Hello World.
Aside from anime, I also like playing video games, hanging out with friends and I'm even a baseball fan.
I love many kinds of games, but I enjoy fighting games the most.
If you have a PSN ID, feel free to let me know and maybe we can play something some time.
Some of my favorite games:
BlazBlue: Continuum Shift
King of Fighters
Street Fighter
Final Fantasy
Mega Man X
Sonic 1-3&K, CD, Adventure 1 & 2
And a lot more...
Favorite TV shows:
Law and Order
Law and Order: Criminal Intent
Law and Order: SVU
Men of a Certain Age
Prison Break
Degrassi: TNG
Spongebob Squarepants
And a lot more... mostly like classic sitcoms, and old cartoons.
As far as anime goes...
Hey, as long as it seems good... I'll give it a chance.
To be quite honest, Fuck these guys. they're a huge part of the reason the anime fanbase sucks.
They should be ashamed of themselves. And then there's their leader...
-If you are reading this, and happen to be one of those:
"OMG all English dubs are terrible! My ears are bleeding!" assholes, you should consider jumping off a cliff.
Worst Japanese Voice Actors (v.01 - According to me):
1. Jun Fukuyama
Worst English Voice Actors (v.01 - According to me):
1. Colleen Clinkenbeard
& would really appreciate your help in doing that. We need to get back out there, and show off all our great drawings. To submit your drawings. Click HERE
Also, while you are at it, Check out the new forum for us to reconnect with each other. Click HERE to visit that new forum.
I can't wait for the club to be active again.
I would've replied sooner but since I visit this site SO MUCH now (/sarcasm) I didn't notice you replied! :( MAL Has become that boyfriend/girlfriend you want to avoid as much as possible, but can't because you share the same group of friends... though MAL is more of an awkward friend with benefit type of deal, because I do need to keep the list and... YOU KNOW WHAT, FORGET WHERE I'M GOING WITH THIS. I CONFUSED MYSELF.
Anyway, it makes me angry that the one time I'm not watching anything, it decides to start working. I'm on to you MyAnimeList.net!
I'm glad you're just getting into it now too though! Not the only “n00b” now. I have a few friends who have been actively reading comics for years, but I swear I can't ask them for anything. They either confuse me more than wikipedia (thank god for Comicvine...) or make me feel like a loser for /just/ getting into it... though mostly joking. I hope.
That honestly sounds like something that'd be the biggest most addicting guilty read ever. I honestly didn’t look too much into Civil War (Though I did look a teeny bit into House of M… but not much) so thanks for that. :3 But boy, too late. I've been wikipedia...ing, for the past few months, so I've been spoiled of it all. But I don't mind spoilers, as I probably won't understand unless I read it anyway. Really. I am so confused. Don't get me wrong, I understand the basic idea behind it... but then I read stuff like "You need to Read House of M/Secret Wars/WHATEVER" to fully understand it because... you just need to or you'll be lost. Thankfully, I gave up and decided to start with DC. I wanted to start Avengers/X-Men more than anything though... but oh well. And I'm mostly speaking about the main continuities, btw. If the main story-lines are hard to keep up with, imagine alternate story-lines? SO MANY “EARTH’S/SOME NUMBER?” Oh and you can now officially add Deadpool into that list. <3
Well, since you have officially obtained it I'm guessin' the same way I've obtained all the things I want to read..., than you must calm your body, and live to tell me of it's greatness :'< or non-greatness. You must live to tell me, is all... I'm not going to start reading anything until summer but I started to read Ultimate X-Men and shit's awesome for now...
Yep. Though a lot of characters are kind of... erm... they have vastly different personalities from whats been usually established in most continuities. Some are good (I usually hate Cyclops, but he's actually likeable in Ultimate) and most aren't... too... great... at all... but I guess that mostly differs with each writer, ya'know? I only read a little...
I think that's why I am so excited about entering western comics. Yes, they will have their hack writers who will destroy a single character and retcon things that'll piss everyone off, not doing any research... but then there will come a writer who'll fix things and will bring joy to millions.
The thing is, I don't care if they're "kiddy" or are identified as being "kiddy." As long as I'm enjoying it, I don't think it matters. Not all comic's are about "super-heroes" though. Western comics even have a few slice-of-life titles, although small in number (I think Stranger in Paradise is the only one I honestly know of and want to read... oh and Archie, I guess lol...) Don't wanna read anything by DC or Marvel? That's fine! You can get started on Scott Pilgrim or... I Kill Giants. (<3) They're even manga-esque. There are plenty of shorter comics too.
Yeah, I had no idea Wolverine had a thing for Japanese chicks until I looked at his bio. All his love-interests seem to end up dead though. And I didn't even find out about Daken until this year! Don't forget, Wolverine has a female clone, X-23, who has her own series apparently... He might be the most used character in X-Men or even Marvel, but he's developed the most interesting back-story ever... :/
I think there’s something for everyone out there. I love any animated DC series, and that’s why I want to start with it first. I’m lovin’ Young Justice. I used to love Batman Beyond too, god… Terry was so awesome, he needed his own comic. I think he is being written (or is already written to be) in the main continuity. And if that spoiler I read about him was right, he…
is also Bruce Wayne’s son. Genetically, it’s complicated
Thanks again btw : )
I always felt bad for blowing up the way I did, but people have been at least a bit understanding…
Yeah, that’s true! It’s nice to see someone within our ages looking forward to actually doing something or going to school though. Though I guess with how tough things are, there isn’t much of a choice nowadays… Do keep me posted though!
It’s getting pretty hard to tell shows apart anymore though. I loved K-On! But I don’t want every show trying to copy the style and follow the exact same path. Shitsux. The only thing I plan to watch for a long time, is Gintama. Squid girl (psh, I can’t spell its jap title) actually looked really funny. It looks more cartoon-y than anything to be honest, which is a plus to me. But I literally do not feel like watching /anything/ anymore. Not at the moment, at least. Not even re-watching PSG :’< How sad.
Demon Souls!
This weekend I finally took the time to actually find out what the whole deal with Demon Souls is. Well, I saw some reviews on youtube. All the points you just made, were all given, aha. Though I don’t remember hearing about the added difficulty each time you beat it! Shit, I’m not going to see the light of day this summer at all this summer. It sounds like something that’d be SO frustrating (you die, you lose your demon souls, and enemies get harder each time you die..?) but just oh so… appealing at the same time. I just have like, a month and a half until summer break… so I can hold on. Yeah. Yeah… :’( I’ll let you know whenever I do get around to playing. It’s so nice to be challenged once in awhile, no?
Not much here but I love the “spoiler” button!
JENNIFER HALE IS QUEEN, BRO. She be in all yo games.
But seriously, I’m… shocked by all this. I am kind of glad I’ve avoided asking anyone about MvC3 now. Thankfully I’ve avoided forums too… it just sounds so… lazy! Like, no amount of DLC would make it worth spending money on it at all. Maybe if you were to rent it, or lucky enough to borrow it from a friend. I am disappointed. Maybe I’m just bitter over finally having Dark Phoenix :’< and it being such a letdown. I-I’LL BE FINE.
AHAHA! I didn’t find out about the new Mortal Kombat game until /yesterday/ when I took my brother to and was asked if I was going to pre-order it by a friend who was OH SO EXCITED. LIKE, DYING FROM EXCITEMENT, IT SCARED ME A WEE BIT. I thought it was a joke though. I’ve been living under that far of a rock. I did hear Kratos was going to be a playable character in the ps3 version, so that’s something I’m interested in. I have honestly never played an MK game, aside from the very, very first when I was very, very young, so I don’t think it even counts, haha. Fans are very excited though, because it looks promising. Or something about looking forward to a character… something… I DON’T KNOW, MY FRIEND WAS LOOKING FORWARD TO SOMETHING IN SPECIFIC. He might’ve meant what you just said though. Prior games were kind of let-downs and this one might actually be a good one in awhile. At the very least, fans will be entertained with all the extras.
I’ve never liked the pokemon games. Ever. No matter HOW HARD I tried as a kid, I could never get into the games. It frustrated me because I felt like I SHOULD like them. I’ve coped with it. I do feel like Nintendo cares for their fans, though.
I don’t… either. Pillows are sacred to me though. Really.
Joking aside, it’s one of those things where… it’s just better to go on not knowing.
It was all over the internet when that guy married his pillow waifu. Loli too. It made me laugh though. He’d take it out to eat, on rides… it was funny. This guy married a fictional game character from some DS data sim. He had a ceremony and it all looked so serious. That depressed me.
Paku Romi is one of my fav Japanese VA’s! BUT she takes time getting use to. I hated her Ed from FMA when I first heard the Jap dub of the first anime. I grew to love it, and grew to love her. Annnd Japanese men tend to sound really feminine though. I mean, grown men. Imagine as teenagers… unless you’re Norio Wakamoto. I can’t listen to Bleach in Japanese though. The only character whos voice I prefer in Japanese, is Rukia. Only slightly. Who voices Hitsugaya in English though? I feel like I know him but…
Sir, we’ve been through this… Steven Blum! It’s all about the BLUM. I love Crispin just as much though. I can live… off their voices. That sounds creepy, but at least I’m not married to an inanimate object so it’s all good okayyy?
I laughed a bit too hard at that! :x ahaha. But man, I’m waiting for MAL to stop letting me log in, honestly. Imagine getting an email saying
“Dear MyAnimeList user, you have been banned for not knowing when to stfu. Fuck you, have a nice day.”
I leave you with these images because they make me “aww” and “LOL” at the same time:
I typed half of this at a friend's house. I shouldn't do that anymore. MAL's poor soul won't be able to handle it.
The less I say about weaboo, the better. But I'll rant later. I have to man!
I share your sentiments though on the fandumb.
Ooh Marvel and DC? Do you read comics or are you just genuinely interested? Because I've been /wanting/ to start a few a few things, but I dunno where the hell to start. SO. MANY. CONTINUITIES. Someone told me to start with the Ultimate Universe because it was the easiest to get into, even if it's crap. I dunno where to begin with Batman. I've asked Google but no help. I might as well come to you for this since I already do for... everything else. Ha.
My stuff was no real big deal. :/ I just tend to hold in things a lot, stress and all, so I eventually HAVE to blow up. It just took really long to uhh… “get better” or whatever. Annnd I kinda said/did things to people I care about that I wish I didn’t. But most things are solved, and I’m trying to work on holding in things less, hur.
But don't worry though, thanks for asking. :> I'm glad you've been doing good though, aside from that... minor weaboo annoyance. Hope it keeps bein' goood~ Do tell me moar about what's been up with you. :)
I'm a bit less rage-y than I was a few days ago, but... Yeah. I could always kinda ignore them and find them just a minor annoyance. Whatever. But after the whole Japan thing... the earthquake... wow. Just like, two days after the Tsunami and weaboo were all raging "WAIT, WHAT ABOUT MY ANIMU?" Seriously? After a tragedy you're going to worry about cartoons? REALLY? That was just one half of the weaboo... group, whatever. THE OTHER HALF, was just worried about their GLORIOUS NIPPON, as you put it. I swear, I cannot... tell you, how many times I read/heard "Why did it have to be Japan??" or "The Japanese don't deserve this!" NO ONE DOES, WANGS. Like you said, they're just "sad" because it's where their glorious animu comes from. I am genuinely sad about what happened because it was a terrible natural disaster and many people died. Not because that's where those cartoons come from. I bet most of them didn't give a rats ass about Indonesia when THEY went through the same thing a few years back.
It's all about the MOE nowaday. I don't mind moe, but really... I can't take much more. I continue to watch anime for the 80's and 90's.
Imma spoiler this too so the comment doesn't look so LONG.
I had a feeling, but juuust in case you were planning on taking summer courses or something. I'm glad you didn't change your mind about starting college! Don’t change your mind, sir! Considering how fast the year has been going, it won’t feel like too long of a wait.
Oh, Demon Souls :c Now, I'm pretty sure you've realized I've been living under a rock for awhile now. I haven’t kept up with anything new. I honestly have no idea what the hell Demon Souls is exactly. But it's the only thing I keep hearing about! EVERYONE I KNOW is obsessed with it. :< I’m so close to giving in to peer pressure and buying it... but I can’t have any distractions at the moment! That "Dark Souls" isn't coming out until the end of the year, so I'M GOOD. It'd be nice to know /why/ it’s so popular. Care to tell of your experience with Demon Souls?
Ouch. I haven’t even asked anyone about MvC3 to be honest, so you’re the first I’m hearing /any/ feedback from, haha. It’s such a shame, because I was all “FUCK YEAH, PHOENIX MOTHERFUCKER” but… I guess it’ll be another disappointment in my life... *dramatic tear* Wow. Now that I think about it, I've heard ABSOLUTELY NOTHING about MvC3 after it came out... it's just so shocking because everyone was so excited. Oh, it hurts.
Everyone I’ve come across that knows of Jun, loves him.
They’re all deaf. I bet if he hadn’t voiced Lelouch, not even weaboo would listen to his hideous voice.
I don’t get offended easily, so don’t worry. :P Unless like. You have a pillow waifu or something. Then sorry, this relationship isn’t going to work…
BUT OTHER THAN THAT, you can say all you want about Colleen, aha. She’s honestly far from my favorite. But she grew on me for some reason. You’ve probably heard some of Glass’ roles though. Maybe? You know, I can’t think of a Male English VA I don’t like… huh. Not that I’m complaining.
To quickly end this LONG comment, it’s good talking to you again!
And… I think MAL is lagging less..? OH MY. It won’t last long though, now that we’re back. :/ *clicks send while casually sippin' my iced tea, because I'm not sophisticated enough for actual tea.*
OH AND HOW COULD I FORGET? I love you for adding that Jun Fukuyama is the worst japanese VA OF ALL TIME. It's not an opinion though, it's FACT. Might wanna change that bit.
I'd switch Colleen for Caitlin Glass though. Colleen has grown on me with her little boy/teenage boy voices... Glass only has one good role... if I remember correctly.
Long time no... comment? Lol.
It feels so weird after not longing on for so long... I mean, I was out for like, what? Three months? Nahh more like two but still. Though it seems you're not too far behind me :P Shit's been so annoying with me though :/ so much DRAMA and issues and whatnot irl. I had a meltdown like, 2 weeks ago so maybe I'll go back to a regular/normal/LESS FRUSTRATING routine and life style. Who knows. I'm workin' on it.
Well, I'm not gonna overwhelm you with a super long and boring comment just yet. I guess I'll give a few quick updates though...
Not long I swear!
-I started Final Fantasy XIII in my long absence! It's alright. I'm only by chapter... 8 though I think? Hmm. Oh, but what the fuck is up with Vanille's accent? Does she finally settle on that weird Australian accent? It's frustrating me man.
-I've been watching anime :0 As much as I could what with how annoying everything has been for me. I'm so shocked though. I feel like I don't even have time to breathe and yet I make time for it? It's like... being a real weaboo, ya'know? I'M A REAL WEABOO. Though this seasons anime sucks so bad, I'm looking forward to next. GINTAMA STARTS RIGHT? I'M TOO SCARED TO LOOK AND MAKE SURE. WHAT IF I'M WRONG? MY HOPE AND DREAMS....
-Uhh... euh... what else? I feel like I was going to say something of non-importance and now... huh. Oh, KAIJI SEASON 2. WUT.
Well, whenever you do get online, I hope you tell me how you've been and how everything with college and all is going. :P If you haven't quit on MAL and it's aggravating lags... seriously what the shit why is it taking so long to update my stats ARGHHH.
Will you finally be starting during fall or did you already get to start? Hows the ps3 going? LBP2? Marvel vs Capcom 3?
OH AND HAPPY LATE BIRTHDAY!!! I'm only a month late... :x
Even when I say I'm not typing a lot, I still do. What the.
I won't be able to reply to the comment today, but I AT LEAST wanted to wish you a happy new year since it's new years eve! :> Hope you have fun toooonight. And that we continue our long chats in the following year~
Annnnnd it's really late but I hope you also had a very good christmas <3
Why, that's quite alright sir! Especially wit shit gettin' real O_o
What sparked this sudden interest in attending college? Not that that's a bad idea. :P
Oh, and I love lengthy responses! :D then I don't feel so bad when I type a lot... jkjk
Your ps3 breaking sucks. Big time. How long did you have it for? I'd seriously rage... But I'm GLAD you got another one, even if you had to bargain with your dad it isn't backwards-compatible :/ It's not something that isn't solvable!
I honestly have no idea what the hell is coming out in 2011. At all. I'm so out of touch with games :| not that I want to be, it's just I'm so poor... why torture myself? ;_; I've already been missing out on so much too. I hope you have better luck than me this following year~! What are you /most/ looking forward to in 2011? Maybe you can help me in this area and get in touch with the new video game year <: and I like lengthy essay like comments, so be my guest sir. :]
ANNNND in a strange twist of fate...
While you have your sleep schedule messed up again...
*soap opara-like music plays*
Mine is fixed :'c oh, what a cruelll worlddd...
seriously though, hopefully you'll get yours fixed, and mine STAYS... good. Ha.
Oh? Well I knew that I Am Doomed To Incestuously Love My Sister show wouldn't be too good. As much as I pretend to love Tsundere's (I have to be weaboo enough, maneee) I honestly... can't stand them. She just looks unpleasant as hell.
I hear praise from Kuroneko fans though, and she looks like something that might redeem the show... you know who I'm interested in though? The glasses neighbor girl! She looks so goddamn cute! Poor girl... doomed to falling for a boy that may or may not love his sister...
Oh, and I love Kana Hanazawa. She's so cute and soft-spoken <3 I may watch it but... not now. No...
Oh God, I forgot you were watching Toradora... It made me rage. Hard. I've never seen so many character derailments in an anime ever. Ami was the ONLY redeeming character in the show. Even the lovable Ryuji managed to piss me the hell off towards the end. The whole Taiga/Ryuji thing was the most forced pairing in anime history... Taiga didn't show ANY interest in Ryuji until, GASP, her love interest is somehow... in love with some chick hardly mentioned and seen once..? And Ryuji is suddenly in love with Taiga 3 episodes before the anime ends because HIS love interest won't... love him... because her best friend loves him now... wait... what the..?
Oh, and Minori. I loved her at the beginning. She seemed like such a cute and funny character... who was a lot wiser than she'd like to let on. But nope, just some crazy bisexual who... I dunno what her purpose was. I may have forgotten. I think she wanted to get into both Ryuji and Taiga's pants. Whatever.
Ami was a bitch turned awesome, so she passes.
Every other character not mentioned was there for decoration, so meh. At least BANIRA SARUTO was a good ending theme.
Man, what a huge disapointment... hope you enjoyed more than I did.
O-oh... what is this... feeling...
I'm the happiest may-be wife in this entire world!
In all seriousness though...
I've concluded that anyone who can say Jun Fukuyama is a decent voice actor with a straight face likes to watch cats mating. Or listen to congested hippo's, as someone I can't... recall once put it. Seriously, he makes my ears bleed. He made Lelouch sound like he was stuffing SOMETHING down his throat and was so full of himself. JYB made him sound like an actual person. But... Fukuyama still has hordes of fans and hasn't done anything halfway decent ever.
Mamoru was good as Light, I'll give him that. But I can't stand listening to him anywhere else... Brad Swaile needs moar roles.
Yep. Haters and Fanbois just make things less enjoyable... I think that's why I haven't played XIII... I'll wait 'til everything dies down... as for XII, the only major complaint I have... is involving the protagonist, Vaan. He sure felt like a background character. While everyone else had some major character development, he just... stayed... the same... You couldn't care for him. I wish they had either taken him out, or ya'know, DONE something more important with his character. Euh. Other than that, I'd say unless you're a hardcore FF, skip it for now.
Oh, and I'm sorry about all your savedata :'< For some reason I had FORGOTTEN broken ps3=lost save data... yikes. Well, leave XIII for nao. Worry about your other games and stuff. Remember, it's not unsolvable!
There are so many CV games it's almost overwhelming. At least I hear most of them are enjoyable. I have nothing to do this winter break (thankfully) so I'll probably get started on SoTN.
About Fallout Dess
I seriously thought it was an FPS before, so when you said it was sort of like an JRPG, it intrigued me.
It sounds like good WRPG fun, so I'll most likely end up getting it now. I haven't played many Western RPG's (if any lololol... wait, fable and a teeny bit of mass effect. Hm), but Fallout actually sounds a lot better than most of the JRPG's I've played lately... could WRPG's be my thing now!?
But seriously, sounds awesome. So shit you do actually has it's consequences, eh? Annnd I'll look up some combat videos on youtube. The VATS method looks... interesting. I think I'll just actually play it and test which method I prefer.
Alright, question though. It probably doesn't matter, but where should I start? Should I just skip on over to Fallout 3, or play the PC classics and go from there? So many choices...
I appreciate the time and effort you took to explaining this, btw ;-; I may come to you for info on shit from now on :/
Thank you <3
Nah brah. That's fine. :) Everyone does have a life outside the net, so I understand. I don't mind if you take long replying at all. Take your time, especially with shit gettin' real now. Tell me how that's going the next time you reply btw! About college and whatnot.
As for Liar Game, at this rate I have NO IDEA when I'll get to reading it, but if I DO get to it before you, I'll let ya know :] sounds like Death Note with a chick. Sorta.
Anyway, since I won't be able to say anything by then, Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays :] May 2011 be bettererer for you!
you said not to...
but what if I did..?
Mkay Mkay, about EVA... I honestly find it hard to recommend it to anyone. You'll either love it, or hate it with a fiery passion. If you like a good psychological anime with giant robots and mind-fuckery, and can stand somewhat awkward fanservice, then by all means, watch it! BUUUUUT if you hate angst (even if understandable), don't care about robots, and loathe fanservice, than steer clear. From the friends I've recommended it to, I've so far gotten:
"It was alright. Kinda overrated."
"Shinji's a pussy. Asuka's a bitch."
Take from that what you will...
Oh, and they ran out of budget towards the end, so the ending made... it... if you watch it, you'll see.
Um. Spoilered because my reply is REALLY TL;DR. Sorry :X
So. I hear Laura Bailey and Travis Willingham, two of my favorite VA's are engaged. That's been the highlight of my week. How very depressing...
Things have gotten so... annoyingly busy for me.
I can't wait 'til I'm able to do ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. Just 3 more weeks to go... Oh, and to add the suckage I think I'm getting sick. Everyone I know is sick, so it wouldn't be a surprise if I got ended up the same. I CAN'T AFFORD TO THOUGH, MANNN ;___;
Y-you... *sheds tear* finally got your sleep schedule back on track? I am so happy for you! *Appropriate music plays in the background. I dunno what would be appropriate for this moment, but let's pretend such a thing exists...*
My sleep schedule has been more messed up then ever. And I'm never on the internet :<
I sleep after I get home in the late afternoon... from like 4-9. I then do some homework, which takes me until like... 1 am to do. I then go to sleep and wake up at 5:30 for class :L Let's hope I'll succeed like you when winter break starts!
I'm living off caffeine right now. It's the only way... I'll make it :'[ but yeah I can tell you it's terrible. Maybe it's because I drink TOO MUCH coffee, but now I've developed this FREAK tick where I Can't. Sit. Still. I have to be moving... some part of my body, lol. So now I must look crazy to everyone around me. Ahh... nice.
Oh! I know someone who has a job like that. Sorta. He has to go around talking to random people about... stuff. Something... business... I'm not sure, but he gets paid pretty well :L people are so rude here though. I'd hate that job...
I hope your friend gets to "hook you up" with that job though! :) Or you get a more... normal/regular/usual job, lol.
Well, now when I want to watch something, I can't. Only the weekly stuff. Ah, nice. I've been told the ahh... Ore... imouto... THAT SISTER ANIME is pretty good. But even if it's poking fun at incest... just the fact it hints at incest, arghh.. :L It looks funny though. I'll wait 'til it's done airing and see if I watch it. I heard about how the guy that did Tomoya from Clannad was the lead character or something. He's actually REALLY good. I wish he'd voice more characters. Instead I'm stuck hearing Jun Fukuyama's terrible voice acting and Mamoru miyano's shittiness. Arghle fargle..
Oh wait! I here the ending one of the 098765678 endings in the psp game has a Nice Boat ending, haha! All the endings seem crap though. Unless the anime goes for a completely different ending, it can't end good.
Oh! Before I begin talking about CV, I need to mention something about Legend of Dragoon. I was watching some clips on youtube out of curiosity, and discovered that one of the character's attacks has her bleed from her err... nether regions, and suck up enemies. That was the single grossest/weirdest/funniest thing I've ever seen. I must play.
Eh. As long as you enjoyed it. It kind of annoys me when people complain about that. No one is taking away your "classics" and it's something a little different... like how the entire world complained about Final Fantasy XIII being so different. I haven't played it though so I won't say too much on it. Ah, but there was a lot of complaining about XII, and I really liked it :L maybe I'm just simple, lol.
The CV games are some of the HARDEST games I've ever played, so I think that's why I've avoided playing anything after the snes. But since you say they're a little easier... Isn't Aria of Sorrow considered one of the best as well? I plan to play it anyway. :P
Eh? REALLY? Everyone I know is obsessed with Fallout, but I never even bothered checking it out. Please explain moar on it. I'm too lazy to ask my brother and google. They aren't too hopeful either.. ha.
I haven't played any new-er JRPG's. Aside from Final Fantasy. I figure there's a lot of older JRPG's I haven't played. Like, I'm currently downloading Arc the Lad... it seems "meh" but it might... surprise me? Ha.
That's totally fine :P It's nice that you took a break. I've been busy with school and... work :L So I haven't been able to do too much regarding animu or the internets either. Things are getting easier though. What made you want to take this break from the internet? :o Here I was thinking you had gotten bored with MAL! haha.
Boyyy! Caffeine is amazin'. Coffee keeps me ALIVE. Eventually I die though. At some point.
Not too much has happened, so not much new. :P I got a job at my college campus. It's pretty easygoing, and I need the money. Time's are tough... yo. :/ Other than that... Nothing much!
Not even for anime. It's become a chore to watch sometimes. I'm slowly getting back to liking it though :L Panty & Stocking is so awesome, I think it's what's helping. :/ I need to add Kaiji to my PTW list..l. I see you're watching that incest-y anime... *shakes heads in disappointment* kidding, kidding. How is that going? And how have things been with /you/? I seem to be talking a lot about myself. It's been so long since we last spoke, I'd like to know how YOU have been :P
Oh, that right! The new Castlevania game came out... like a few weeks ago right? THAT would explain why they were giving out the free T-Shirts at gamestop,whew :L I've only played the nes/snes CV games. Meaning no Symphony of the Night which I hear is amazing. What's been your favorite game so far? Or do you just like the series in general? :P
As long as you enjoy it, that's all that matters really. :p I've liked my fair share of games with... mixed/bad reviews. I DON'T CARE. HATERS GONNA HATE. Lol.
D'aw, that's sweet :) I do find our chats fun! It's nice to know you're back...ish? Lol. Hopefully we'll be able to get a regular sleep schedule... sometime. :c Mine is still messed up too. The only time I get to sleep NORMALLY and to my hearts content is on Sunday's. What a... *sighs* sad life. :/
ABOUT TIME I GET TO REPLYING. Jeez. Sorry for the wait. :/ I've lost complete track of time yo. I hate the HOTness just as much as you do. It's been hotter than usual these passed... few weeks. Seriously. Isn't summer going to end soon? oh wait- IT DOESN'T FOR MIAMI. Fuck ;_; *weeps silently*
Speaking of Gainax, have you heard about their new fall anime, Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt? I just saw the trailer today, and I am both scared and amused... I look forward to it. Oh, and I'll share the trailer with you since... it's so weird, I have to:
I haven't been watching anime... at all lately. Seems like we're on the same boat. :/ I don't feel like watching anything though... *soap opera music plays* C-could we... have gotten bored with animu..? Will we ever get back to being full-fledged weaboo's!?
Regarding Kaiji, I've read like two reviews and both of them mention the wtf ending. In fact, I'm pretty sure one of those reviews says to drop it after like, episode 22. I'm curious enough about it, and I like psychological, so I'll definitely watch it sometime. :) Whenever this... no anime-phase of mine is done. The art is hideous... but in cool/weird way. I've seen uglier, too. :/
Are you still playing BlazBlue? :P I think my brother got it, but he's being a dick and not talking to me so I'LL NEVER KNOW. ;_;
I still haven't gotten much sleep still (no matter how tired I am, I only end up getting 5 hours of sleep... and I can't go back to sleep. FUCK.) but I hope you have, buddy :'c even with persistent friends and all. Speaking of persistent friends, one of my friends is forcing me to volunteer with her... at some school. I'm not exactly sure what it is for. What I DO know is, I'll have to be at some ELEMENTARY SCHOOL (I... hate kids so much) every SATURDAY, starting next week. WHY DOES THIS HAVE TO HAPPEN TO ME? WHAT HAVE I DONE TO ANYONE? WHAT A JERK FRIEND, SHE DOESN'T UNDERSTAND ME. /angst (joking, joking. Still hate kids though...)
Since it's been so long, how have you been? :o Anything new lately? :]
What's up with all the anime directors passing
away? :| Satoshi Kon's death was so unexpected.
He's one of my favorite people too... I can't
believe it... /emo
Anyway, it has, it has. :o Time's been going by
so fast. I swear it felt like summer was maybe a
month? :X Ah well.
Nadia was pretty good :o I skipped a few episodes
(I was told they were horrible filler that I didn't need to watch unless I wanted to destroy my enjoyment of it >_> I skimmed through and I could tell they were terrible, haha.) It gave a weird Studip Ghibli feel, but it was pretty fun.
I know what you mean, man. Sadly, it's only one season year round here. :< I hope this winter is at least a little cold. *crosses fingers* Oh! March this year was cold! Maybe this year we'll get lucky too :P
T-t-tsundere!? *weaboo nosebleed* Be mai waifu?
How did you like Kaiji? :P I've heard it's awesome and that I should watch it, but I am hesitant. Tell me sir,was it worth it?
Ahh I see. :P At least you've been enjoying yourself and keeping entertained. Seems like the new BlazBlue game is awesome :o I'll give it a try sometime... whenever that sometime is. >_> I signed up late for my classes and now I have the most retarded schedule ever. I hardly get any sleep now :< Not to mention I don't have time to do anything remotely interesting ;-; that's what I get for being lazy though. It's mah own fault :/ lol. Aside from starting school, I haven't been up to much. No anime/manga/games for awhile. At least I have 3 day weekends to kinda balance a semi-social life :/ lol.
LOOOOOOOOOOONG time no talk! :0
I haven't had internet and recently got it back. It was tough, but I somehow made it. Lol. Banjo Kazooie/Tooie helped out a lot in my time of NEED. ;_; I also saw this anime called Nadia that I had downloaded forever ago and watched it with a friend. I went to the beach a few times too, but it's TOO FUCKING HOT so it isn't as enjoyable as it sounds. :/
Anyway, how have you been dear? :0 What have you been up to for like, the past month? :P
btw, I wasn't too sure if you wanted me to reply to the comment you left me a month ago since I don't want to like, bore you with the same topics and all... :o I don't mind at all though, so :]
All Comments (46) Comments
I hope you and your family have a good one.
Just leaving a random comment at 4 am because I was... I'm finally done with finals and crap. So hooray~
I'll reply to your message tomorrow. Even if you've left me to the weaboos. :/
I don't blame you. *nods understandingly* :')
& would really appreciate your help in doing that. We need to get back out there, and show off all our great drawings. To submit your drawings. Click HERE
Also, while you are at it, Check out the new forum for us to reconnect with each other. Click HERE to visit that new forum.
I can't wait for the club to be active again.
Anyway, it makes me angry that the one time I'm not watching anything, it decides to start working. I'm on to you MyAnimeList.net!
I'm glad you're just getting into it now too though! Not the only “n00b” now. I have a few friends who have been actively reading comics for years, but I swear I can't ask them for anything. They either confuse me more than wikipedia (thank god for Comicvine...) or make me feel like a loser for /just/ getting into it... though mostly joking. I hope.
I think that's why I am so excited about entering western comics. Yes, they will have their hack writers who will destroy a single character and retcon things that'll piss everyone off, not doing any research... but then there will come a writer who'll fix things and will bring joy to millions.
The thing is, I don't care if they're "kiddy" or are identified as being "kiddy." As long as I'm enjoying it, I don't think it matters. Not all comic's are about "super-heroes" though. Western comics even have a few slice-of-life titles, although small in number (I think Stranger in Paradise is the only one I honestly know of and want to read... oh and Archie, I guess lol...) Don't wanna read anything by DC or Marvel? That's fine! You can get started on Scott Pilgrim or... I Kill Giants. (<3) They're even manga-esque. There are plenty of shorter comics too.
Yeah, I had no idea Wolverine had a thing for Japanese chicks until I looked at his bio. All his love-interests seem to end up dead though. And I didn't even find out about Daken until this year! Don't forget, Wolverine has a female clone, X-23, who has her own series apparently... He might be the most used character in X-Men or even Marvel, but he's developed the most interesting back-story ever... :/
I think there’s something for everyone out there. I love any animated DC series, and that’s why I want to start with it first. I’m lovin’ Young Justice. I used to love Batman Beyond too, god… Terry was so awesome, he needed his own comic. I think he is being written (or is already written to be) in the main continuity. And if that spoiler I read about him was right, he…
Thanks again btw : )
I always felt bad for blowing up the way I did, but people have been at least a bit understanding…
Yeah, that’s true! It’s nice to see someone within our ages looking forward to actually doing something or going to school though. Though I guess with how tough things are, there isn’t much of a choice nowadays… Do keep me posted though!
Demon Souls!
Not much here but I love the “spoiler” button!
I don’t… either. Pillows are sacred to me though. Really.
Joking aside, it’s one of those things where… it’s just better to go on not knowing.
It was all over the internet when that guy married his pillow waifu. Loli too. It made me laugh though. He’d take it out to eat, on rides… it was funny. This guy married a fictional game character from some DS data sim. He had a ceremony and it all looked so serious. That depressed me.
I laughed a bit too hard at that! :x ahaha. But man, I’m waiting for MAL to stop letting me log in, honestly. Imagine getting an email saying
“Dear MyAnimeList user, you have been banned for not knowing when to stfu. Fuck you, have a nice day.”
I leave you with these images because they make me “aww” and “LOL” at the same time:
The less I say about weaboo, the better. But I'll rant later. I have to man!
I share your sentiments though on the fandumb.
Ooh Marvel and DC? Do you read comics or are you just genuinely interested? Because I've been /wanting/ to start a few a few things, but I dunno where the hell to start. SO. MANY. CONTINUITIES. Someone told me to start with the Ultimate Universe because it was the easiest to get into, even if it's crap. I dunno where to begin with Batman. I've asked Google but no help. I might as well come to you for this since I already do for... everything else. Ha.
My stuff was no real big deal. :/ I just tend to hold in things a lot, stress and all, so I eventually HAVE to blow up. It just took really long to uhh… “get better” or whatever. Annnd I kinda said/did things to people I care about that I wish I didn’t. But most things are solved, and I’m trying to work on holding in things less, hur.
But don't worry though, thanks for asking. :> I'm glad you've been doing good though, aside from that... minor weaboo annoyance. Hope it keeps bein' goood~ Do tell me moar about what's been up with you. :)
Imma spoiler this too so the comment doesn't look so LONG.
Everyone I’ve come across that knows of Jun, loves him.
They’re all deaf. I bet if he hadn’t voiced Lelouch, not even weaboo would listen to his hideous voice.
I don’t get offended easily, so don’t worry. :P Unless like. You have a pillow waifu or something. Then sorry, this relationship isn’t going to work…
BUT OTHER THAN THAT, you can say all you want about Colleen, aha. She’s honestly far from my favorite. But she grew on me for some reason. You’ve probably heard some of Glass’ roles though. Maybe? You know, I can’t think of a Male English VA I don’t like… huh. Not that I’m complaining.
To quickly end this LONG comment, it’s good talking to you again!
And… I think MAL is lagging less..? OH MY. It won’t last long though, now that we’re back. :/ *clicks send while casually sippin' my iced tea, because I'm not sophisticated enough for actual tea.*
I'd switch Colleen for Caitlin Glass though. Colleen has grown on me with her little boy/teenage boy voices... Glass only has one good role... if I remember correctly.
Long time no... comment? Lol.
It feels so weird after not longing on for so long... I mean, I was out for like, what? Three months? Nahh more like two but still. Though it seems you're not too far behind me :P Shit's been so annoying with me though :/ so much DRAMA and issues and whatnot irl. I had a meltdown like, 2 weeks ago so maybe I'll go back to a regular/normal/LESS FRUSTRATING routine and life style. Who knows. I'm workin' on it.
Well, I'm not gonna overwhelm you with a super long and boring comment just yet. I guess I'll give a few quick updates though...
Not long I swear!
Well, whenever you do get online, I hope you tell me how you've been and how everything with college and all is going. :P If you haven't quit on MAL and it's aggravating lags... seriously what the shit why is it taking so long to update my stats ARGHHH.
Will you finally be starting during fall or did you already get to start? Hows the ps3 going? LBP2? Marvel vs Capcom 3?
OH AND HAPPY LATE BIRTHDAY!!! I'm only a month late... :x
Even when I say I'm not typing a lot, I still do. What the.
Annnnnd it's really late but I hope you also had a very good christmas <3
Nice new avatar btw!
Therefore my e-peen must by bigger. Thus I'm more weaboo. Ha.
Sorry though :(
What sparked this sudden interest in attending college? Not that that's a bad idea. :P
Oh, and I love lengthy responses! :D then I don't feel so bad when I type a lot... jkjk
Your ps3 breaking sucks. Big time. How long did you have it for? I'd seriously rage... But I'm GLAD you got another one, even if you had to bargain with your dad it isn't backwards-compatible :/ It's not something that isn't solvable!
I honestly have no idea what the hell is coming out in 2011. At all. I'm so out of touch with games :| not that I want to be, it's just I'm so poor... why torture myself? ;_; I've already been missing out on so much too. I hope you have better luck than me this following year~! What are you /most/ looking forward to in 2011? Maybe you can help me in this area and get in touch with the new video game year <: and I like lengthy essay like comments, so be my guest sir. :]
ANNNND in a strange twist of fate...
While you have your sleep schedule messed up again...
*soap opara-like music plays*
Mine is fixed :'c oh, what a cruelll worlddd...
seriously though, hopefully you'll get yours fixed, and mine STAYS... good. Ha.
Oh? Well I knew that I Am Doomed To Incestuously Love My Sister show wouldn't be too good. As much as I pretend to love Tsundere's (I have to be weaboo enough, maneee) I honestly... can't stand them. She just looks unpleasant as hell.
I hear praise from Kuroneko fans though, and she looks like something that might redeem the show... you know who I'm interested in though? The glasses neighbor girl! She looks so goddamn cute! Poor girl... doomed to falling for a boy that may or may not love his sister...
Oh, and I love Kana Hanazawa. She's so cute and soft-spoken <3 I may watch it but... not now. No...
O-oh... what is this... feeling...
Yep. Haters and Fanbois just make things less enjoyable... I think that's why I haven't played XIII... I'll wait 'til everything dies down... as for XII, the only major complaint I have... is involving the protagonist, Vaan. He sure felt like a background character. While everyone else had some major character development, he just... stayed... the same... You couldn't care for him. I wish they had either taken him out, or ya'know, DONE something more important with his character. Euh. Other than that, I'd say unless you're a hardcore FF, skip it for now.
Oh, and I'm sorry about all your savedata :'< For some reason I had FORGOTTEN broken ps3=lost save data... yikes. Well, leave XIII for nao. Worry about your other games and stuff. Remember, it's not unsolvable!
There are so many CV games it's almost overwhelming. At least I hear most of them are enjoyable. I have nothing to do this winter break (thankfully) so I'll probably get started on SoTN.
About Fallout Dess
Well, I sure had a lot to talk about :X
That's totally fine :P It's nice that you took a break. I've been busy with school and... work :L So I haven't been able to do too much regarding animu or the internets either. Things are getting easier though. What made you want to take this break from the internet? :o Here I was thinking you had gotten bored with MAL! haha.
Boyyy! Caffeine is amazin'. Coffee keeps me ALIVE. Eventually I die though. At some point.
Not too much has happened, so not much new. :P I got a job at my college campus. It's pretty easygoing, and I need the money. Time's are tough... yo. :/ Other than that... Nothing much!
Not even for anime. It's become a chore to watch sometimes. I'm slowly getting back to liking it though :L Panty & Stocking is so awesome, I think it's what's helping. :/ I need to add Kaiji to my PTW list..l. I see you're watching that incest-y anime... *shakes heads in disappointment* kidding, kidding. How is that going? And how have things been with /you/? I seem to be talking a lot about myself. It's been so long since we last spoke, I'd like to know how YOU have been :P
Oh, that right! The new Castlevania game came out... like a few weeks ago right? THAT would explain why they were giving out the free T-Shirts at gamestop,whew :L I've only played the nes/snes CV games. Meaning no Symphony of the Night which I hear is amazing. What's been your favorite game so far? Or do you just like the series in general? :P
As long as you enjoy it, that's all that matters really. :p I've liked my fair share of games with... mixed/bad reviews. I DON'T CARE. HATERS GONNA HATE. Lol.
D'aw, that's sweet :) I do find our chats fun! It's nice to know you're back...ish? Lol. Hopefully we'll be able to get a regular sleep schedule... sometime. :c Mine is still messed up too. The only time I get to sleep NORMALLY and to my hearts content is on Sunday's. What a... *sighs* sad life. :/
Speaking of Gainax, have you heard about their new fall anime, Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt? I just saw the trailer today, and I am both scared and amused... I look forward to it. Oh, and I'll share the trailer with you since... it's so weird, I have to:
I haven't been watching anime... at all lately. Seems like we're on the same boat. :/ I don't feel like watching anything though... *soap opera music plays* C-could we... have gotten bored with animu..? Will we ever get back to being full-fledged weaboo's!?
Regarding Kaiji, I've read like two reviews and both of them mention the wtf ending. In fact, I'm pretty sure one of those reviews says to drop it after like, episode 22. I'm curious enough about it, and I like psychological, so I'll definitely watch it sometime. :) Whenever this... no anime-phase of mine is done. The art is hideous... but in cool/weird way. I've seen uglier, too. :/
Are you still playing BlazBlue? :P I think my brother got it, but he's being a dick and not talking to me so I'LL NEVER KNOW. ;_;
I still haven't gotten much sleep still (no matter how tired I am, I only end up getting 5 hours of sleep... and I can't go back to sleep. FUCK.) but I hope you have, buddy :'c even with persistent friends and all. Speaking of persistent friends, one of my friends is forcing me to volunteer with her... at some school. I'm not exactly sure what it is for. What I DO know is, I'll have to be at some ELEMENTARY SCHOOL (I... hate kids so much) every SATURDAY, starting next week. WHY DOES THIS HAVE TO HAPPEN TO ME? WHAT HAVE I DONE TO ANYONE? WHAT A JERK FRIEND, SHE DOESN'T UNDERSTAND ME. /angst (joking, joking. Still hate kids though...)
Since it's been so long, how have you been? :o Anything new lately? :]
away? :| Satoshi Kon's death was so unexpected.
He's one of my favorite people too... I can't
believe it... /emo
Anyway, it has, it has. :o Time's been going by
so fast. I swear it felt like summer was maybe a
month? :X Ah well.
Nadia was pretty good :o I skipped a few episodes
(I was told they were horrible filler that I didn't need to watch unless I wanted to destroy my enjoyment of it >_> I skimmed through and I could tell they were terrible, haha.) It gave a weird Studip Ghibli feel, but it was pretty fun.
I know what you mean, man. Sadly, it's only one season year round here. :< I hope this winter is at least a little cold. *crosses fingers* Oh! March this year was cold! Maybe this year we'll get lucky too :P
T-t-tsundere!? *weaboo nosebleed* Be mai waifu?
How did you like Kaiji? :P I've heard it's awesome and that I should watch it, but I am hesitant. Tell me sir,was it worth it?
Ahh I see. :P At least you've been enjoying yourself and keeping entertained. Seems like the new BlazBlue game is awesome :o I'll give it a try sometime... whenever that sometime is. >_> I signed up late for my classes and now I have the most retarded schedule ever. I hardly get any sleep now :< Not to mention I don't have time to do anything remotely interesting ;-; that's what I get for being lazy though. It's mah own fault :/ lol. Aside from starting school, I haven't been up to much. No anime/manga/games for awhile. At least I have 3 day weekends to kinda balance a semi-social life :/ lol.
I haven't had internet and recently got it back. It was tough, but I somehow made it. Lol. Banjo Kazooie/Tooie helped out a lot in my time of NEED. ;_; I also saw this anime called Nadia that I had downloaded forever ago and watched it with a friend. I went to the beach a few times too, but it's TOO FUCKING HOT so it isn't as enjoyable as it sounds. :/
Anyway, how have you been dear? :0 What have you been up to for like, the past month? :P
btw, I wasn't too sure if you wanted me to reply to the comment you left me a month ago since I don't want to like, bore you with the same topics and all... :o I don't mind at all though, so :]