Please Save and Rehost Within 7 Days Ctrl+F and then type your username to find your cards
If you found any problem please PM me
Thank you for requesting ^.^
Use Ctrl+F to find your cards
Please save and rehost within 14 days
If there are any problems, please PM me
Thank you very much for requesting
We hope to see you again in the next edition
- - - - - - - - - - - READ ME - - - - - - - - - - -
CTRL + F to find your cards faster. Please take
shortened usernames into account while you're
searching for them, especially if you've provided
me with a name other than your real username.
And I know that it's maybe troublesome dealing
with mass deliveries, and it's my fault for procr-
astinating. So I'm sorry but please bear with me.
Have any kind of problems? >>>>clicky<<<<
Thank you very, very much for requesting~ ♥ sorry for the super late delivery by the way
T_T was really busy sigh forgive me please :c
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
All Comments (49) Comments
Please Save and Rehost Within 7 Days
Ctrl+F and then type your username to find your cards
If you found any problem please PM me
Thank you for requesting ^.^
Gothic Lolita LE || Cards
Please save and rehost
Use CTRL + F to find your cards faster
If there are any problems, please PM me
Cards made by bloodyshadowz13
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Your cards have arrived!
Remember to save them within 14 days!
Use Ctrl+F to find the cards you requested – the file
will be named after you!
Pandora Hearts LE // Cards
✉_Carmine Sky_✉
➤ 1 yr Ann. || Cards
Please Save within 2 weeks~ Thanks for requesting!
If there is any problem, do leave a comment HERE
☩ One Year Anniversary Celebration Edition ☩ || Cards (178)
Use Ctrl+F to find your cards
Please save and rehost within 14 days
If there are any problems, please PM me
Thank you very much for requesting
We hope to see you again in the next edition
Delivery for Carmine Sky ☩ The Dark Citadel ☩:
One Year Anniversary Celebration Edition || Cards (172)
Use Ctrl+F to find your cards
Please save and rehost within 10 days
If there are any problems, please pm me!
Thanks for requesting!
One Year Anniversary Celebration Edition ☩ Cards Here
Ctrl+f to find your username.
Please save your cards within 14 days.
If you encounter any issues, send me a PM.
Your card is here ~
So sorry for being late. I've been super busy lately~
Ookami to Koushinryou RE ≫ Cards here
Sunset ME ≫ Cards here
Ice Cream SE ≫ Cards here
Yuri LE ≫ Cards here
Please save and rehost within 7 days. If there's any problems please contact me.
Sunset ME/Cards here
Thank you for requesting!
Ctrl+f to find your cards
Please save and rehost within one week
If there are any problems, please PM me
Cards by: IIFrostBite
Delivery by: Ilovesogeking