There's a difference between those two. With Kiss X Sis I knew what I was getting into. It was classified as an "ecchi" series and came from a perverted mangaka. It had the reputation of being borderline softcore porn so I picked it up looking for... well softcore porn. Eromanga on the other hand marketed itself as a genuine romantic comedy like OreImo, so I treated it as any other romantic comedy. Kiss X Sis never pretends to be something else, Eromanga wants to be taken seriously with the dramatic arcs an all. Plus, the ecchi stuff in Kiss x Sis didn't involve 12-year-olds. They were old enough to know what they were doing. Eromanga has middle schoolers as their bait. I think it's pretty obvious why the difference in scores. My reasons for hating Eromanga are portrayed in the score and review. I gave Kiss x Sis a high rating because I enjoyed it, I didn't enjoy Eromanga at all so it gets a low score. It's that simple. Was a 1/10 a little bit to harsh? Maybe, but that review was my first impressions so I mostly did it out of impulse. Anyways, I'm glad you found it helpful at least.
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Nice favs and thanks for the feedback.