Hi, Quite High Compat. One Piece is my all time favorite anime. One piece is the best main stream anime ever because there are no super long power up scenes and it is freaking funny(I laugh my ass of watching it). The characters are amazing such as the dumbass captain(Luffy), the super GAR vice captain zoro and the rest of the crew. It has action, comedy and some the crews pasts are very sad(Chopper). I really recommend you watch it. It is quite unique but u could put it in the same main stream category as Naruto and Bleach. The animation is going to be quite shitty when you start off but bare through it. In the current episodes the animation is very good.
All Comments (16) Comments
ale skoro mówisz ze dobra to wrzucę na PTW ;D
Dobra dawka humoru mówisz ? xD
Może Golden Boy ? ;D
ZNT też w sumie całkiem zabawne było ^^
fabuła dość słaba, akcja też zwolniła xD
jakiś taki nudnawy bł ;D
i każdy ma w sobie coś niezwykłego ;D
obowiązkowo na 1 miejscu ;D
80,7 % compatibility xD
dobry gust ^^
baccano was a great show...the op music is awesome
oh and I rec Hajime no Ippo too!
so you're watching Kenshin now
that series was great!