I am a Norwegian anime fan who is often called a geezer although I am still in my twenties. Yes, I do indeed enjoy culture, philosophy and history from the past. Also, I am quite obsessed with the Norwegian language, although it is rather unlikely that I will use that language here, so please endure my somewhat faulty English instead.
Obviously, I prefer historical anime above all, but that does not mean that I necessarily have a distaste for anything else. I am quite tolerant and I mostly enjoy the shows I watch, but a show rarely gets a rating above 7 (good).
I am happy to be here, and I hope that the time I spend here will be a pleasant time for both you people and myself.
All Comments (21) Comments
I am tempted to rate maria-sama as high as you have; certainly if I could be persuaded to do my ratings on enjoyment, it would be that high. The series' place in my top 5 certainly isn't going anywhere.
I'd like to welcome you to the "Critics and Connoisseurs" club. Please feel free to take some time to familiarize yourself with the club rules posted on the club's main page and in the FAQ thread.
We'd like the members to stay active by reading/watching the spotlighted entries as much as their time allows them to and also by participating in the discussion threads and most importantly by voting in the weekly polls. I hope that you enjoy your time at the "Critics and Connoisseurs" club as an active member.
Should you have any questions regarding the club please feel free to contact one of the admins or refer to the FAQ thread.
If you're a fan of historical-setting movies, you should watch The Leopard someday. It's a bit longer than contemporary movies but every minute is worth it, at least in my opinion.
*bro fist*
(Delete this and ignore it if you wish to do so)
Have a wonderful day/night.
- aaronluis26
(Delete this and ignore it if you wish to do so)
Have a wonderful day/night.
- aaronluis26
Er hodet blitt større av all lesinga? Og får du dreisen på studiene?? Antar at du har måttet slite deg gjennom exfil og exfac eller har det blitt avlegs?
Anyways, tar gjerne en tur innom TT markedet en dag om du vil. Jeg kommer til å sitte i Operahuset og øve neste uke så jeg kunne trenge litt pauser innimellom. Spesielt rundt lunsj.
Vi høres!
Hehe, neida! Ble glad (og litt overrasket?) over å se at min kjæreste søster og kjæresten min sosialiserer litt mens jeg er i det store utland.
Og btw, det er 包子"bāozi"! :D (I hvertfall de typene. De andre er 饺子 "jiǎozi") Nam nam! Spis noen for meg og! Også sånne kinesiske rullebrød! De som er grønne inni! Jeg savner dem... O__o
Pass på hverandre litt mens jeg er borte, da!
Kjempeglad i dere! <3 *klemme*
Buhuu!!! *gråte på skulderen*
Du får trøste deg på lesesalen så skal jeg bure meg inne på øvingsrommet. Evt får vi gå og spise bao-su (eller hvordan man nå skriver det der) sammen en dag. Ta med Alexia f.eks.
Ciao, brother-in-law ;)
By-the-way. Favorittkarakteren min er ikke noen karakter ifølge moderatorene her. Stakkars susuwatari - bli diskriminert på den måten!
Our manga compatibility is 'Amazingly high" wow xD! can I add you?