Hello everyone, Club Aerosol is back with our monthly newsletter! Before we get into it, we'd just like to apologize for our inactivity the last couple months. You know how it goes, lots of things happen during winter break, and a lot of our staff became very busy, so we weren't able to follow through with a lot of promises we made you guys, like the birthday bundles or card editions, so we humbly apologize for that once again. Now, onto the good stuff! How have you guys been?! We hope the end of 2017 went in your favor, and after seeing old and new faces around here, we hope this will be the case for our lovely club as well!
With spring just around the corner, there is a lot of things to celebrate within the next couple months. Easter, April Fools day, and most importantly, Club Aerosol's 1st Anniversary!! It's gonna be a blast so we hope you can be there to welcome the new "aerosol" year! Just recently, we reached 300 club members! That wouldn't have been possible without each and every one of you, so thank you very much! We can't thank you enough but all we can do is promise to provide you with the best club experience on MAL, so please stick around! Now, we've got a lot of new updates to announce, so please keep reading for the latest club information!
● ◯ ☾ Staff & Recruitment ☽ ◯●
Naturally, after being inactive for quite a while, we lost some of our precious staff member. Most of them however stayed with us, we hope you'll continue enjoying the club as a normal member!
But since then, many new member were dedicated to be a part of the staff team. Let us welcome them together:
Kunii - Courier
xyenne - Card Maker
Richard Sky - Arcade Moderator
HakuyaMitsumine - Lounge Moderator
NotFuuko - Card Maker
Star-Dazzle - Promoter
As always, we are still looking for Card Makers and Moderators, but this time we are also looking for Promoters and Arcade (game) moderators!, so if you would like to apply for any of them, please head on over to our Staff Recruitment Application Form! Looking forward to having you on the team!
● ◯ ☾ Card Editions ☽ ◯●
The Anime/Manga Section Violet Evergarden 6th mar | 20th mar The Hub (Music) Keyakizaka46 13th mar | 27th mar The Theater (Shows/Movies) Hotaru no Mori e 20th mar | 3rd apr The Arcade (Gaming Edition) Monster Hunter 27th mar | 10th apr
Event Card (Limited Edition) 300 Member Special
● ◯ ☾ The Lounge ☽ ◯●
The Lounge is open as usual, please join us for a nice chat, we don't bite! We do serve tea and croissants though~
Alternatively, our Discord chat is open, so check that out too!
● ◯ ☾ Anime/Manga ☽ ◯●
Only one month of the winter season remains, have you found something interesting? If your not satisfied with the current season and have depleted your plan-to-watch anime, maybe the Valentine Anime Challenge along with the previous challenges might be something for you.
We have no major events this time, but we plan on doing movie nights and other events in the future, after the club becomes more lively again. Thank you again for reading the Newsletter and we hope to see you in the club!
Written by Minaeshi & Rizerugu. Picture created by Cheese. Proofread by Minaeshi.
Sent by Rizerugu
Hello everyone! The year 2017 is slowly coming to an end. We are planning ahead for the Christmas time, so we hope you can forgive us for the more or less eventless month. But the club is far from being dead! Our forums are always available, so don't forget to check them out from time to time. Also, now that we are halfway through the Fall season, have you watched some of the new shows? Maybe you found a fluke, a new favourite or even a hidden masterpiece? But let's jump right into the news. A very short intro for a even shorter newsletter.
● ◯ ☾ Staff & Recruitment ☽ ◯●
We are happy to announce that in the month of October we said hello to our new Anime/Manga-Moderator ShibX! He's already an active part of our forums, so if you encounter him in a discussion, send him a warm welcome too! Club Aerosol is still looking for Card Makers and Moderators, so if you would like to apply for any of them, please head on over to our Staff Recruitment Application Form! Looking forward to having you on the team!
● ◯ ☾ The Lounge ☽ ◯●
The Lounge is open as usual, please join us for a nice chat, we don't bite! We do serve tea and croissants though~
Alternatively, our Discord chat is open, so check that out too!
● ◯ ☾ Anime/Manga ☽ ◯●
Halloween might have ended a couple days ago, but the Halloween Anime Challenge is still available for everyone.
● ◯ ☾ The Hub ☽ ◯● Music Night: Everyone can join and add their favourite music track to the playlist, so that we might enjoy it together! You have to be in our discord to participate. The event starts at 8 pm GMT on the 17th of November.
Thank you again for reading the Newsletter, even though it's so short this time. And as always, we hope to see you in the club and at the upcoming events as well. Until next time!
Written by Minaeshi & Rizerugu. Picture created by meraki_yugen. Proofread by ChipFuu.
Sent by Rizerugu
Do you have the motivation now? XD It's seriously really fun doing BBCode, and a lot less frustrating than photoshop! I've got photoshop myself, and have been using it for digital art, but it's so hard to use the damn brushes they've got. There's like a lot to learn for photoshop xD
Have you continued watching it!? Can't wait for you to finish it, it gets super crazy!!! And the episodes before 480 will have you feeling every single emotion!!!! I FREAKING CRIED! You gotta trust me, it's A-M-A-Z-I-N-G <3
And I haven't watched boruto actually. I've heard it's good, but from others I've heard it's bad.
OH ME GED! ATTACK ON TITAN havvhagwhreehhwvw They better not be late again with the flipping 3rd season! It's getting crazy and I can't wait for it to come out!!!!! And that's a very sad truth, but there is one movie that was exactly like a book it was based off of. Every character said their lines exactly like how it was in the book, but it's more like a middle schooler's book so it'd make sense for the movie to be the same xD It's called "Buddy"
And Naruto was the show that got me into anime xD I saw kids in my class watching it, and it seemed interesting when I overheard them talking about it. It sounded familiar, and then I saw my brothers watching it too. At that point I'm like "flip it, Ima watch it" xP
Hello everyone! School started for most of us last month, so I hope everyone is doing fine. The time of the spookiest day of the year is close. A truly terrifying day where ghosts, witches and monsters are filling the streets and taking the sweets.. err souls of innocent people. Please don't get caught! But not only is Halloween near. The weather keeps getting colder and colder, winter is just around the corner. It made me realize just how fast time flies, I mean Club Aerosol will turn half a year old this month, did you know that? We are grateful to all members who have spent this much time with us, thank you very much! But let's dive right into the newsletter, shall we?
● ◯ ☾ Staff & Recruitment ☽ ◯●
Sadly, we've had to say goodbye to one of our Card Makers, Melvinthenigga. We wish you the best for the future and we hope you'll continue enjoying the club as a normal member!
There was no new addition to the staff this time, but we are still looking for Card Makers and Moderators, so if you would like to apply for any of them, please head on over to our Staff Recruitment Application Form! Looking forward to having you on the team!
● ◯ ☾ Card Editions ☽ ◯●
Halloween (Limited Edition) 27th oct | 30th oct
On the 31st of October, there will be a little Halloween Event and every participant has the chance to win a limited Halloween card! What is the event all about, you ask? That's a secret ~ So be prepared!
We will later on release our weekly card editions, so please keep track of the club!
● ◯ ☾ The Lounge ☽ ◯●
The Lounge is open as usual, please join us for a nice chat, we don't bite (unless you are human)! We do serve blood and brains though~
Alternatively, our Discord chat is open, so check that out too!
● ◯ ☾ Anime/Manga ☽ ◯●
What would the Halloween Event be without a Halloween Anime Challenge, right? The rules are pretty much the same as for the previous challenge, the Water Anime Challenge. There is no time limit and the challenge will be available even after the Halloween event. The only question is: Are you brave enough? >_>
Anime Night: We explore some of the new seasonal anime by watching the first episode together and you can join us too! The event starts at 8 pm GMT on the 6th of October.
● ◯ ☾ The Hub ☽ ◯● Music Night: Everyone can join and add their favourite music track to the playlist, so that we might enjoy it together! You have to be in our discord to participate. The event starts at 8 pm GMT on the 13th of October.
Movie Night: We're going to watch a horror movie together and everyone is invited! The movie for this month won't be revealed this time. The event starts at 8 pm GMT on the 20th of October.
Game Night:What is better than playing video games? That's right, playing them with friends! Feel free to join us at our game of this month, pictionary. The event starts at 8 pm GMT on the 27th of October.
BBCode can be quite tricky, like figuring out the order of things so the layout is right, but you could search online and find many useful websites that have cool tips and tricks for BBCode :D Enchanted Pixels? On MAL? Ooooh sounds like a magical club haha xD
YO! After like episode 450, things are gonna get crazy! I'm telling ya! Or somewhere around there, and it's gonna be worth it, trust me! I absolutely love Naruto way more now that I've finished it, but I'm sad I did because it feels empty without Naruto D: But yo, you gotta finish Naruto! It's FLIPPING AMAZING <3
Yeah, I heard about the third season actually! And my brother was the first to recommend me Death Note, and for the film... yeah... heard lots of negative reviews about it, which is sad xD Then again, a movie can never be like a book, or its original piece.
Ah I see, an entire change eh? xD You know you could still create awesome profile layouts using BBCode? You just have to edit any images you want to include, paste them into your profile so that they're in the correct position for how you want the text to be laid out as :D
Same here... finally got to finish Naruto though, after so many months of planning to xD
Just Right.. hmm.. I think I actually saw that somewhere... I'll check it out later :D
I actually recently finished Naruto, like mentioned earlier, and I'll be starting "My Hero Academia", and possibly Death note alongside :D What about you?
All Comments (109) Comments
● Newsletter March 2018 ●
● Newsletter November 2017 ●
Have you continued watching it!? Can't wait for you to finish it, it gets super crazy!!! And the episodes before 480 will have you feeling every single emotion!!!! I FREAKING CRIED! You gotta trust me, it's A-M-A-Z-I-N-G <3
And I haven't watched boruto actually. I've heard it's good, but from others I've heard it's bad.
OH ME GED! ATTACK ON TITAN havvhagwhreehhwvw They better not be late again with the flipping 3rd season! It's getting crazy and I can't wait for it to come out!!!!! And that's a very sad truth, but there is one movie that was exactly like a book it was based off of. Every character said their lines exactly like how it was in the book, but it's more like a middle schooler's book so it'd make sense for the movie to be the same xD It's called "Buddy"
And Naruto was the show that got me into anime xD I saw kids in my class watching it, and it seemed interesting when I overheard them talking about it. It sounded familiar, and then I saw my brothers watching it too. At that point I'm like "flip it, Ima watch it" xP
I will try it
how can i apply for staff in the club
and maybe i will apply for the staff.
i have a friend that wants to join too. her username is: Froekel.
That was si Nice of you 😍
● Newsletter October 2017 ●
YO! After like episode 450, things are gonna get crazy! I'm telling ya! Or somewhere around there, and it's gonna be worth it, trust me! I absolutely love Naruto way more now that I've finished it, but I'm sad I did because it feels empty without Naruto D: But yo, you gotta finish Naruto! It's FLIPPING AMAZING <3
Yeah, I heard about the third season actually! And my brother was the first to recommend me Death Note, and for the film... yeah... heard lots of negative reviews about it, which is sad xD Then again, a movie can never be like a book, or its original piece.
Same here... finally got to finish Naruto though, after so many months of planning to xD
Just Right.. hmm.. I think I actually saw that somewhere... I'll check it out later :D
I actually recently finished Naruto, like mentioned earlier, and I'll be starting "My Hero Academia", and possibly Death note alongside :D What about you?