Hi there :) My name is Alex, if you want to ask me something, feel free to do so, I dont get in on MAL every day or week, but when I see the message I will answer it :D
So the mainly reason I am doing this is because I have watched quite a bit of animes, so I wanted to make a list of the way I grade the shows xD My mainly factor for grading is how much would I want to watch certain thing again, so here is the list xD :
10,9 - think it's great, and would or can watch it all over again at any given moment :D ( types of shows that I find a connection to, or have left some impression on me, it doesn't have to be some warm feeling it can be some nasty sh*t that hit the spot at the time I watched it xD
8,7 - this are the tricky ones :D overall they are good,some more some less, the ones that have a good idea/story, but didn't quite used it 100% ( by my opinion xD ), or they did but that's it, a fine animes you dont feel bad about you started watching :D
6,5 - this are the ones I wouldn't watch again,I liked something in the anime, a story/character/animation somethimes I dont even know, mostly they were short and they come out once a week xD
4 and lower - I dont like giving low grades ( or watch something that is that bad :) ) but,but here they are, this fellas kinda make me angry ,not on the anime itself, but on people who made them, like where were you looking at when you were making this :D
So that was it xD Have in mind that I rated some animes few years back,so some ratings should go down,and some up( mostly down) but,I'm too lazy to re-rate them :D I know my currently watching list is quite long,but I dont watch them all really, like every day, but I keep them there so I dont forget what I started watching, and when i have free time I continue where I stopped :)
Again I like to change opinions with people (but not those stubborn ones ) so if you wanna chat with me feel free to send me a message :D
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