.
We are now halfway through the Spring 2015 Season and our Seasonal Discussion continues to grow as one of the more popular activities in the club. Please join the discussion if you want to journey with us to the climaxes of the various shows =O.
[spoiler] Hello, and thanks for reading the first Anime Guild's newsletter!
We are glad to announce that our nominations for best character and anime of the season is coming soon.
The winners are going to be displayed in our new layout. Courtesy of Andrew :)
If youre interested we are having Simulwatches every weekend, check our forums for more information
We are looking to add more life to our Steam group, so feel free to join if you want to.
Also if you like to talk, join our Skype group where lots of friendly users are active!
With shows almost coming to their dramatic or disappointing ends you can always go to the Seasonal Disucssion to discuss the show with your fellow club mates. Also remember that if you want to share any of your reviews you publish about this season to, add it to the Review Season Here.
~Thanks for reading and have a nice day~
Anime Guild staff
What!! It's so goooood! One of my favorites at least <3 but I understand it's not for everyone haha.
Ooo just the driving part? You passed the permit?
Haha alright yeah I got your friend request on Line. I wonder if there's a way to make my line private. I feel like people find me too easily on there xD
Awww what about Nichijou? I loved that anime :D So funny and random. At first when I watched it I thought it was weird but then I started to like it after like 3rd episode.
Haha nah that's not true, I'm sure there's something that you can be good at with skills like.. erm. Driving?
Yeah sometimes it msgs me saying oh this person added you as a friend. O_O Oh sure, my username is the same as my MAL username :P
But aren't you on MAL more than on LINE?
Hahaha for airing animes? Sometimes they do if you're patient enough to wait for it. Yeah I also need to start watching Gintama too since I heard its pretty good.
Haha yeah pretty much everyone says that to me so far. I wish written exams didnt exist :(
Haha because its the same as your skype name silly!
Haha you mean those super long series of like 100 episodes? I might have to watch Hunter x hunter since my friends kept bugging me to watch it :P
Oh yeah I got a midterm coming up this week. Thanks for giving me that good luck :)
oh really? Did something bad really happen?
Haha I sent you a msg and it said you added me a friend. you didn't get my msg?
Me too! Don't worry about it. I've been busy with piles of homework at school and studying for midterms. So. Not. Fun. I have tons of anime to catch up too :(
Haha yeah I agree, so I try my best to be careful who I talk to nowadays. At least we're on the same page for this :) I hope youre careful on who you're talking to.
Oh yeah! You told me you were undeclared. Hehe my bad.
Yeah I have to agree with you there. Sometimes you never know what happens to those people you meet online. They could end up stalkers or something! Then you might get kidnap and all. (all my imagination)
What are you majoring in again? I forget. Haha I'm sure you'll figure it out sometime soon. Just gotta do what you enjoy and you'll find it I'm sure.
haha really? You seem so shy online. Haha well it does make sense that people are different through internet and in person. I agree with you there, talkin to quiet people are hard but I don't mind it. I don't mind talking to someone who talks a lot too since they can do all the talking and I just sit there and listen.
Haha what articles have you been reading? I mostly read articles about phones, video games, and all those electrical devices.
Haha that's true, in person its a lot harder. I'm more quiet in person but it depends on what subject we're talking about. I could be loud if I know you pretty well. :P
All Comments (230) Comments
How has your year been so far?
It may have been a while since you've been to the guild page, so I hope you don't mind me leaving this newsletter here.
There's quite a few new events that we don't want you to miss out on!
Hello, and Thanks for Reading Anime Guild's Fourth Newsletter!
We at the Anime Guild have brought back the topic of the week, but now you have the chance to pick what topic will talk about every month in our voting thread that is ongoing right now. http://myanimelist.net/forum/?topicid=1456632 Have fun participating ^.^
Did you enjoy Shokugeki no Souma? We surely did with Souma winning both the Anime and Character of the Season Polls. What that also means is our Seasonal Card Edition is out for all your Souma needs.
Something unique to the Anime Guild has been our Power Rankings Committee. We have done some retooling recently to make the feature more accommodating for more of our members to participate. There are now two different classes (Casual Class- 5 show voting and Titan Class- 10 show voting). If you are interesting in participating in the 2016 Winter Season please sign-up here http://myanimelist.net/forum/?topicid=1456124
Then for the main event of the year, is the inaugural 2015 Anime Trivia Challenge. Where you can test your knowledge of what happened in this year of anime. Will you be the one with the biggest Anime IQ? Will you be our Champion? Thread link is right here http://myanimelist.net/forum/?topicid=1456288
Our Head Admin is a big dork for personality tests and personality psychology and at the Anime Guild we have several threads dedicated to personality tests like Myers Briggs 16 Personalities, Enneagram Personality Test, and What is YOUR Business Cultural Profile?. So please share your results and entertain our head admin (what a loser right?).
[i]~Thanks for reading and have a nice day~
☆A.G. Staff☆
well, glad you liked nagi!!!
enjoy the newsletter!!!
Hello, and thanks for reading the second edition of the Anime Guild's Newsletter!
We are proud to announce that we’ve introduced several new features to our line-up of great activities =).
Our first new feature is our Seasonal Opening Competition. We at the Anime Guild provide a great assortment of Seasonal Activities and we believe that this will be a great addition to the line-up. So if you’re a huge fan of openings make sure you pay attention to the rest of our tournament -.^.
Secondly we are attempting to incorporate more Manga to our club with our Weekly Manga Discussion. Where you members vote upon what manga to read for the week and then can discuss that with other members of the club.
Lastly we have something a little different in our Seasonal Power Rankings where we take a group of people AND SHOVE THEM INTO A STEEL CAGE TO FIGHT IT OUT! Nah seems too violent if you ask me. We’ve set up a power ranking committee that will come together and discuss which x-amount of anime to watch per season and rank them from 1 to 10-15 every 3 weeks during the course of that season. Please enjoy our masochism =p. Second Edition should be posted on May 18th.
We are now halfway through the Spring 2015 Season and our Seasonal Discussion continues to grow as one of the more popular activities in the club. Please join the discussion if you want to journey with us to the climaxes of the various shows =O.
Then of course we still have our Simulwatches every week, our Steam Group, and Skype Group from our first newsletter ^.^.
~Thanks for reading and have a nice day~
The Anime Guild Staff
Hello, and thanks for reading the first Anime Guild's newsletter!
We are glad to announce that our nominations for best character and anime of the season is coming soon.
The winners are going to be displayed in our new layout. Courtesy of Andrew :)
If youre interested we are having Simulwatches every weekend, check our forums for more information
We are looking to add more life to our Steam group, so feel free to join if you want to.
Also if you like to talk, join our Skype group where lots of friendly users are active!
With shows almost coming to their dramatic or disappointing ends you can always go to the Seasonal Disucssion to discuss the show with your fellow club mates. Also remember that if you want to share any of your reviews you publish about this season to, add it to the Review Season Here.
~Thanks for reading and have a nice day~
Anime Guild staff
Oh you'll get it! It takes time.
We already have :D I don't mind talking on here either.
Ooo just the driving part? You passed the permit?
Haha alright yeah I got your friend request on Line. I wonder if there's a way to make my line private. I feel like people find me too easily on there xD
Haha nah that's not true, I'm sure there's something that you can be good at with skills like.. erm. Driving?
Yeah sometimes it msgs me saying oh this person added you as a friend. O_O Oh sure, my username is the same as my MAL username :P
But aren't you on MAL more than on LINE?
Hehe yeah I dont mind practical skills, better than writing but that's just my own opinion.
Oh really? That's kinda weird how your old account found me. Do you use line a lot? If so then I could add you :)
Haha yeah pretty much everyone says that to me so far. I wish written exams didnt exist :(
Haha because its the same as your skype name silly!
Oh yeah I got a midterm coming up this week. Thanks for giving me that good luck :)
oh really? Did something bad really happen?
Haha I sent you a msg and it said you added me a friend. you didn't get my msg?
Haha yeah I agree, so I try my best to be careful who I talk to nowadays. At least we're on the same page for this :) I hope youre careful on who you're talking to.
Btw did you find me on Line? xD
Yeah I have to agree with you there. Sometimes you never know what happens to those people you meet online. They could end up stalkers or something! Then you might get kidnap and all. (all my imagination)
haha really? You seem so shy online. Haha well it does make sense that people are different through internet and in person. I agree with you there, talkin to quiet people are hard but I don't mind it. I don't mind talking to someone who talks a lot too since they can do all the talking and I just sit there and listen.
Haha that's true, in person its a lot harder. I'm more quiet in person but it depends on what subject we're talking about. I could be loud if I know you pretty well. :P
But you can be! :D
haha yeah I suppose? As long as you don't make it awkward. I find it easier to get to know people through other people.