A waifu is much better then a 3D girl can ever be.
There is no drama or arguments.
They'll never get pregnant or fat.
They don't have times of the month.
They wont play mind games with you.
They won’t forget about your birthday.
There is no possibility of catching std's.
They're not ashamed to look or act like girls
They'll never change or pressure you to change.
They don't demand expensive gifts over and over.
They won’t get mad at you if you look at another girl.
They’ll never divorce you and take half of everything you own.
They won’t get board of you or think of you as being annoying.
They don’t care what type of personality you have if any at all.
They won't cheat on you with your friends or anyone for that matter.
You don't have to put up with annoying friends or impress the parents.
and they don't get mad at you for random reasons that you know nothing about.
All Comments (43) Comments
Hahaha oh wow I see what you did thar.
lol...I try to get cards done so they don't pile up.
Please save and host the card on your own Photobucket, etc.
(interesting/unimportant note: I was going to delete my H folder when my computer was crashing to save space. Instead... I deleted my K-ON (anime) folder! D:)
True Story! (I will get the Blu-Rays of course =D)
Now that we're on the subject, YOU DON'T READ YOTSUBA??!?! GURL, IMMA WACK U UPSIDE UR HEAD!!! AY WHOOP YO HEAD BOY!!! YOU KNOW DAT I WILL!!! AY WHOOP YO HEAD BOY!!! (wow, why did I just say that? -_-)