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-ViviChan- Feb 28, 11:42 AM
I hope you've been doing well, let's talk again soon! ♥
-ViviChan- Dec 26, 2024 2:33 PM
hii again kai-kun! ヾ( ´・ω・`) it's been so long that the last time we talked was about midterms LMAO anyways, in case you're still wondering, midterms and finals went well for me! how did your finals/semester go?? we are def long overdue for a catch-up session!

oh- well, there's always next time, kai-kun, you did your best (๑˃ᴗ˂)ﻭ and I'm sure you're not done with math classes yet, so plenty of opportunity for improvement sheesh, move-in?? that feels like ages ago, I don't even remember haha (・・;)ゞ I moved all my stuff in by myself since my family didn't travel with me but you're right about the decorating part - I decorated a little at the beginning but it was mostly a slow process throughout the semester lol no frr, it's crazy that it's now over and in a couple of weeks, we're starting the second semester! when do you start again? I start on jan 13th or 14th :) so real, I forget which of us is older but either way, I feel old now (;⌣̀_⌣́)

seriously! you'd think they'd be able to, at the very least, make living conditions better but nope (´-ω-`) ooh, nice! were your expectations met or exceeded by the rigor of your classes?? as for me, I was most excited about starting more business courses, instead of gen eds lol and it was a good semester so I'm satisfied! and yeah, that's true haha I'm taking intermediate accounting and federal tax early junior year so I haven't had them yet but the horror stories are very real (O_O;) wish me luck, I might be dead by the end of it but what does your next semester look like for classes? is it more or less difficult than this last semester??

fr fr, you wouldn't believe how hard it is to pick the right colors and stay inside the lines when doing those coloring pages - it really does put quantum physics and those cs classes you have to shame ;) true true - body odor, not touching grass, struggling to talk to girls, and the list goes on... you'll have to verify those for me pls yep! erm, sorry to disappoint, kai-kun but I don't think I could ever do engineering so that prob won't happen (#><) so true, I really don't understand why people declare their major without at least taking an intro course for their major - sounds like a recipe for disaster (¯ . ¯;) whoaa, that would be awesome!! aw wait, really? that sucks :( I feel like that's bound to change tho since there's so much opportunity with ai! hopefully, at least *fingers crossed* damn okay, good to know in advance I guess?? I'll be sure to visit you if that happens lol of course!! (woww, kai-kun is so inspiring indeed ouch, harsh much) whoa, really?? that sounds amazing, I would love to take a look at it! idk about being experienced lol but I would be absolutely thrilled to see it when you're ready!!

omg, really? I can't imagine doing that, especially since it's not that hard to prepare for interviews - just takes a couple hours of serious prep and then you're set real, nepotism and systems based on superficial characteristics are frustrating for those who work hard to gain experience tsk tsk yeah, I have an internship in tax for this upcoming summer and I'm working on interviewing for an audit internship in summer 2026! :) do you have any internships or projects lined up?? and thank you! oh for sure, you saw firsthand how excellent my service was huh ;)

bro what (*꒦ິ꒳꒦ີ) I haven't tried that as a study method yet but I'll give it a shot next time /nods - pro tips coming from kai-kun here, lmk if you have any pointers on how long and what I should bang my head on for optimal results ヽ(*・ω・)ノ NO BECAUSE WHY IS THAT SO ACCURATE?! like fr, I'm analyzing the nuance in the literature only, not your rubric too bruh (# ̄ω ̄) yep, I was only required to take calc and stats as an accounting major so I'm done with the real math classes (still have some math in other classes obv but it's not anything new) how many more math classes do you need to take? I'm assuming you aren't required to take them all the way up until graduation unless you want to, right? ooh, that's the real deep question to ask haha I'd say my excel skills are decent but there's always more to learn lol STOP, THAT'S SO GOOD LMAOOO and so real true true, I can't argue with that! ;) ooh very true, the desire for a decent grade is enough to make those hours of suffering worth it indeed

GOSH, IDK IF I HAVE ANY JUICY GOSSIP TO SHARE (◎ ◎)ゞ but I guess an exciting update is that my family and I are traveling to thailand in a couple of days for the rest of my winter break! we aren't there for too long but we have a long list of activities so it'll be busy (*ノ▽ノ) I need a life update from you too!! any juicy stories or updates??

omg, your message was from halloween (*꒦ິ꒳꒦ີ) that feels like forever ago but I did dress up as wednesday addams inspired by a random convo I had at a career fair LMAO did you dress up for halloween?? I'm curious if you came up with any creative ideas („¬ᴗ¬„)
-ViviChan- Dec 25, 2024 4:54 PM
MERRY CHRISTMAS, KAI-KUN!! I hope you had a lovely holiday with your loved ones :) I will respond to your message soon fr this time, I promise but I just wanted to drop by to give you a gift and wish you a happy holiday! ♥
-ViviChan- Dec 13, 2024 1:10 PM
THANK YOU, KAI-KUN (*꒦ິ꒳꒦ີ) finals week did indeed kick my butt but I'm finally done lol I HOPE FINALS WENT WELL FOR YOU!!

yess, its finally time to relax! and right back at you! you got it, kai-kun, stay strong with all those stem finals, I'm rooting for you! (๑˃ᴗ˂)ﻭ (btw I'll reply to your other comment sometime soon hopefully but in the meantime, I hope you have a great end to your semester and a wonderful holiday!!)
-ViviChan- Aug 10, 2024 8:25 PM
oh, come on - kai-kun here is insanely smart and dedicated so I can't imagine that you did badly at all! truee LMAO hopefully you get at least a couple days to relax now?? oh gosh, well since it's been a hot minute (yikes), how did the calc final go?? NO FR, I am dreading move-in soon, it's one of the hardest things with moving out of state ;w; the time has really flown by, I can't believe we're already sophomores in college and I'm pretty sure we met when we were sophomores in high school so it's crazy that we've been friends for so long, sheesh

no fr, it literally feels like they're made out of cardboard with springs in them - absolutely diabolical living conditions smh and thanks haha, I think next year will be much more exciting in so many different ways, the roommates are just one part! is there anything you're excited for with the new school year?? LMAO facts, that might be a problem but we'll just have to see... ahh, that's fair - this year is definitely going to be much more challenging academically >.< what day do you officially start? as for me, I'm feeling a similar way with the dread of studying and assignments again but I'm excited for more positive change! :)

oh, for sure - when we aren't doing number crunching, we always have coloring pages as a backup (b ᵔ▽ᵔ)b indeed, staying inside the lines is quite the challenge, you gotta have the right technique truee, but there's also plenty of comp sci jokes to go around ;) good point, I think it's often considered quite a flexible major to pursue but that's part of the problem since it's too broad to really highlight the specific skills of an individual (in my opinion) (#><) but on the flip side, as you mentioned, those who find a relevant career are doing some pretty cool work! aww thank you, kai-kun, that's so sweet of you! now let's hope it stays that way lol woww, that's great that you were at least pretty certain what you wanted to do and even though you didn't know the specific track, there's always time to discover what suits you best! omg, ai or game design?? both of those sound so cool!! ai sounds particularly interesting, especially if you're able to program it yourself!! regardless, you certainly have the skills to excel with either path so best of luck (๑˃ᴗ˂)ﻭ hey, now it's my turn to tell you not to sell yourself short! even if it isn't something "novel", it takes some serious skill to personalize code and actually get it to work so it's definitely impressive!! hmm, idk about that... I'm certain it would take me triple the time to learn it than it did for you lol :') aww well, you gotta let me know if you ever do because I am now 100% invested in this application too LMAO ooh I see, that's good to know! thanks for the info, kai-kun <3

yeah, that's true haha I think everyone has some difficulty adjusting to their job, as well as the overall work environment! hmm, that's a good point, I didn't think of it like that but I do think if you did all of the steps to get the job in an honest way, then it's not really fair to yourself to be overly concerned as to whether or not someone needed it more too ( ̄~ ̄;) yep, everyone was super nice so it was a pretty chill internship! truee, you can't control what other people do so you might as well just do your best haha awww, you're so sweet! thank you so much for the kind words, kai-kun! gosh, idk about 5-star LMAO

bro what? that's chill?? I'm confused by the very mention of 3D space in calc (◎ ◎)ゞ AND physics on top of that?? no sir, count me out (・_・;) but I'm glad to hear that physics was interesting for you! and wow, that's great - hopefully, you were able to make some great connections out of that! frr, that's crazy, who is taking that class for fun?! thanks haha and yeah, writing the papers wasn't too bad but my professor's instructions were beyond confusing and unclear so I lowkey panicked the first week but it got way better after that, thankfully! erm alright, if you say so... I'll take your word for it because I certainly won't be testing that myself (*/ω\) oh, I most certainly get lost looking at all the numbers and accounts - but it's about trial and error and fixing whatever doesn't balance ( ̄▽ ̄*)ゞ now the REALLY REAL question is how you don't get tired of looking through a million lines of code and doing calc 24/7??? tremendous kudos to you fr
-ViviChan- Aug 4, 2024 5:48 PM
as always, no worries, kai! I totally understand the irl priorities so it's all good :) yayy, congratulations on finishing your classes!! I just know you aced all of your finals (๑˃ᴗ˂)ﻭ have you finished all of them at this point?? frr, best feeling ever and it even feels surreal that you're actually done with the class LMAO :')

so truee, you are actually psycho if you can sleep on those beds without one - ngl I did it for two days and it was horrendous (# ̄ω ̄) yepp haha I was hoping it'd get better later in the year but unfortunately, it got worse in several more ways :( anyways, it's all good now because I have new roommates I love next year and I won't be seeing much of the old one so I'm excited! :) are you ready for uni to start again?? I start really soon in a couple of weeks :')

LMAOO same with us business kids, I gotta do my coloring pages every once in a while ;) the business slander is unreal but trueee, I didn't even think of that! communication can certainly be useful for many things, even if it gets the short end of the stick a lot of the time :') and yep! I'm glad I ended up liking accounting since I was worried that I might second guess it after taking the intro classes but nope! is it the same for you? have you always been determined to study comp sci or was it something you just tried out and ended up really liking?? wow, that's awesome!! you are so talented fr that sounds complex to code, how long did it take you to make it? I love that you can add little notes too that is so unique and will be so useful!! you should totally make it an app or a publicly accessible application because I personally would love to try something like that! heyy, that's impressive that you already know some python and java!! I'm curious, would you say java or python was more difficult to learn??

aww, thank you so much, kai!! I appreciate the support haha ♥ yepp haha that was the goal to get relevant experience :) omg, that's so true - I feel that a lot of people have random and scattered experience that aren't quite relevant to their career path lol but hey, I guess any experience is good (at least early on)! hmm, I'm not sure I have any work stories... most of my coworkers are pretty nice and we don't really interact that much since I mainly work with customers lol I guess there is a bit of tea tho... there's this one guy that all of the other employees collectively dislike because he never wants to help others with their work without "approval from his supervisor" even if he isn't doing anything (#><) I personally don't talk to him much so I don't really have an opinion but that's the gossip haha

thank you!! I hope yours went well too, you've gotta update me on how that calc/physics class went (*/ω\) LMAO thanks for the compliment?? you're not wrong tho, I yap way too much fr I can only imagine, I don't think I could comprehend physics if I tried so kudos to you lol that's true, the fast pace can suck in its own way too but I honestly prefer that to an entire 4 months (´-ω-`) ooh well, that makes sense /nods - applied math sounds extremely difficult but I'm glad you find it interesting (*꒦ິ꒳꒦ີ) LMAO whatt, I genuinely can't imagine accounting being worse than applied math in any way - just the thought of such obscure concepts and math makes me stressed ;w;
-ViviChan- Jul 1, 2024 10:07 AM

wishing you a very special day with your loved ones filled with lots of yummy treats and happiness!! it's been great getting to reconnect after both of us being m.i.a. for months haha but honestly, it feels like we never stopped talking! I hope you enjoy your special day, kai-kun, you deserve it <3 and make sure to rest from all that coding and calculus or I will personally come over and make sure you do ♥ ♥
-ViviChan- Jun 19, 2024 3:54 PM
omg, so true - uni beds are the worst and combine it with the roommate situation at least for me and it's not the ideal experience >.< frr, some things never change sigh and I see you still have those poetry skills, it's been a while since I heard one of kai's iconic one-liners ( ̄▽ ̄*)ゞ

true true, that's fair, all majors have their challenges haha LMAO yepp, the numbers are truly neverending ( ; ω ; ) but I find it oddly satisfying to organize and classify everything so it balances out! :) ooh nice!! that sounds super interesting, I'm curious how that works... is it some kind of program or system that you made to plan your schedule?? or how does that work? no fr, college portals can be so complicated and it takes forever to look for what I need o(TヘTo) woww, even more coding languages? impressive! I can't recall if we talked about this but what coding languages do you know? I'm curious (✧ω✧) as for me, I'm doing an internship at a bank for the summer - it's not super serious since it's a smaller bank but it will def be a useful experience! :)

ahh, thank you, kai-kun!! I appreciate that haha I swear nothing interesting happened yeah! it actually did go well and it wasn't hard at all! it was a philosophy class that was mostly essay-driven, not really any exams, so it was a heavy workload but I prefer writing so it wasn't terribly hard :)) omg, no way ( ╥ω╥ ) that sounds rough - even if you like math, I can't imagine spending the summer doing calc and physics when you've been doing that all school year too (。T ω T。) good luck! and truee, it's a good idea to take the harder ones in the summer so you can focus during the school year :')
-ViviChan- Jun 14, 2024 7:45 PM
fr but ngl after a couple of days, it already feels like I never left :') LMAO def a little bit of both

noo, unfortunately not but LMAOO yes, real shenanigans indeed ;) yeah fr, no more relaxing summer breaks tsk the grind must be crazy for you tho as a comp sci major, I can't even imagine (*ノωノ) speaking of which, do you have any internships or fun projects planned for the summer??

aww, that's great to hear! ooh, you're taking a summer course? what class?? I'm also taking one and I actually just finished today! it was luckily only a month long :) yikes, that's rough, coding is such a tedious task (#><) good luck! and yep, I did - it actually wasn't as bad as I thought lol we didn't really do anything serious in it, just some basic coding (*´▽`*)
-ViviChan- Jun 6, 2024 8:53 PM

aww, thank you so much for the wishes!! I had a wonderful time with my family, it was great to spend time with them after being away for so long LMAO thank you again! ♥

ah haha I'm actually not doing much relaxing rn, sadly ( ╥ω╥ ) gotta love the grind but it's at least a nice break to be at home again :') how are you doing?? I hope you've been well, I've missed talking with you! ( ; ω ; ) I was shocked to see your comment ngl but super happy too!

-ViviChan- Jan 8, 2024 2:06 PM
omg, midterms 😭 this reply is clearly long overdue how did the last semester go for you overall? I hope it went okay! :)

truee, could never be us introverts - wayy too much work to do that lol aww, that's nice to hear that you've done some things with your friends! what was your favorite thing that you did?? as for me, I did some simple things with my friends, mainly going out to do casual fun things around town! my favorites were definitely thrifting and visiting some cute cafes :) LMAO yasss, that's the spirit, kai-kun (๑˃ᴗ˂)ﻭ slayyy that coding fr!! and yeppp, I'll probably be doing taxes haha ( ; ω ; ) crunching those numbers in my little cubicle huh I've yet to get questions like that...would love to see someone actually start a conversation like that getting real deep, real quick (o_O) hmm, you can confirm? I wonder how that conversation went then... did you actually become friends?? (•ิ_•ิ)? ahh yay!! that's so exciting, I bet you're going to be a pro archer in no time!! o(≧▽≦)o factsss, excel is such a neat software, sooo many tools and tricks to it that I'm always learning new stuff haha trueee, all skills require practice to improve after all! nah fr, registration is wayy more stressful than it needs to be LMAO ooh java huh I obvi don't know much about cs, is it similar to python at all?? last semester, my 8am on mon & wed was history and english on tues & thurs :') I STILL have 8am classes everyday this semester too lol comp sci on mon & wed and statistics on tues & thurs this semester haha what does your schedule look like this semester?? ooh true, college classes go much faster than hs for sure! it's good that you had some experience though, def makes it a little less daunting when you first start :) LMAO I wish, last semester overall wasn't that bad but I'm nervous for this next one because I'm taking quite a few classes with known bad profs sigh yeah, of course! huh it's yummy, you say... I sure hope so lol and thanks, I hope it won't be too bad since it's mostly python but we'll see o(>ω<)o haha I'm glad you think so but I still think I should come up with something else - brb while I brainstorm LOVE THEMMM FR I mean, no one is stopping you 👀 ah right, I recall you saying that you aren't super into sweets in earlier conversations too haha sooo fair, who cares about that if the food is impeccable (*¯︶¯*)

yepp, the flooring is tile but we have rugs in our room straight cement is criminal 😭 how about you? that's fair, the dorms are so musty and dusty, swifter is a lifesaver fr - haha dw, it's sooo satisfying to have a clean room \(^ヮ^)/ ah, I see! unless your school is pretty big, that seems like a lot of people for one bathroom - we also have suite style dorms but it's typically 4 people, with 2 in each room... that's good that they're all nice though! roommates are def one of the easiest ways to make new friends and meet people haha yeah, it's all good :') thanks for the kind words, I think I'll be fine since there's only one more semester with this roommate lol ya, ikr! it's literally so bad (。T ω T。) and now that I'm back at school after winter break, I have to accustom myself to the food again LMAO omg lucky, I can't wait to be an upperclassman so I can make my own food (*꒦ິ꒳꒦ີ) yeah, fr - hopefully it's going towards our education since it's certainly not going towards the food or living situations fr, I get a new one everytime we talk LMAO imma need to start keeping a list of all of them yaa, so true! it's amazing how far support from friends and family can get you! oh dw, my parents and sister came with me when I first moved in with all my stuff haha it's only for breaks that I have to fly back and forth by myself but I'm not carrying as much during those trips :) oh gosh, that sounds exhausting to drive for that long o(TヘTo) well, that makes one less fight on the trip huh oh good! haha well, idk if I really have that much direction lol just a vague idea of what I hope to do :') oh woww, comestology?! that's super cool, I never would've expected that! I'm curious to know, what made you interested in that?? LMAO thank you, thank you it's hard sometimes, trust me ( ̄▽ ̄*)ゞ of course, anytime :) yess, let's both do our best! (๑˃ᴗ˂)ﻭ haha, aww poor big sis doesn't know what's coming huh so real, relying on that insane discipline that comes from asian parents now (and the rice, ofc) I knew it! I figured you'd have something to say about crayon flavors ;) noted, I'll have to give those a try fair, that seems about right

LMAO "wapow" - classic chaotic kai-kun smh but thank you! same for you, I'll listen to whatever you say (regardless of how strange or cringe ;)) yass, what a great mindset fr that's so true, it's easy to go on rants online but irl it feels less comfortable which I suppose might be in part because you can tell much more easily in person if someone isn't interested :') haha well, idk about boys on campus lowkey way to scared to talk to them but I've def met a lot of nice girls! I bet you also have lots of boy and girl friends with those jokes of yours huh ;)

okay okay, if you insist then I suppose I have no choice but to try it the next time I have tiramisu /nods I'm trusting your word on that dangg, these just keep getting better and better! should've been a poet instead of a comp scientist (*°▽°*) it is now, thanks to you ;) WAIT REALLY, HOW AM I ONLY FINDING OUT ABOUT THIS NOW?! the joke is always how easily pleased I am so I def didn't think it would be that easy for you too (O_O;) well, there might be some truth to that but idk if it applies to this situation... well, that's a relief - would've been a hassle to deal with a restraining order and keep up with school fs /nods omg that's so real, it's also so hard to meet people outside of class, except for clubs o(>< )o you tell me, kai-kun, I can't speak on that myself true true, and being delulu is the best mechanism, hands down <( ̄︶ ̄)>

of course I don't mind the wait - take all the time you need!
-ViviChan- Jan 1, 2024 8:56 PM
aww, thank you, kai!! happy new year to you as well, wishing you a successful and amazing year!! <3 I hope school doesn't eat you alive too haha make sure to take it easy sometimes! :)
-ViviChan- Dec 25, 2023 6:58 PM


hello hello, kai-kun! I hope you've been well and school isn't killing you
too much ;w; I just wanted to stop by to wish you a merry christmas and
say thank you for being my best friend for over two years now sheesh
that's crazy :0
there's never been a dull moment in our conversations
since the start and I hope we can continue our fun and way-too-long
conversations into the new year! as always, I love and appreciate you so
much and I look forward to another year with you ♥

p.s. I will be replying to your other comment soon!
p.p.s. I wasn't sure if you still collect cards but I decided to include something anyways :')
-ViviChan- Oct 10, 2023 1:19 PM
fr, the first semester grind is def intense sigh I hope you're doing well though! don't overwork yourself, kai-kun o(>ω<)o

true true, seems like that's a pretty universal thing among students haha totally agree yeah seriously - I don't think most people would be comfortable asking questions in front of a huge group of strangers like that hmm, it's going pretty okay so far - always have lots of homework and stuff to get done lol how about you? how has the first month been?? aww that sucks :( orientation just isn't fun for anyone it seems sigh dw tho, at least we'll never be freshmen again - after this, it's right onto the real world which is lowkey way worse but shhh, let's ignore that for now no fr, it's literally just name, hometown, and major - that's all anybody asks and it's so hard to make conversation ( ̄ヘ ̄) gotta get some of those conversation starter questions prepared next time lmao ehh, I mean orientation in general is just boring and repetitive so I can't say there was anything particularly exciting for me either lol I bet! archery sounds like a lot of fun!! I'd love to hear about your experience when you get more into it :)) ooh nice! you def have to let me know how that goes too! (´ ∀ ` *) not much to update for my clubs :') oh! but I did sign up for another mini class - it's supposed to be for the microsoft certification in excel and it has been pretty fun so far and beneficial for accounting! :) aww, you know me too well haha it can def be frustrating and hard to learn but it gets a lot better as soon as you get the basics down! yep, I think my school ends a bit earlier than others :') LMAO thanks, I hope so too (*≧ω≦*) btw when do you end? can't remember if I already asked that oh trueee, that's a fair point, I wasn't completely sure since some universities have weird systems :') omg fr! it's so hard to get good classes and professors when you're the last one to choose sigh ooh woww, look at us twinning with our schedules! no way, mondays and wednesdays are the days I have a weird time block too! what a coincidence lol what class do you have at 8:30? ohh eww calc recitation?? that doesn't sound like fun o(>< )o how's that going for you? no fr, it really is a weird life lol yeah, mine is actually pretty chill so far - I'm taking 17 credits but I lowkey think I should've taken another class because I have way more time for homework than I thought I would haha awww, omg, that's so sweet of you to offer! (´,,•ω•,,)♡ thank you, kai kun!! I don't need anything atm but I'll be sure to message you if anything comes up :) which will def be next semester when I take a comp sci class lol but the same goes for you! I can't really help with math but if you need help with writing essays, I'm totally down to proofread/help write :)) LMAO dw, kutie kai to the rescue as always (I seriously have to come up with a better adjective that starts with k - the kutie thing kills me every time) NO FR, the food is literally disgusting, I certainly won't be gaining the freshmen 15 from that (。T ω T。) same here! 17 credits this semester :) also woww, tactical?? these adjectives just get better and better huh YES SIR, BEIGNETS ARE BY FAR THE YUMMIEST TREAT! woww, I commend that level of self-control (* ゚∀゚)ノシ beignets are just too irresistible smh and so true!! a sweet treat is always nice hehe rip, hopefully your wallet didn't suffer too much ;w;

so true, the room gets dirty so quickly! not sure what the situation looks like at your school but in my dorm, the room is literally a box and it doesn't help that my roommate and I aren't really friends - how is your dorm/roommate situation?? NO LITERALLY, I COULDN'T AGREE MORE the food is literally so greasy and salty, it's unbelievable - I had corn the other day and it was so nasty and salty (and it was literally from a can- like how do you mess that up??) anyways, I basically live off of caesar salad and pasta at this point lol it's unfortunate to hear that the food situation isn't better at your school either ;w; you would think 70k of tuition would warrant at least some edible food tsk tsk dang, I can't keep up with all these adjectives - you really got like a whole list or something that's a fair point for sure, it's amazing how different two sides of the same country can be! thanks! I hope so too lol aww dw, I'm sure it'll all be worth it in the end *pat pat* tori believes in you (๑˃ᴗ˂)ﻭ correction: barely fit everything on a plane - I know I brought too many clothes but I just couldn't help myself haha ( ̄▽ ̄*)ゞ whoa 12 hours?? that's a pretty long drive! did your whole family come with you?? that does sound painful, oof >.< are you also driving back for fall/winter break? no, the flight actually wasn't bad at all - it was only a couple hours :) cool?! (O_O;) idk about that lol but I appreciate the compliment! whoa, both parents?? that's actually so cool! no wonder you're so smart, always around big brain people huh whattt no, you're far too modest sometimes, kai-kun - coming from me, I really do think you're smart and you always succeed at what you put your mind to so you should give yourself more credit for that! ( ´ ω ` ) soo true! a little bit of interest isn't going to kill the bank maybe it's not our fault that our big sisters are so mean to us ┐( ̄∀ ̄)┌ you've gotta keep me updated on how it goes - don't be too harsh! ;) yep! that's true hehe your specialization with both cs and econ is also a great combo because you get a business perspective as well as experience in tech :)) ngl, I can't even deny that - but that must mean you got the asian smart genes too huh a crayon? don't be shy, go ahead and share which one it was then maybe I can be good at cs too (¬‿¬ )

oh for sure, it's quite a fitting name for a certain someone aww haha I could say the same about you - somehow you always respond in the best way to the dumbest stuff I say fr, sending that friend request was def one of the best decisions I've made - gotta hand it to you tho for making our initial conversation so much fun! I immediately felt comfortable with you so it's really your amazing personality that has kept us going LMAO - oh for sure, I've got plenty of friends with my conversation skills *cough* (・・;)ゞ

alright, I'm always listening lol hey, I'm not going to argue with a fact - tiramisu powder does indeed smell good mhm for sure (I can tell that you've breathed it in one too many times) danggg, kai with that rhyming rizz is crazyyy - that's gotta be one of the smoothest ones yet ngl ;) just now? I died from our cringe a long time ago IT WAS THAT EASY??! wow, who knew getting those bts lyrics would make kutie kai so happy lol mhm righttt - somehow I think the schizo one might be a bit more obvious than what you're thinking huh alrighty, if you say so... pls tell me it didn't actually go horribly ;w; on a serious note tho, how did making friends go for you? EXCUSE ME- when I tell you my jaw dropped when I read this (o_O) you're comments are seriously so unpredictable LMAO so true although some of us might be more delulu than others (¬ ¬ )

p.s. sorry for the super long reply ;w; I just can't help myself, idk why I keep making these conversations longer and longer
-ViviChan- Sep 3, 2023 9:19 PM
I knoww but unfortunately, those free days for relaxation are gone ( ; ω ; ) sighh fr, I miss those times already

soo true, but I feel like other students don't normally ask questions at orientation presentations since it's like a giant room with the entire class lol (at least at my school) honestly, kudos to the people who do have the guts to ask questions in front of such a huge audience tho - it's so intimidating (/ω\) also since it's been a hot minute since we talked how did your orientation go?? hopefully, it was less boring than mine (tho I doubt it) whoa, track and archery?? that's so cool! good luck with those clubs!! ooh, a cooking club? does your school have that?? I know mine doesn't so I'm curious as to what that looks like :00 hey, that's fair - it's always good to know how to make a solid meal /nods at the moment, I've only joined career-related clubs but as far as recreational clubs go, I was going to join the knitting/crochet club because it seems like a lot of fun! I'm not good by any means but it'll be a nice chill club to join I might join some other fun ones later but that's what I'm interested in rn :) whoa really??? huh, ig the schools I know about just start way too early lol nah fr, they're so mean sometimes (T_T) literally the very last day but yeppp, april is when I'm done :)) I know LMAO literally going to be dead by that point (#><) aww lucky! does your school prioritize upperclassmen over freshmen when doing schedules? or is it first come first serve?? ah fair point, I prefer 8 am classes over evening classes 100% but the problem is that I have a 5-hour gap between my 8 am and the next class (-ω-、) but besides that, 8 am classes are actually nice since you can be done early and have the evening to chill hehe how many classes are you taking this semester?? true true, I mean look at us, the proof is in the pudding ;) (get it? it's supposed to be a food pun hehe) joking about it is what we do best (๑˃ᴗ˂)ﻭ YOU ATE BEIGNETS?! UGHH, I'M SO JEALOUS o(>ω<)o they're literally so yummyyy, I hope you ate a lot of them!! (≧◡≦) ♡ ikr seriously! it's so dang expensive but ig that's because it's all fresh and specially cooked? not sure, but it was def worth the splurge at least once ( ´ ω ` )

totally, and it's really satisfying to organize everything ahh I know, I'm missing it so much after eating the nasty dining hall food for a couple of weeks now (# ̄ω ̄) have you gotten the chance to try your campus food? yes yes, it's a very good thing /nods - take it as the highest of all compliments (>ᴗ•) so true!! except for new york, the east coast life seems so chill and lowkey! ooh nice! I totally understand wanting to stay in-state but it's also fun to explore other areas of the country (´ ∀ ` *) hmm tbh, I prioritized the programs that schools offered and cost more than anything - ofc location and size mattered to me but I chose my school mostly because they gave me the most scholarship money and had one of the better accounting programs :') how about you?? yeahh haha tbh it's kinda boring in the midwest but oh well ヽ(*・ω・)ノ I took a plane but honestly, I could've driven if I really wanted to lol what about you?? yes, exactly! it's unfortunate but it's the game that we all have to play trueee, parents can be quite scary at times hmm well, accounting in general wasn't something I planned on doing until midway through senior year lol but as soon as I decided to do accounting, I knew I wanted to become a CPA because it opens up so many more job prospects (≧◡≦) how about you?? I'm curious to know what got you interested in comp sci :) true! plus there are a lot of reputable tech certificates online so it's a convenient way to gain experience! dang, 2% interest :0 ig that might not be so bad, depending on how much you loan lol a true businessman at heart huh haha thank you! idk about cool but hopefully, that's what employers think (O_O;) - awww, you're so sweet ( ; ω ; ) thank you, kai! <3 hey says you! comp sci and medicine?? now that's a family of smarties huh somehow I doubt that... I don't think cs will ever make as much sense to me as it does to you, big brain kai ┐( ̄ヮ ̄)┌

hehe it still remains true today too! LMAO fr, it's fun to have somebody with the same sense of humor :') totally agree! just taking a conversation a little further can really make all the difference (*´▽`*) same here! crazy how the universe works sometimes /nods

LMAO what- you're so unhinged sometimes, it's hilarious (*꒦ິ꒳꒦ີ) huh that might explain a few things... ty ty, I'll gladly take a compliment about my puns from mr pun master ;) haha dw I've heard those lyrics before so I totally got it alrighty, you've convinced me, I'll be putting all of my faith in you, kai, don't let me down ;) righttt (¬ ¬ ) not sure I believe you on that one fr, puns are the easiest ice breaker ever that's a new one (o_O) don't think I've heard someone call cops cosplayers before LMAO I'm sure nothing could possibly go wrong ah, what can I say ╮(︶▽︶)╭ I am indeed the most delulu daring hehe
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