(Click Image for anime source) Welcome :)
Well... not much to say to this, anime, video games, sometimes drawing, funny, relaxed, kind, could this be considered casual? Anyway, I watched anime before I joined MAL but only for about a year really, (maybe like 10 months actually) Though I have watched anime before that even, when I was like 8 or 9 years old, my older brother had me watch Inuyasha with him, and a couple other animes too, but then he moved back to his dad's house so I haven't watched anime with him since then, and ended up forgetting about, at least until they put the first season of pokemon on netflix. With the nostalgia I had from it, I watched a lot of anime since then. Some of my favorite video games/series:
( * update 5/10/17)
LoZ Breath of The WIld
Persona 5
Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE
Super Mario Maker
Duke Nukem N64
Persona Q (cuz apparantly I didn't have this on here before)
The Smash Bros series
The Legend of Zelda series
*---Final Fantasy series
*Final Fantasy VII
*Final Fantasy VIII
*Final Fantasy X
*Final Fantasy XIII
*Final Fantasy XIII-2
*Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII
*Final Fantasy XV
Metal Gear series
Fire Emblem series
some of the pokemon series (canon ones being x, and omega ruby, +spinoffs like Stadium 1/2)
Paper Mario series
Jak and Daxter series
Mortal Kombat (only 9 and X really)
Older Spyro series
Mario Party series
Playstation Allstars
Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth
and more
(Ah, I just love this game <3 and Yashiro is so awesome >w<) UPDATE!
More about me!!! (11/3/2016)
so to start off, if anyone hasn't already noticed based on some of the recent anime I've been watching, back in June (2016) I recently came out as being gay... now I have been for probably about 4-6 years but didn't accept it till about 3-4 years ago, and I didn't come out about it till back in June, as I've already said. I was trying to keep it from everybody really, even online, on here and stuff, but whatever I'm just gonna admit it now, This has also played a big part in me recently starting to watch gay animes, shounen ai... and maybe some Yaoi... >.> I still am not a big fan of romance animes... unless of course it's gay romance x//D but besides all of that, for those who have known me for a lil while now, I don't act much differently than I ever have, besides just being gay now, and to be honest, despite being as gay as I am and liking guys more than girls, I'm still like a teensy bit bi, but not enough to escape the gayness I'm afraid...
ANYWAY now that that is out of the way, to update my genre preferences: I like shounen, action, adventure, fantasy, demons, comedy, shoujo, romance (if it's gay), Shounen ai, yaoi, some sci-fi, some drama, Game, supernatural, magic, psychological, slice of life, horror, some mystery, post-apocalyptic, reverse harem is neat, some school, superpower. Genres I don't like so much, ecchi, straight romance (I know I'm terrible), mecha, space (well depends really), hentai... but otherwise I'm pretty open about the rest of the genres, or I guess, willing to try them.
I'm a Furry. Think what you will about that, but before you hate or dislike me because of that, feel free to listen to this 42 minute long podcast ^w^ the person being interviewed, he explains everything about furries pretty well, and is spot on
(Click Image for anime source)
My PSN Account:
(Click Image for anime source)
My Miiverse/Nintendo Network Account:
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3DS friend code:
(Click Image for anime source)
Favorite anime openings
(these are my top 5, yes, but they aren't in any particular order, and they could change as I watch more anime, and etc):
{4 new/edit, new/edit marked with *} (11/3/2016)
*Tokyo Ghoul Opening 1
*Fairy Tail Opening 22 (2014) Opening 8
*Naruto Shippuden Opening 19 v1
*Uragiri wa boku no Namae wo Shitteiru (Betrayal Knows my Name) Opening 2
Onmyou Taisenki Opening 2
(Click Image for anime source)
Favorite anime endings
(again, no particular order, and can change):
{1 new/edit marked with *} (11/3/16)
*Naruto Shippuden Ending 38 v2
D.Gray Man Ending 1
Persona 4 Ending 1
xxxHOLiC Kei Ending
Blue Exorcist/Ao no Exorcist Ending 1
(Click Image for anime source)
Anime List Background History:
Anime List Background 1:
Hey, how's it going? i came by your review about Ginga Densetsu Weed, I know it's 2015, maybe you don't even remember or isn't your favorite anime anymore, but I need to talk to someone about it! Besides, I've ONLY SEEN 2 EPISODES AND IT'S ALREADY BECOME MY FAVORITE. And by God, I don't think you love Wolfs Rain either, this anime is too perfect. I also identified too much with the part of coming out of the closet because I'm bi but currently I'm enjoying more women, and also prefer homosexual romance <3
Ayy, it's been a while since we've talked huh? e.e
Anyway I was browsing my friends' lists and happened to notice you seem to really like battle shounen, so I'm just gonna recommend you Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood and Hunter x Hunter (2011), they're both shounen and they're both in my Top 10, they're also both in the Top 10 Anime here on MAL, so you should definitely check them out :D
All Comments (165) Comments
You should really check them out, they're both incredible anime :D
Anyway I was browsing my friends' lists and happened to notice you seem to really like battle shounen, so I'm just gonna recommend you Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood and Hunter x Hunter (2011), they're both shounen and they're both in my Top 10, they're also both in the Top 10 Anime here on MAL, so you should definitely check them out :D
(im actually surprised you havent yet)