it's still me as Sword_neko_bird, but i just change it for fun [img]
I'm love anime!! Let's just say that I love vampires and demons a lot and I really love doing RP a lot, but it has been a while to do some of the RP, but I will catch on it soon!!! I also love neko, naruto, vampire knight and all those other anime that I love. I can't wait meeting you guys soon!!!
please save and re-host on your own account incase your card disappears in the future!
p.s, i'm not sure whether you typo'd when requesting a card? as i just C&P'd what you typed for username. so if you did realised you've mis-spelt, comment on my profile and i'll be happy to change it for you :)
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Vote for Anime of the Month here.
sorry for the wait!
please save and re-host on your own account incase your card disappears in the future!
p.s, i'm not sure whether you typo'd when requesting a card? as i just C&P'd what you typed for username. so if you did realised you've mis-spelt, comment on my profile and i'll be happy to change it for you :)
including me.
and if you get at least 10 back you will get good news within 15 Min.!
Let"s see many hearts you get!!!!
All the best........please do ....
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FAKE FRIENDS: Will ignore this
REAL FRIENDS: Will send it back to you
including me.
and if you get at least 10 back you will get good news within 15 Min.!
Let"s see many hearts you get!!!!
All the best........please do ....
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FAKE FRIENDS: Will ignore this
REAL FRIENDS: Will send it back to you