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Dez6AkokensMail Oct 26, 2024 2:23 PM
Frieren fans calling your taste pretentious while they are one of the most arrogant and elitist fandom themselves in anime community, even though Frieren is extremely commercial, fanservice-ish (w/ sakuga filler fights, big breasts, breast jokes, feet fetish, OP autistic "LiterallyMe" MC, cute girls doing cute faces for no reason besides to share cute gifs on Twitter etc) and emotionally shallow.

W review.
DSA-7 Oct 9, 2024 2:48 PM
After seeing the mix of generic pretentious "elite taste" starterpack shows mixed in with unbearably objectively mediocre ones that "only a few got, I wouldn't like it if they weren't great, don't you see all my faves are faves are appraised!", I now get where the almost stereotypical contrarian hipster pseudo-intellectualism came from in that review lol.
Cyrose Oct 7, 2024 10:40 AM
W Frieren review โค๏ธ
Resting_Bonfire Aug 10, 2024 8:53 AM
I dont get it, what is nowdays with all those Hypocrite Reviews.

Disliking Frieren is one Thing, but writing a Review like this, despite giving high scores to FAR worse shows, its beyond contradicting.
Nox--- May 26, 2024 11:40 AM
I believe that the core point of using such a historical context was specifically the vertical hierarchy thing. in my case, i find this very interesting. I am from a place where people are bound to understand all this, and this is even something i roleplayed a lot in tabletop and online roles.

But, i can still see why you would find that the formulae of the "mystery of the week" would feel directionless. This is the very reason i can never watch "Detective Conan". But in the case of "Kusuriya no Hitorigoto", it is clear from the start that there is a whole array of overarching stories and elements. But maybe the anime is not good at hinting it. I don't quite know if the anime failed to translate this or if we will see it in the second season, but there is a lot about the Emperor. Maomao will learn over time what the previous emperor was like, what he and his mother favored, which problems this created for the current Emperor, what his conclusions are, and how his views on how "talent" is more important that "status" will little by little turn society on its head and find Maomao at the center of the storm. The story is about Maomao and how she will spur change and have a destiny to fulfill.

Obviously, i know you judge the anime. Oh gosh, do i hate morons who just PM me and tell me that the reason i hated something is because i didn't play the mobile game before watching the anime... No, i will never do that. I refer the base material for reference. I even detailed how i believed the anime was a big factor in some of your misonceptions. I referenced the novels for the sake of adressing them, nothing more. Ah, and maybe, in order to exemplify how some things actually make sense when done properly.

When it comes to Maomao, i agree that her obsession with poisons doesn't feel realistic. This is the one problem i have with the character. Other than that, believe it or not, i believe that most of your gripes with the character may come from them taking "too much" time. They tell too much, and i feel like by trying to tell too much, they end up telling less. They added many scenes in the anime that weren't present in the books. And in at least 2/3 of the cases, i thought that this was counterproductive and hurt the general feel the story was trying to convey implicitely. The books left many things up for guesswork, and it worked much better in my opinion. I gave you one example amongst other as to how this hurts the anime and Maomao as a character.

But being emotionless...? I can relate to Maomao to some degree. I looked emotionless as a kid, and by age 11 i had stopped playing and was curious about following stock markets instead. And yeah, i was even more passive and emotionless than Maomao due to a pretty harsh past. I believe it natural that people would lose connections with some of their emotions when they grow up in such abnormal conditions. This is a problem i never solved. I never thought that Maomao was unrealistic, aside from her obsession for poison.

When it comes to the historical context, i understand that you were interested in the general aesthetics of the era and place (quite frankly, i am too). But yeah, things generally come with a whole package. At least, they do when creators are not simply trying to pander to a certain type of viewership and cherry pick whatever they find more convenient for their purpose (typically what they do in crappy isekais). It's like Dubaï. There is a city behind the touristic spots ^^. By the way, i am a History freak and i could never enourage you enough to learn about World History. The more you learn about it, the more you understand this world, and even where it's going.

Japanese people are very much learned when it comes to chinese History, and as i stated above, all the concepts in this anime are common knowledge to everyone, even in Europe. I don't think there was much need to explain anything more than that. At least, not for me, or japanese people. There are countless series based on China in Japan, and most do not care to detail the context, or even a particular piece of architecture which shape has some importance (I look at you "Juuni Kokuki"), because japanese people already know about these as a matter of fact. Since this was made for japanese people... well no surprise they wouldn't go into lenghty exposition.

It is fair regarding Jinshi. I detailed this because i suspected that the anime wasn't being all that clear about what kind of person he was. And i felt the need to explain this to you, as a result. He is sort of goofy indeed, by scheme, but think carefully about how Gyokuyou thanked Maomao for saving her baby and wanted to reward her, and how Jinshi instead made her a poison taster, knowing Gyokuyou's meals had been poisoned twice already. This is almost a de facto death sentence, and Jinshi has fun with all this. In the book, he even seems to be puzzled as to why Maomao wouldn't like him as a result. It feels like his status all but guarantee him to never be rejected, possibly because people under him wouldn't dare contradict him for fear of punishment. Normal reaction in a vertical society. The whims of those higher up than yourself naturally end up being absolute orders. He changes over the course of time, but in the beginning, he simply is a character that fits naturally in its context, including the slavery and vertical society concepts.

Indeed. Criticism that is just stuff like "stop writting s*** reviews a**h*le"... doesn't really reflect greatly on the one who write it. And it is not even criticism, since it lacks anything to back up the claim. If one is going to insult someone else, he needs to show that he actually has something interesting to say, or he will simply be the one who looks stupid. I will even go as far as to say that only moronic and self-centered (very immature? Although some are adults) people can come up with such useless comments. They bring nothing to the table, are a waste of space and time, and are all about self righteousness and self-satisfaction. Yes, i despise those.
Nox--- May 26, 2024 4:29 AM
Just my two cents. You can't exactly say that the historical context of "Kusuriya no Hitorigoto" is the only good point of the series, while at the same time feeling offended that courtesans can be bought out or that slavery is still a thing in a Middle-Ages context. You come across as very ignorant and i don't think this is a line you want to read. And so, i wish for you to read and understand. I am not here to attack you, and so, let's discuss this matter properly.

I don't understand your thing about "morality". History is not moral, like my chair is not moral. Facts do not care about "morality". What is more, i have to disagree when it comes to the MC. I never felt that Maomao was unrealistically complying to things. It is all about status. Do you not know what a medieval vertical society is like? Basically, it is about people being used and abused by those above them being a normal thing. As normal and usual as the sky being blue or fire burning. Again, you can't describe the historical context as a strong point if you dont have a clue what this historical context entails and what actual History was like.

To your credit, reading your review did allow me to be reminded of a few things this anime failed to do properly. One being Jinshi. In the books, he is never shown as a good guy. He is not a bad guy, either. He merely is a product of his time and environement, as everyone tends to be. In the anime, it requires reading between the lines to understand how, before meeting Maomao, he probably never really saw the problem with buying people out, or using them as disposable pawns. These are the very natural rules of this society. He is actually pretty happy to have found a useful pawn in Maomao, but he doesn't actually care what happens of her, since she is a lowly servant girl. He is actually unsufferable in the books because he finds amusing to watch her struggle, while fully understanding what tasting for poison entails. Although, paying attention would make that clear even in the anime.

And the other thing is in episode 2, where Maomao speaks too much. In the books, there is this event early on, with the barbarians and the poisoned soldiers, that is all about setting the idea that "speaking up will kill you". It is meant to remind the reader that people above you in such a society can legitimately kill you without a solid reason or suffering consequences for it. And that talking back to someone higher than you may give them a reason to do so, if they feel like it. Which is why Maomao only complains silently and is pretty accepting of her situation: because she is the smart, apathetic kind who fully understands that she really only has one choice. But for exposition sake, the anime ditched all that and made her say lines completely out of character, saying "good thing an unfairness was spared to this village". Suggesting that the Emperor had set out to pile unfairness on villagers by executing them is a very stupid thing to do. Only those who want to die would criticise the Emperor openly like that, while having no status whatsoever to their name to protect them. This hurts the anime, because the reality of the vertical society and its dangers end up being downplayed.

I believe these two aspects made your interpretation of this anime even worse. But still, i believe that my original point still stands. Your "morality" complaint is out of line here. As it would be in a crime series about modern day slavery. In "KnH", all this is presented very matter-of-factedly, as a natural depiction of how things are done in this Middle-ages, China-like fantasy country. If anything, i strongly believe that those who feel offended over nothing, like you do, are (deliberately or not) pushing for bland, politically correct, censored, mind-numbingly dull medias meant to brainwash people into all sharing the same "well-meaning, but truthfully hurtful" perspective on everything. And i wanted to say that i definitely push the other way. With all my might.

Aside from that, i wish you a good day, and hope you will continue to have fun with japanese animation.
ZackLSD May 19, 2024 2:52 PM
Stop making ๐Ÿ—‘ reviews mate.

You ain't that "smart".
AfroWarrior27 May 5, 2024 6:10 PM
trash ass taste
Kamushii May 5, 2024 10:11 AM
Haven't watched Frerein yet but you must've had a pretty spicy take with how mad you made these guys XD. But I read your review on Ninja Kamui... W take.
EDI12 May 1, 2024 11:32 PM
L take and taste frerein the goat
Li99 Apr 25, 2024 10:44 PM
Mattymatrix Apr 17, 2024 4:24 PM
dang a lotgh fan that misinterpreted Frieren lmao. oh the irony is hilarious to see
stanly994 Apr 7, 2024 9:28 AM
massive L
EmperorKaido Apr 1, 2024 1:05 AM
mindiiss Mar 25, 2024 3:05 AM
you gave akame ga kill higher score than frieren.. i sense strong "look at me I'm a hipster hurr durr i don't like things because they are popular hurr durr" vibes
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