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Days: 149.4
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- Total Entries888
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All Comments (9508) Comments
what happened to the 'let's do an art trade next year' ?? (ノಥ益ಥ)ノ ┻━┻
either way heueheuh thank you for the pretty Gengar dp <33 also not me opening my pokemon go few days ago after ignoring it for 2 years and not bc somebody kinda provoked me heueheuh
Do you celebrate the Lunar New Year with your mother and siblings?
How about you? Do you celebrate Xmas? I see you changed your profile again.
may the holidays and new year treat you with love and happiness~!
stay warm, healthy & most of all, happy! <3
with love from pocatto aka jay
ps. hope you've been well shino-tan ~ take care of yourself & hopefully
someday we'll see a chiikawa profile fuefue
Yeah that's so true.. but it's even more tiring when it's in family, some people expect you to be fully comited to their way of thinking/acting.. and my mom is really tired out by this as well.. we're both emotional sponges, but she takes things more personally so i have to do my best to make her stay positive !
We did talk about a lot of stuff, but we surely overlooked a few stuff happening on both side /sweats. I remember you saying there was some complicated stuff happening between you and your parents before all of this too... I think as long as you feel good and have a positive mindset, just go with it !
...................You have Momonga on your current interest
momonga actually saved me when i started racking my brain what to put as my current interest T_T_T_T bc i have zero interests atm EXCEPT FOR PASSING ALL MY EXAMS WITHOUT A PROBLEM KSJAFHKLAF <33
Ohhh i understand.. It's good that she found something to focus on and make her feel motivated ! I hope she feels a bit better now, and you as well !
no it's not a collaboration i would be making them myself, it shouldn't be too hard since i plan to use the same background for all of them, only need to change some elements and get the render in there, however i'll need to figure out a background that works for all 3 of them first. yeah i'll post it here and on deviantart when it's ready. yup that's a good plan, considering how daunting layouts can be it's always best to go with something you are passionate about!
no it isn't related to the layout, matching set project would feature genshin characters that my friends and i like, just need to figure out how to connect 3 characters that have completely different color schemes lol. that's a good point, it might be why that font wasn't working with everything else. yup some projects are like that where even if you sink more time and effort into it, some of them just remain stuck, which is why scrapping or recycling elements helps a lot and it's also possible that you might get a better idea when you return to that series for a new project.
thanks! i hope so :]
oh that sounds awesome! really looking forward to seeing which pokemon will make it in the layout!
also thanks for accepting the friend request!
yeah that's true, i have some projects planned to get into once i get some more inspiration, next one will likely be a matching sets project. yup, i've tried pixilated font as well but it didn't look good due to how how sharp it was. that version was a mess haha! i was going for a different style of arrangement but it wasn't connecting at all. restarting ended up being the right option lol.
yeah i need to exercise the arm to keep the joints safe from getting stiff again and get strength back into the arm through that as well. yes he does home visits every other day for exercise.
ah nice! looking forward to seeing which series/character will feature on your new profile :]