All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 62.1
Mean Score:
- Watching0
- Completed178
- On-Hold13
- Dropped33
- Plan to Watch405
- Total Entries629
- Rewatched86
- Episodes3,513
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 15.1
Mean Score:
- Total Entries218
- Reread5
- Chapters2,503
- Volumes296
All Comments (120) Comments
They may be a bit blurry as I was a bit drunk while taking the pictures
I knew that Joel has a sound studio, but DAMN i did not know that. Thank you so much.
Your AMV rules btw! I also wanna get started on video editing this year. It's on my to-do-list of the 2018 resolutions. I bet ya used Sony Vegas, eh?
golden post btw. triple bookmark n 2x subscribes thxxx
I'm just gonna leave some Master's Hammer here. lml
check this hungarian metal vixen out :D <- she also did fitness videos in the 80's & omg those hair, maaan. DAT HAIRDO lml
feel free to link me. I've been okay-ish. Need a new job now for the big travelling plans next year. How about you? THEY'RE USING MD GEIST AS THEIR BACKGROUND :DDDD lol
quality metal + animu 2 in 1, maaaan.
but the music was cheesy in a awesome way.
Been to both. I highly recommend Berlin, Hamburg, Leipzig, Florence and yeah you've gotta see Rome too. Italy is fucked right now, but their cultural heritage is one of the most beautiful ones of the whole continent. The art, the architecture, food, the mentality of the people and their gestures. It's quite stereotypical in summer, but unforgettable and great. :D
I'm sure you'll travel here someday. Once you're somewhere in Europe take the long distance busses (f.e.: FlixBus, Eurolines... they're HELLA cheap) and use airbnb just to keep the necessity costs low.
Sodom is one of my favorite bands. Check out this prismacolor drawing I did of that album cover:
By the way, I run Japanese Metal Forum. Feel free to take a look and hopefully join up! It's thriving.
I'd also love to see my heritage's country Mongolia. e__e a fucking Asia trekking tour would be super exciting, but atm i have to pay more taxes than the income i get. fucking Austria. -__-
But it's worth the money, travelling experiences were the best of my life and i don't wanna travel when I'm old.
Cyber City Odeo is on my WTW-list since a long while already. I think I'm gonna watch it during the Xmas holidays. Also.. I'm thinking about going to Japan again, because less than 2 weeks just didn't make sense, but man, that'll be fucking expensive.
Actually.. tbh the Gundam series could keep you busy for a LONG time, if you haven't seen all of them already. I mean wtf:
Imo: You also have to see M.D. Geist, Jin-Roh, Steamboy and Robotech