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Days: 65.2
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- Total Entries119
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- Episodes3,880
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Manga Stats
Days: 27.1
Mean Score:
- Total Entries31
- Reread0
- Chapters4,572
- Volumes417
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All Comments (14) Comments
omg I'm so glad I'm not alone! I can't bring myself to trust any government either. Something always seems fishy xD
I... umm... haven't watched any Bleach at all since then... I haven't watched Bleach in months T_T
Our school hasn't opened yet. We are still taking only online classes. haha, same, never thought such a time could ever come when the streets were empty. I'm kinda glad I don't have to go to school though. I never liked leaving the house anyway lol
Its fine, I understand XD
Okay, I'll ask you later then :D
I was wondering what had happened to my comment lol it fine :)
That video wasn't available in my country so I watched another video for the trailer. oh that looks cool! After I complete Bleach, I will look forward to watching this anime. :)