I love pretty much all anime and manga,but I'm always open to new recommendations :)
Okay I've finally got time to edit my profile ^^
Hi everyone my name's Rebekah,but I usually get called Becky.
I got into anime by watching Gundam Wing,Tenchi and Outlaw Star on Toonami years ago,I stared looking around the shops near me and began buying whatever anime titles caught my eye,so I have a very.......err......eclectic mix of dvds from pretty much all different genres
When it comes to genres I watch everything!! Action, fantasy, romance, horror, drama, mecha and comedy.I don't really have a favorite ^^
I only really got into manga a couple of years ago. I bought the Fruits Basket boxset ,really enjoyed it, so when I went into the bookshop and saw the first manga volume of it I bought it to see it I'd like it and it all went from there.
Now my manga collection is rapidly taking over the house,half my books are in my room and the other half are scattered all over the living room (which my mum hates^^.)
My current obsession ^^
My newest obsession ^^
All Comments (306) Comments
i missed you a lot T_T
i need more stories of yours they are good :D
I hope you are doing well, just wanted to say hi , iam sorry for not logging in msn last time got really busy -_- but I hope I get to talk to you soon >v<
hugs~ talk to you soon
take care~
Yep I can highly recommend Kino's Journey. It's not very action packed but there are two episodes that really stand out for straight action. And most of the humor actually comes from Hermes(Kino's motorcycle).
I have not seen either of them but I'll definitely check them both out. especially Kuroshitsuji it just sounds cool I'll have to read the review first but I'll probably end up watching it no matter what it's about.
Yep that's Kino's Journey it' amazing I really need to sit down and watch it again just to get my head thinking.
Okay so you really are sweet, intelligent, people person and you care about the customers. I think it sounds like a pretty accurate description of you.
I apologies for my current, and likely future, tendancy to rant FAR more than any woman should o_~ hehe
As for getting funny looks whilst shopping, I know that one too lol. I remember having a fairly lengthy debate with one of the Waterstones Staff on why I wanted to buy Anime instead of Graphic Novels while other customers looked on at me with risen brows (me with a few BL type manga's in my hand at the time.. lol!) But yeah, it seems to be rather easily misconstrued by the Hampshire lot - although I always manage to confort myself with the thought that while they're watching Emmerdale, I'm actually watching something with far more substance, even if it is totally OTT and unrealistic in comparrison lol.
Yay for finding more Zeke indeed! hehe. And yeah, I know what you mean with the dad stuff, although I am a total sucker for anything that even vaguely resembles Arthurian type literature; kings and castles and swords and steeds.. Rawr.. lol! It does make me rather curious to how long the Manga will run and what it will lead to though if such dealings are deemed important in the beginning. Although, I most certainly want more Zeke/Chris action! lol!
YAY for Love Mode as well!!!! I have NO idea why I love the series so much, but it just has a wonderful feel to it that I couldn't get enough of. Once I'd started it, I couldn't put it down. It pans out quite wonderfully in the end too, although I'm so sad that its over now :( You'll have to let me know what ya think of it, I've yet to talk to anyone thats read it; hell, I even had to add some characters to the MAL listing cos it made me sad that they weren't there lol.
DGM is one of my major loves too, I've read up to v.11 (though Ive made it my mission to reread it all thoroughly lol) and just got v.12 but am being tentative when it comes to reading it given how few and far between they are lol. I'm a sucker for hard copies as well, I cant seem to get into things when it's in online scanlated form, it goes in one eye and out the other... Hmm.. I have a feeling that was meant to sound far better than it did lol!
As for Yuu........
Kanda is..... I'm not sure I have a word for him that isn't a long variation of RAAAWWWR! lmao!
I'm a sucker for a growly boy with a standoffish nature, long hair and a big sword. He's like my dream boy in animated form near enough lol! And damnit, now that you've mentioned a certain triangle, my head is rather buzzing with imagery... ^_^ heheheee...
Sorry to hear of the computer trouble :( I so know the pain of that...
They are especially evil machines when they eat your writing, huh? lol.
But yeah, no worries on that front, whenever you have things is sorted is all good, just hope it works out for ya! I am oh so familiar with that predicament myself (I am SO good at forgetting to back up anything important, even in an online posting form lol)
your so great really
its been so long and am really tired of studying
i had a tough exam today and last week
they break me and i have 2 more to go but i dont know what to do i cant seem to have ffun at all :S
oh that i must read soon your writings are amazing :D honto
Nothing interesting, I just watched some anime that I put on-hold for a long time now like Azumanga Daioh and Bakumatsu Kikansetsu Irohanihoheto.... And I'm still looking for a good anime to watch... =)
I think it's fun to have little quirks like lack of direction it adds to your moe appeal! XD
hmmm...I think it's safe to say that you are sweet and intelligent...I'm not sure about people person on the single basis that I've never seen you with other people. I'm also not sure about the desires and wants of customers! :D
I like Cowboy Bebop it's very similar to Coyote Ragtime show. Another good one if you want an anime that you really have to think about is "Kino's Journey" it's very philosophical.
As for Zeke.. *drool..* lol! I couldn't agree with you more, I absolutely adore him too. Him and Chris make me all kinds of giddy lol. I had to order 2 & 3 online as I hadn't spotted them on the shelves at any point, a friend of mine told me that Waterstones will order them in for you though I think. But yeah, the selection in Fareham is pretty sad, Amazon is my new best friend regarding Manga in recent days lol.
Yay for DGM fics! It was odd new thoughts regarding Lavi and Kanda that started me on the pathway to Yaoi lol. Love the Ouran side of things as well.. I think I could possibly ship any one of those boys together for some odd reason.. lol! And hell, writing is never a waste of time as long as you enjoy it, its all good practice as well, do what makes ya happy and all that jazz hehe. Still, whenever you get the chance, I would be well up for reading some xD
Had some damn good times in Gosport during my youth though, I miss the Gosport ferry far more than anyone should at random junctures lol. Still, nice to meet someone on here from the old stomping grounds o_~
Hehe, Fareham Waterstones, right? Thats the same place I stumbled across it (I'm a sucker for anything with a swords and steeds kinda angle, so it was an instant win for me, though the politics seem to get a bit thick as it goes on.. But I love it either way hehe)
Yay for another fanfic writer! I used to write random HP stuff and BtVS stuff waaaaay back in the day, and have far too many Yaoi related plots floating around in my head for my own good atm.. Just wish I could write em lol. I had a rather fabulous ZLoan piece I was working on, but sadly it died when my computer did :(
Either way though, you should link me some stuffs xP Always a pleasure to not only meet a fellow Yaoi fangirl, but to read the writings in the same vein ;) hehe!
hahahaha...I like the idea of no sense of direction. It's cute I have this image of you throwing the ball into someone else's lane! I think if you're no good at something you should just have tons of fun being terrible at it. I got really creative with some of my rolls the last time I played!
How about I say "Sweet, Intelligent, people person! Likes to get to know the desires and wants of customers!"