I'm just going around my friends list saying hi to everyone, so that's going to be the reason why i step my foot here. And damn.. why didn't i ever talk to you until now? D: I don't know if your account is active still, but it's awesome if i can hear back a reply! lol!
And way to go, you're a kuroneko fan too? *high five
Al final le estoy cogiendo el truco a esto, la verdad que una vez te pones puede resultar cómodo. Menos mal que luego no tengo tanto anime guardado xD.
P.D.: Yo no sé escribir bien en inglés (casi ni en español xd) y para escribir mal y que te rias pues lo hago en nuestro idioma.
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(It would be great to be friends with: "Konachan's ninja admin")
I'm just going around my friends list saying hi to everyone, so that's going to be the reason why i step my foot here. And damn.. why didn't i ever talk to you until now? D: I don't know if your account is active still, but it's awesome if i can hear back a reply! lol!
And way to go, you're a kuroneko fan too? *high five
Oh and any progress with your anime life lately?
P.D.: Yo no sé escribir bien en inglés (casi ni en español xd) y para escribir mal y que te rias pues lo hago en nuestro idioma.
Dude whats the Anime in that picture you have. Not you Profile picture but that big picture
I'm downloading it now :D thanks a lot for sharing!
I'll add you ok?