-------------Profile 80% done, Im actually just bored completing it---------------------
I see 100 people around me and there are millions in the world ...Trying to be some one that never lived before and won't be forgotten. . . Knowing that im greed i still go on to my dream. . .
I say poetic,stupid,random stuff, only to find someone who understands my pain and strange thoughts.Can you comprehend the feeling of no one ever truly understanding you?Everyone nodding they heads and when asked "Why?" a weird silence follows. . .
I am eccentric,love myself to the limit and that make me to be aware of every inch of "me"!
In other words I am ultimately self aware of me,not a narcissistic personality tho!
Well in order to find my more about my true self i write critics base on:
1) The general opinion
2)My personal thoughts
I rate based on:
1)Story/Music/Art/Characters and how they are fused.
2)Enjoyment=Objectivite=Emotions (Symbolism,deep messages,mental hardship it offers)
3)personal opinion, unique/weird things and if the story had maximum potential and efficiency
Favorite genres: Romance,Comedy,Psychological,Existential,Drama,Mystery (any source of creativity and well thought story + emotional and mental simulation and hardships)
Inconsistent genres: Ecchi,Harem,Mecha,Space,School,SoL,Forced/obvious drama,Moe Gore,Gorefest
One has different perception of Comedy,Romance, whether a drama is forced or not, Whether something is pretentious or not. Its all about if the show appealed to you. If yes, you can't possible hate it and you will do everything to rate it high. If not the no matter how good the show may be, you cannot rate it above a 6~7.
That's a sad fact.
Fan fact, i almost never drop an anime, unless its really really impossible to continue watching it. . .
When you go and watch an anime,movie you must be mentally prepared of what its coming. I mean. You can't blame an ecchi,comedy for not being dark enough. You can't say you disliked it when you knew you won't like it from the start...
That's just you not respecting anything or not being aware of your own stupidity due to your Elitist,Narcissistic,Uppity personality !!
I pity these guys, love them at the same time and respect them . . .
Talking in an intellectual and vague way isn't convince anyone of your opinion.
On the other hand, explaining in details on why and how is easier for others to understand even if they don't mean sympathizing with you or your opinion.
Rating is easy !
Defending your ratings its hard.Personally rate anime meaning:
10)Is something that you selflessly gave and you personally liked it and set it as "Model" that other anime should follow.
9)Is an anime that overwhelmed you and you enjoyed it and willingly ignore its flaws where there existed.
8) Is something exceptionally good and enjoyable but its flaws are too obvious you can't bypass them.
7)Is something above average and enjoyable.Then again its flaws are obvious and you can't neglect them.
6)Is Something that was good and enjoyable but the amount of flaws literally rival the anime and you sure had your doubts about the anime.
5)Is Something that was enjoyable with some serious flaws that cause some intense disturbance. Possible left a bad taste in your mouth, or had unsatisfying ending.
4) May or may not be enjoyable but its had some critical mistakes that you yourself cannot accept. Probably did leave you a sour taste,was ridiculous and had no satisfaction whatsoever.
3) This is where you started hating things. . . Start questioning yourself why you even watch/ed this?
2)Things that you found disgusting,irritating,frustrating and absolutely unattractive.
1) Why would anyone even waste money on funding that anime? There was no purpose in it!!
One last thing, a quote from me to your dear friends.
"Its easy to judge and say something is 'objectively' bad or good! Indeed! IT IS HARD THO, to admit and say 'In that,bad thing there are some good points, compared to other bad things, that's what make it different!' and that goes both ways. Its hard to accept the bad things inside a good thing!!"
I will try to write at least a small review for every show i've watched.
If you think i rated unfairly or way to high feel free to leave me a comment or so we can debate it.
If i didn't review a show and you want me too feel free to ask.(not that any of the above may or will happen)
My name is Themistoklis and i write Shameless critics without remorse!!
Welcome to my profile and be harsh if you must or be soft if you want.
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