Of course this scoring system is not strict. An anime that perfectly matches one of these descriptions could still get +1 added to its score if it has something that lifts it higher, like being the first series to introduce a really original plot element, or bringing an important message in an unobtrusive way. Or, it could have points subtracted if it has something that really offends you even though the rest of the movie is really good.
You should however never completely pan an anime just because of a single negative point. You should also not increase or decrease your score to balance out other reviewers, that's not how a rating scheme is supposed to work. You should especially not subtract points because for instance an 80s sci-fi anime shows an outdated predictions of the future. If you don't understand why, you should stick to watching the more recent series that fit within your small present-day universe
10. ‘Masterpiece’
Expertly crafted that is worthy of high praise and honor. You could watch it until eternity without ever getting bored by it. With each viewing you discover something new or see something in a different light, and/or the key moments remains to thrill you even though you know them by heart. This anime has nothing in it that is less than good. If there's anything that is not perfect, it is greatly compensated for by something else that is stunningly brilliant or gripping. You would recommend it to everyone, even to total strangers.
9. ‘Great’
An anime that is unquestionably great and something to aspire to. You could watch it again for almost an unlimited number of times because of how impactful the story is. It has some very minor flaws, therefore you don't give it an outright perfect score but it still excels immensely in every aspect. You would recommend it to your friends even if you know they don't like the genre, maybe it could change their mind.
8. ‘Very good’
A brilliantly made anime that you could watch again several times because of its high quality form of entertainment. There are some minuses about this anime, but the rest is solid enough to almost forget those. You would recommend it to your friends unless you know it's not their cup of tea.
7. ‘Good’
Well executed and consistent as it does what it takes to deliver a satisfying show. It has its moments of glory that shines throughout its runtime despite some noticeably uninteresting parts. Nevertheless it is an anime that should not be underestimated.
6. ‘Fine’
Not so bad at all, it has some entertaining aspects that lift it above mediocrity, but it either never becomes really good, or if it does, it still has some bad parts that drag it down. You would only recommend this to someone if they're really into the genre.
5. ‘Average’
The threshold for ‘OK’. It's not good, it's not bad, just acceptable. You can always rewatch it if you have the time, but you would never ever consider doing more effort than clicking ‘next episode’ to watch it again. This anime is either an equal mix of good and bad parts, or is just so forgettable that each time someone mentions the title, you need to read the plot and look at videos to remember what it was about.
4. ‘Bad’
Still bad, but it's ‘almost there’ yet far from being good. Either it has some good parts that are ruined by bad parts, or it stays at a constant level of “it had promise but the good part never came.” You would never want to watch it ever again and consider forgetting about it.
3. ‘Very Bad’
Very bad, but you agree that watching this was an okay pastime on a lazy weekend evening because there was nothing else on your ‘Plan to Watch list’ and you were too lazy to dig up anything better. Or, you felt the need to expose yourself to something crappy to recalibrate your appreciation for anime series, and without being a totally shameful waste of time it reminded you how bad an anime can be. You could have better spent your time, though. You will definitely avoid watching it again, even on the next lazy weekend evening.
2. ‘Horrible’
Horrendous, but has at least one thing that is done well, like one decent scare in an otherwise pathetic horror anime, one good laugh in an otherwise decidedly unfunny comedy, one clever plot element, etc. You would never ever want to watch this again except maybe for that single good part.
1. ‘Appalling’
God awful, makes you want to gouge your eyeballs out with a spork, and either head-butt or try to hit the monitor with projectile vomit. Everything about this is just bad to such a degree that it doesn't even become good in its badness. You really wish you had done something more worthwhile during the anime's running time.
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