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  • Total Entries45
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meganium Feb 26, 2022 9:45 AM
> Public fussing over what anime you watch is probably actively harming your relationship to art.
Couldn't agree more. I see so much of this in a lot of the communities I'm in that are anime-related and it both saddens me and infuriates me, so much room for genuine discussion often goes wasted.
Will miss seeing you around here, but I'm so glad to see you're still writing. Hope you're doing well!
meganium Mar 1, 2020 8:59 AM
Found you through the wonder review. I never write much on MAL but I just wanted to say that I've been reading your reviews and they really are an absolute treat. I especially appreciate how you are really brutal and honest about the anime I love despite them containing something that dampened my experience *cough* transphobia in gintama *cough*. I know I am quite generous with my scoring but your list is a whole other beast mate.
I'll have to check out some of the short films on your list for sure, that's one corner of the anime world I haven't explored enough of.
KinoTheBabe May 20, 2019 12:22 PM
used to own every volume but my brother got them when he moved out. i think it's pretty remarkable, the most tight-knit manga adventure i can think of. don't LOVE either anime in total but have fondness for 03's second half because of it's weirder ideas. i have less fondness for FMA than the best parts of Dragon Ball but when i have to rate all 42 volumes together and include stuff like Buu saga (which i still like but… you know) it makes sense to put FMA above it.
KinoTheBabe May 20, 2019 1:47 AM
I need to rewatch all the Ghibli movies frankly, i haven't seen Howl in so long
Poseur Feb 5, 2019 8:15 AM
SellMeAGod is a legend
karlstein12 Jan 4, 2019 9:27 PM
Nope, never been a moderator. I am in the MAL Rewrite club, though... but I haven't actively done any moderating around the site.
literaturenerd Jan 4, 2019 2:22 PM
I use goodreads, MAL, and Letterbox, but not RYM. At this point I just don't have any interest in making a profile there. I already spend enough time cataloguing and rating stuff.
literaturenerd Jan 3, 2019 9:57 PM
Since you like 20th century music, are you familiar with the Armenian composer Aram Khachaturian? Sadly, his legacy is tarnished by the overused and frankly dreadful "Saber Dance". However, he is capable of writing some really beautiful pieces. Here is the Sparticus suite as performed by the Scottish National Orchestra in Edinburgh.
literaturenerd Jan 3, 2019 3:27 PM
Everyone on MAL wants to praise Princess Tutu for introducing Otakudom to the beauty of ballet as an artform and the beauty of Tchaikovsky. Did Tchaikovsky really need advertisement though? He's already an absolute legend. I was pleased with the trashy and fun Hellsing Ultimate for introducing many to Karl Maria von Weber. I never even heard him mentioned in music appreciation and he's not mentioned much on Reddit music. The classical CD section of music stores don't have tons of him, but his overtures are simply fantastic!
literaturenerd Jan 3, 2019 2:55 PM
I really haven't heard much of Webern's work yet. I've heard of the man, but I'm much more familiar with more traditional classical music. I'm making it a goal to listen to more modern composers this year.
literaturenerd Jan 2, 2019 4:31 PM
Glad to meet someone else that wasn't thrilled with Death Note! I gave it a 6 because I'm quite generous with my ratings and it's art budget helped. I still don't know why people take it so seriously. Why would a supposed "genius" like Light think that the world could easily be fixed by killing a few bad people. That's the way a 2nd grader would think or the guy that made Kony 2012. Also it is never very ambiguous or challenging in its morality. Light is evil and was always evil. He's just not a complex or interesting character to me.

I also HATE Code Geass. I love plenty of anime with massive flaws. However, I'm quite aware of these imperfections. With some shows like Death Note, Code Geass, and Shinsekai Yori I feel like viewers honestly don't see the flaws and that can be frustrating. When my beloved anime fuck up, I'll bring it up and openly acknowledge it.
literaturenerd Jan 2, 2019 4:18 PM
I've actually never listened to his string quarters. I took some music appreciation courses in college and I remember Pierrot Lunaire or Op.21. Perhaps not the best introduction. Within 10 minutes I was like..."Nope! This isn't really doing it for me."
literaturenerd Jan 2, 2019 1:33 PM
Are you a music major? I honestly don't know enough to really judge one orchestra conductor's interpretation, unless it completely ruined the piece. Which Schoenberg pieces do you like? I respect his intellect and the bold direction he took his music, but his music has never strongly appealed to me. Certainly not on an emotional level. My favorite 20th century composers would be people more like Prokofiev, Rachmaninoff, or Richard Strauss. I also like classic rock from the 50s-80s. Pretty standard stuff. I think most genres of music have some great artists, so I always keep an open mind.
literaturenerd Jan 2, 2019 12:24 AM
Beethoven, Bach, Tchaikovsky, Wagner, Mendelssohn, Mussorgsky, and many others. My parents both played viola in an orchestra.
literaturenerd Jan 1, 2019 10:42 PM
Interesting music taste as well. My own is a pretty dreadfully dull list of classical composers I'm afraid.
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