Report Shizuku-Kuroneko's Profile


All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 92.3
Mean Score: 6.94
  • Total Entries668
  • Rewatched0
  • Episodes5,520
Anime History Last Anime Updates
Jan 26, 11:46 PM
Completed 12/12 · Scored 6
Bocchi the Rock!
Bocchi the Rock!
Jan 18, 6:23 PM
Completed 12/12 · Scored 8
Dungeon Meshi
Dungeon Meshi
Nov 2, 2024 5:44 PM
Completed 24/24 · Scored 8
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 27.5
Mean Score: 6.53
  • Total Entries450
  • Reread0
  • Chapters3,445
  • Volumes385
Manga History Last Manga Updates
Sousou no Frieren
Sousou no Frieren
Apr 22, 2024 9:07 PM
Plan to Read · Scored -
Wotaku ni Koi wa Muzukashii
Wotaku ni Koi wa Muzukashii
Apr 7, 2022 6:15 PM
Completed -/105 · Scored 9
Sep 19, 2019 11:08 AM
Reading 28/58 · Scored -

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All Comments (161) Comments

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MagicPotato98 Oct 31, 2021 3:12 PM
That's all good! Yeah I'm good! Very busy because lockdown in my city just got lifted! Omg It's on my PTW list but I haven't watched it yet! I will bump it up on priority since you said it's good!

You cried a lot! Oh man! I'm not good with emotional anime! Is it really sad?
MagicPotato98 Oct 17, 2021 3:16 AM
Hello! It's been forever! How is it going?
kaitonic Jan 11, 2017 9:44 PM
I recently just watch it.It isn't bad for a French cartoon..
I would like to see it in 2D as it was first plan.There was a trailer of it..
kaitonic Jan 7, 2017 11:14 PM
Hey! there
You watch Miraculous Ladybug.
sinuss Dec 26, 2016 11:42 PM
Hello Shizuku, How are you? 😊 Sorry for late reply. Hope you enjoyed Christmas very well. Hey thank you btw for your recommended animes. But I've already watched them all except, acchi kocchi, Gekkan shoujo & nozaki kun, Ouran koukou host club. πŸ˜† I already added thoose in my plan to watch list though before your recommendation. 😹 But thank you so much for your concern. I'm really pleased. Btw, yea please gimme some best. Fantasy,magic,supernatural,action,romantic based animes that you've watched. I'm hoping for your best shot. πŸ˜ƒ Oh and aslo one thing, do you watch "Say I love you (2013) " movie? I mean movie based on sukitte linayo. You can recommend me some of live action movies based on animes/mangas if you've watched any. 😊😊😊😊😊😊
sinuss Dec 23, 2016 7:08 AM
Well, I don't know why but I'm kinda waiting for your response. 😊 Its nice to know from you. Btw I think I got you, About what you wanna say. Hmm. ☺ Hey, you reminds me of something, That I've also watched 10 episode of " 3 gatshu no lion". The name of the series & the male protagonist (kiriyama) reminds me of, (Arima kousei) from " Your lie in april". Which is my one of favourite & made me sad though. 😞 That's why I started watching it. But this series is not so bad I guess yet. Or may be I didn't find the climax or turning point yet. I dunno why but I think its not enjoyable to mee yet. I hope it would be more enjoyable from next episodes, where the heroin started showed up or kiriyama's life style going to change. Oh also I've watched 8 episodes of 'Watashi ga motete dousunda". Truly speaking, I dropped it. I dunno why but I didn't like it. Its all about BL story. πŸ˜’ so I dropped this series. Btw, hey I love to hear from you, so I wanna know if you recommend me some series like,- " Ao haru ride, Yahari ore no seishun, My little monster' or in another word some 'School/High school romantic comedy'. ☺ I love this kind of genere I guess 😜. Oh I've watched ' Strike the blood', which is different. But I like it though. It will be great help If you recommend me some like this, that you've watched but I didn't. 😜 please
sinuss Dec 22, 2016 12:36 AM
Wow, that's amezing of you Shizuku. 😊 I"ve to say that you are huge fan of anime than me. That reminds me, I'm kinda junior at this point. 😜 Its really enjoyable when I meet people who have similar choice & passion like mine. I feel comfortable to talking to them. 😊 And btw, you are a fan of STUDIO GHIBLI? Hell yeah, so am I. 😁 As long as I remember my first japanese anime was, "Grave of fireflies". I was so much impressed that I collected all Ghibli movies and finished them by watching everyday in a row. And believe me, It never bored me. It feels kinda sad when I've watched them all and nothing to do, then I found their series anime called "Ronia the robbers daughter". Its great though. And after that I started watching japanese movies, like- Garden of words, Your name, Voice of distant star etc. And then I started searching for more japanese anime and found this site (MAL). Oh youtube also helps me to find best animes. What can I say..... πŸ˜‚ I'm addicted now! A huge thanks to you that you recommended me some of your favs. Its a great help for me. 😊 I've listed them.I'm sure gonna watch them all. Btw, I didn't read so many mangas. Mangas are not available in my country. So I've tried some via google. Actually I like to watch animes than mangas. Oh btw, my nick name is Shahi. And web name (pseudonym 😜 ) is SINUS. You can call me which you like to call. Oh also, I'm from Bangladesh (Asia). I'm a student. And I like to know about yours & Your recently finished/ on going animes. 😊
sinuss Dec 21, 2016 10:58 AM
Its ok, & Hey how are you now? 😊 Its a pleasure for me that you've replied my comment. Btw, I'm an animation movie freak although 😜 but I've started watching anime series recently. My fav list is not as much as yours but I can mention some of my mine. Like- Say I love you, My romantic teen comedy, Orange, Kimi no Iru machi, Your lie in april, Nazo no kanojo, Anohi mita, Kokoro connect, Toradora, Itazurana Kiss, Bokuraga ita etc. If You see my watch list perhaps You will know some about my favs. 😊 I'm kind of picky to watch anime. Besically, I like to watch animes with nice unique story based and graphicaly enhanced. Oh, and I love school life related animes. 😊 Its a pleasure for me that You asked about my favourites. Can I know yours?
sinuss Dec 21, 2016 1:56 AM
Thank you very much for giving me a place in your friendlist. :)
sinuss Dec 5, 2016 1:58 AM
Thank you very much for accept. :) Its a pleasure for me. :)
AlfaJorgito Sep 9, 2016 12:36 PM

¡Buenas! ¡Se viene la época más alegre del año: la primavera :D! *(si sos del hemisferio sur :P)
Y nosotros en La Fede te traemos muy divertidas novedades, empezando por algo que ya es tradición en cada nueva temporada:

El sábado 25 de junio a las 19:00hs (UTC-3) estaremos haciendo la tradicional maratón de PVs y Trailers de Fall 2016 por Cytube.

¡No te lo pierdas!
Después de tanto tiempo y dificultades, regresa está divertidísima actividad CON TODO. Primero les traemos las dos joyas pendientes, los OPs de Barakamon y JoJo.

Y esta vez cantaremos un verdadero temazo que no te puedes perder.

El desafío favorito de los federastas. ¿Aún no has participado? ¿Qué esperas?
El mejor club hispanohablante de MAL no se hace solo, sino con la participación de una grandiosa comunidad.
Atrévete a dar un paso adelante y contribuir a la comunidad.

Se escoge una serie para verla todos juntos, después se comenta que tal nos pareció. ¡Ven y comparte con nosotros!
Este mes: Boogiepop Phantom y Magi: Sinbad no Bouken
Misma historia que el anterior, pero con Mangas.
Este mes: Train Man: Densha Otoko
¿Tienes insomnio o te encuentas aburrido a altas horas? Ven con nosotros al Vampire's Bar, cada semana transmitimos un anime escogido por nuestros participantes entre los que nadie haya visto.
Te invitamos al regreso de nuestro Torneo Anime Battle, ahora en sus últimas instancias.
¿Quién se proclamará campeón?

Somos club pionero en tener nuestro propio blog comunitario, si te interesa participar estás más que invitado
AnImeToXiK Aug 15, 2016 12:51 PM
Hi ^^ thank you for the friend request!
How are you?
Scrum99 Jul 15, 2016 4:17 PM

¡Buenas! ¿Cómo te viene tratanto el invierno/verano? ¿Y la nueva temporada de anime qué tal? Me gustaria escuchar que tienes para decir, así que ven con nosotros el Sábado 16 a nuestra:

¿Podrás con él? Si eres valiente trata de hacer el Hardcore.
iSólo los valientes hacen dos desafíos a la vez!
Me corrijo... **ahem** Sólo los Valientes hacen 3 desafíos en simultáneo.
Se escoge una serie para verla todos juntos, después se comenta que tal nos pareció... Se acabaron los tiempos de ver anime solo en un cuarto obscuro.
¡Ven y comparte con nosotros!
Misma historia que el anterior, pero con Mangas.
te invitamos al regreso de nuestro Torneo Anime Battle
¿Tienes insomnio o te encuentas aburrido a altas horas? Ven con nosotros al Vampire's Bar, cada semana transmitimos un anime escogido por nuestros participantes entre los que nadie haya visto.

Somos club pionero en tener nuestro propio blog comunitario, si te interesa participar estás más que invitado
TheMaxPhoenix May 18, 2016 11:27 AM

¡Buenas! Interrumpo el suministro de féminas de Shirobako porque esta vez toca cubrir al amigo Vene.

Como sabrás, el pasado 30 de abril La Fede cumplió dos gloriosos años: de un pequeño grupo de charlatanes ruidosos al club en español más grande de la historia de MAL y uno de sus más activos. Aquello no es poco y se lo debemos a mucha gente que hizo todo esto posible desde su contribución -por más ínfima parezca-... Por eso organizamos algo bastante especial: la edición de cards más grande que hemos hecho que incluye el retorno de las Member Cards y la confección de un video homenajeando a La Fede con todos los saludos, AL QUE ESTÁS A TIEMPO DE PARTICIPAR

¡Por más gloria!

¿Podrás con él? Si eres valiente trata de hacer el Hardcore.
iSólo los valientes hacen dos desafíos a la vez!
Me corrijo... **ahem** Sólo los Valientes hacen 3 desafíos en simultáneo.
Se escoge una serie para verla todos juntos, después se comenta que tal nos pareció... Se acabaron los tiempos de ver anime solo en un cuarto obscuro.
¡Ven y comparte con nosotros!
Este mes: Hai to Gensou no Grimgar y Kurozuka
Misma historia que el anterior, pero con Mangas. En esta oportunidad: Hideout
Regresan después de mucho tiempo nuestras MC. Pide la tuya y demuéstrale a todos que formas parte de esta gran comunidad

Somos club pionero en tener nuestro propio blog comunitario, si te interesa participar estás más que invitado
Bubblegum6711 Apr 29, 2016 10:23 AM
really? i dint think they would be to hard to come by since anime is so popular no days.

oh I definitely will :)
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