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Hana wa Saku, Shura no Gotoku
Hana wa Saku, Shura no Gotoku
Mar 12, 1:59 PM
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Kusuriya no Hitorigoto 2nd Season
Kusuriya no Hitorigoto 2nd Season
Mar 12, 1:59 PM
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Mar 12, 1:59 PM
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Usotoki Rhetoric
Usotoki Rhetoric
Mar 12, 10:53 AM
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Buna no Mori no Aria
Buna no Mori no Aria
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Reading 11/16 · Scored -
Aono-kun ni Sawaritai kara Shinitai
Aono-kun ni Sawaritai kara Shinitai
Mar 8, 8:53 AM
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Huskkay Mar 12, 9:43 AM
Stale cake must be your favorite flavor.
Would you promise to never eat a single piece of duck in your life?

Well, you see, I don't feel like doing that.

I don't. Which makes me the holiest person alive. Beware my radiant halo. I wonder if you ever run out of chances to give.

Yeah, that's the big problem. Things tend to go wrong eventually.

No need to work yourself to the bone like that. Take a rest every once in a while.

Not going to lie, I have a very hard time imagining a cute wormhole.
There are definitely worse heroes out there.

Maybe I should just not get involved at all.

And here I was thinking that you would watch everything subbed in your native language. Finnish.
That repugnance towards math must be deeply rooted.

Well, if I get to choose I already have my top-priority pick. Now, if don't get to choose things might get tricky. You could end up with something completely useless.

Thankfully I don't have any plans to visit France anytime soon.
Have you seen everything from Golden Kamuy that got adapted to anime? I think I am missing one or two seasons.

That his daughter was the one burning on the stake and he tried his best to save her. Which makes no sense considering their interaction earlier and how the bishop's son dislikes inquisitors.
Huskkay Mar 10, 10:19 AM
Especially stale cakes from your party. A chance like that will never appear again.
I'm not that big on promises anyway.

Well, since you asked me like that. I could stop them. If I really wanted to.

Don't we all? Some people say they don't, but from my experience, that's one big fat lie.

The second I have more faith in myself, something will go wrong.

Still, a job well done. Another case closed.

I see. The good old logic of tiny equals cute.
Have you seen his work? He'll keep the streets clean, easy peasy.

You are putting a lot of pressure on me.

One of the biggest sins I have ever heard of. Sorry, do you need an EpiPen?

Sounds logical to me.

All I want are my healing powers. Then I would open a little apothecary in the woods. Cultivate herbs and all the other stuff in my own garden.

Not that impressive, right?
From what I have heard, Vagabond did stop on an okay note, but a continuation would be nice nontheless. Right now, I am considering Golden Kamuy as my next manga.

Nowak is definitly not pure evil. He does follow his orders like the good soldier he is, doesn'T really think for himself, and pretty much waste no thought about his fellow man. Jolanta was his entire world, eversything else didn't matter. What suprised me is how easily he believed the son of the bishop. For a moment I thought Nowak might figure out that someone else burned at the stake. Also, as of now, I'll add Draka to the characters I really enjoy.
Huskkay Mar 8, 2:59 AM
Let me check my calendar. Hopefully I don't have any other appointments, or I might miss your party.
Can be; that's not a promise.

Once they are unchained, there is no way to stop them.

Nah, it was probably just some sort of miscommunication.

That's good to hear. Even though I don't deserve all that faith being put in me.

Nope, no sarcasm. Detective Shiro always does outstanding work.

I think you are the first person to call a wormhole cute. But anyway, it would be quite convenient.
We are talking about THE Batman. He'll be more than fine.

I might just stutter or use a lot of awkward pauses.

You better go see a priest for such a harsh confession. You are good. But you would be even better if you included some math books. :)

They will stick with me until the end.

It depends on where I would get iskaied to. I don't need some world-ending threat or constant war setting. Something calm and cozy with a dash of magic should do just fine.

Just the same phrases over and over.
I thought I read about him working on Real again, and after he is done with that, he might return to Vagabond.

Sorry, I completely forgot about Orb.
I don't really have many thoughts about it yet. Some moments are really good and others are kind of eeeeeeh. The anime is pretty good at setting up a certain atmosphere and using visuals to support the dialogue. As for the characters, Badeni was pretty fun, Nowak is alright but considering the whole atmosphere, a lot of characters are weirdly painted either good or bad. The show also suffers a bit from pacing issues. Score-wise I am hovering around a 7 for now.
Huskkay Mar 6, 9:00 AM
Stale cakes and watered-down tea. Sounds yummy!
If there even is a next time.

My expectations are running free. No way they can be stopped now.

I always wanted peace.

Thank you. At least someone has faith in me.

Once again, quick work well done. Sherlock could have learned a thing or two from you.

Well, it's actually pretty simple. There is a tiny wormhole inside your pocket.
Eh, the original Batman will handle the rest. Probably.

My secret weapon is talking?

No, I read the German translation. Fair enough, I guess it all depends on what someone is actively looking for.

The good old Huskkay vibes.

Honestly, I would instantly take the chance of a rerun. I just don't think I could fuck up enough to regret it. And who knows, maybe it all works out because of the experience you bring with you.

C’est la vie.
I reached the end, and I had to drop the score by one. Not the biggest fan of how it ended. The weird part is, so much got left untold. Slam Dunk could have easily continued to run for 200 - 300 chapters, but it felt like someone just said: "Nah, I'm done.".
Huskkay Mar 4, 8:54 AM
Copious amounts of bread and water. The perfect party.
A teeny tiny bit.

Bad news, they just increased again.

How about we just forget about the whole dueling idea?

I'll be on my best behavior.

This sounds like a new case for Detective Shiro. Trying to solve the mystery of what happened to the golden earring.

It's a theory I like to fall back on. Your "own" lunch money that used to belong to someone else mere minutes ago.
Alright, so both Day and Night Batman are just lazing around while crime runs rampant.

Maybe I can talk to one guard and distract them.

I never finished all the books because they weren't all translated yet when I started reading the series. Well, there is also a lot of bad, or even harmful, literature out there.

You should have. :D

A life without regrets is impossible in my mind. And just a few... Hmm, I don't know. I don't see it as stressful at all. A second chance would open so many things. I would do so much stuff differently.

Exactly. :)))))
Slam Dunk is still good, but I am missing that certain feeling I had halfway through. There was some really amazing writing and panels. The art is still amazing, and the story is still fun, but it all depends on how it ends now.
Pokitaru Mar 2, 8:57 AM
A lot? Not really. But over the years, after talking to people on MAL, whether through profile comments or personal messages, I've met enough of them to leave a lasting (and negative) impression. That's why I hate it when it happens :P
For better or worse, these days, my main place for weeb-related stuff is Discord, which is completely different from MAL. I don’t include my social media (Facebook, Instagram) in this because I use them in a very different way compared to Discord and MAL.
So yeah, I can definitely see how this affects reply times. I think we can both agree that MAL is pretty meh when it comes to communication. Does it work? Sure. But it's too slow and outdated. I really don't understand how a site like MAL, which is extremely popular, looks and works like it's still in the mid-2000s. For example, there's no proper group chat feature or anything similar. If I remember correctly -and take this with a grain of salt- the mobile app does have a chat-like feature, but it’s only available for clubs, and not all clubs have it activated. But let’s be real, who even uses MAL clubs for communication these days? xD
That’s not to say I’m excusing constantly delayed replies of course. If someone takes ages to reply every single time, I’m still gonna get mad :P. But I guess I can maybe see how MAL makes things even worse... just barely xD

I was a young, naive boy, but for some reason, I started turning into an old soul really fast. To this day, I’m still surprised by how much I’ve changed since then. And it’s not even like that much time has passed, it’s only been about seven years. And seven years ago, I wasn’t a teenager or a high school student. I was already an adult in university. Now, in my late 20s, all I want is peace, tranquility, and relaxation. Well, at least most of the time ^^

I have some interesting book updates to share! After Sapiens, I’m planning to read The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck. Since you're into books, I’ll assume you’ve already heard of it, considering it sold millions of copies. But if you haven’t, don’t let the title mislead you xD
As for Sapiens, it's quite unfortunate that I’ve only gotten through about 50 pages so far. Work, errands, house cleaning, and other hobbies take up a lot of my free time, but I plan to prioritize reading more in the future. Not just these two, but books in general. I actually made a list of books I want to read in the foreseeable future, but I’ll get back to that in my next comment!
Thanks a lot for your recommendations! I’ll make sure to check them out in the future! ^^ The Universe in Your Hand definitely sounds like something I’d love to read!

I’m exactly like that too! If I want to do something, I’ll just do it, no matter what. And same, I’ll always support others. I always advocate for self-improvement! ^^

Regarding Akage no Anne: Honestly, I have no idea what I’ll do about the remake :P If it ends up being a weekly seasonal, maybe I’ll give it a try, but I haven’t made any plans yet. I’ll just do whatever feels right at the time!
As for why I put it on hold, it’s because I’m not watching it "regularly". You can probably tell from my list updates, but when I binge watch an anime, I tend to stick to a more structured schedule rather than watching it sporadically. However, due to time limitations in my daily life, and the fact that the anime isn’t that engaging, I decided to put it on hold until I can watch it in my usual "binge watching style".

Don’t get me wrong, the anime isn’t bad or boring or anything. In fact, its calm, countryside slice of life vibe and simple but cozy art style is something I usually adore. But in this case, it feels like it leans too much into that. Nothing particularly noteworthy or important happens in the story, so I end up prioritizing other things over it. But lucky me, this also works in my favor because it’s the kind of show I can pick up anytime without needing to refresh my memory of past episodes. Even if I leave it for days or weeks, I can just jump back in whenever I feel like it :P
I currently don’t have any plans to drop it, but only time will tell!

For the record, putting something on hold is really rare for me since I usually just drop shows altogether. That’s why my "on hold" list is so short. If something isn’t working for me, I’d rather just cut my losses and move on.

Have you ever done something like this before? Like, did you ever have an anime or manga that you just touched every once in a while without feeling the need to complete it as fast as possible?

Εdit: I really like your profile pictures lately! Where are they from? Are they from a particular title?
Huskkay Mar 2, 8:48 AM
There is nothing suspicious going on. Any plans on how to celebrate once you pass me?
A tiny bit.

Unreachable heights.

But if you are really unlucky, there might just be a duck. Or even two.

Not these ducks. They couldn't care less as long as you keep your few meter distance.

Okay, it doesn't look too flimsy.

I see. So by 2nd or 3rd grade, you had extorted enough lunch money from your poor innocent classmates that you could finally buy a phone. Like a true delinquent.
I doubt it. Day Batman will slack off all day and do pretty much nothing besides helping old people across the street.

You are underselling your abilities.

Yep, it's from Malazan. I really need to re-read that series eventually. If "what awaits us is a reflection of what we leave behind" were a more well known motto, the world wouldn't look as gloomy.


Fate predetermining everything would truly be awful. Final answer. Alright, it's locked in. I would still do it. Trying out new things and different paths.

Fable won't be removed from my favorites. Sorry to disappoint.
Huskkay Feb 28, 9:15 AM
That's the spirit. It will be a wonderful day once you finally take the lead. :D
Fair enough, I can't dispute that.

They aren't high enough!

But what if you hit a duck instead?

Yeah. Maybe one day I'll make a picture of them since they don't seem to care when someone gets close.

When I think of gold earrings, I always think of those flimsy grandma earrings that you can barely see. What kind was it?

I got my first flip phone when I was 12. Snake was a good game. It sounds like it all worked out perfectly. Best of luck, Night Batman.

It will be like a walk in the park for you. They don't stand a chance.

That wouldn't be very fun, would it? Although, a boring life doesn't sound too bad to me. Now, prepare yourself for a little bit of text, because this topic made me remember one of my all-time favorite quotes from my favorite book series:

Maybe, maybe not. :)

If you truly relive the same events, no matter what you do, then fate would be a real concept that controls pretty much everything. Which would be a little bit depressing because your choices don't matter at all. The end goal is already set in stone. Now, if your choices do matter, I doubt you will meet the same people unless you actively look for them. As for the pets, probably the same unless you remember how and when you got them exactly.

Yeah, nah. You crazy.
Huskkay Feb 26, 3:07 AM
Keep at it and you will catch up in no time. Just like your total watch time. :)
Nah, that would be ridiculous.

Absolutely, and I expect nothing short of a masterpiece.

With grapeshot-loaded cannons? I have my doubts. Unless we aim into the sky.

Yes. A total of two. Mindblowing, I know.

Was there a diamond embedded into the earring?

Honestly, I probably have the same opinion as you do. Preferably Day-Batman.

That's a start, but I was more thinking along the lines of you taking care of all of the guards while I cheer you on from the sidelines.

I fully agree.
That does sound wonderful, doesn't it? But I would need a bit more than just a fluffy cloud; it might get boring with time. But I guess boring is still better than suffering. Frankly, I have no idea. Who knows what comes after? And I don't know if I want a correct answer to that.

Perfect. :)

I see it this way. Since you get reset with all of your memories intact, you are pretty much the same person you are now. With the massive benefit of years of experience and knowledge. Now you get the added bonus of choosing different paths and approaches due to all your experience which shaped you. So your current personality is still the foundation of everything.

Yeah, that won't happen. :D
Xiao Feb 24, 10:33 PM
Personally I find that more scary. Maybe I'm too cynical I'm blaming the shitshow that's happening right now in the US because of our president and the owner of Twitter, but I think human greed would trump pun not intended over AI being properly used...ohh wow, I've never heard of that term before, but solarpunk definitely sounds really cool! Unfortunately I can't see it becoming a reality though - again, due to human greed and people's general care of personal gain over the environment.

Ohhh I love open endings, so I'm glad to hear that!
That synopsis of Id Invaded sounds really interesting, but I guess that kind of show is also more prone to things not making much sense? Or if the villains aren't very interesting....Psycho Pass wouldn't be Psycho Pass without Makishima Shougo. xD I see Gosick is tagged as "historical", and there's also romance....interesting. I never would have guessed from the cover.
Haha that's true, it's hard to praise a show you don't those cases, I mostly just state what other people say they love about the show. x3 Yeah I always thank my Secret Santas, and I've always received a reply even though I usually don't end up watching/reading the recommendations. Guess it comes down to "luck" on whether or not you get active or inactive users?

Same, there's not a single song in Alien Stage yet that I dislike though I can't say the same about the covers. Did you watch Wiege yet? Love the song there too! It sounds so haunting yet beautiful. Although I have mixed feelings about the video itself...
Hmmm that's a hard one, I can't really say if I'd recommend Milgram or not. xD I really like the concept and the music videos are interesting, but they're a lot harder to decipher and understand compared to Alien Stage (a lot of abstract symbolisms), and personally it's harder for me to care for any of the characters since there are too many and I'm so behind on the lore. Also, the music isn't to my taste, but maybe you'd like them. But overall, I really enjoyed reading the theories, it's amazing to see all the interpretations people can come up with.

Haha yes, I like Kyou more than Taiki as well. At this point Hina stands zero chance against Chihiro, so I wish he would just tell her straight-up instead of getting her hopes up.
I just noticed MAL has 2025 as the airing start date for Fate/Strange Fake, so I hope so! Fingers crossed. 
I'm glad you ended up watching it! Medalist is so good. I'm definitely going to read the manga once the anime is over.
Oh you read "that" scene haha!! Yep, it'd be fun to see people's reactions to that part. Have you ever heard the rumor of how the author hates Jinshi? He was only supposed to be a comedic side character, but he got so popular that he got promoted to main character status. xD
Haha I just hate it when things go so smoothly for the main characters, a story isn't good without some challenges! But I just really liked seeing Luke in despair when it showed the original movie script where his original love interest died in his arms, so I hope at least one of the nine warriors end up dying...I never thought I would love the romance in this show so much though haha.

Can't blame you, the crow girl only appears for a few seconds in the latest season. xD
She does show up more later, of course.Oh nooooo, yeah I'd be really sad if the new manga turns out to be isekai.....I've read quite a bit past the latest anime adaptation for Kaguya, but ngl I forgot a lot of what happened as well lol. That reminds me, I think I'll get back to finishing the manga in the next few weeks.

It's a wonder how someone with such a weird hairstyle could be drawn to be so good-looking. xD I think it's Kaiser's tattoos that does it for me...there's rarely any character that doesn't look hot with a tattoo.
Yep the BM vs. PXG match just ended (last week). I'm just happy to see the NEL match coming to a close, it's literally been over a year since the match started and over 3 years since the NEL arc started. The latest chapter showed one panel of Nagi and Reo mid-match, and I'm so nervous because the outcome is probably gonna make/break how I feel about the duo and this series...some people theorize that Nagi's going to score a hat trick, but I think that'd be insanely stupid because then his downfall and development would be too sudden/rushed. I still believe Nagi's gonna be in a slump into the next arc, but hopefully Reo won't be. Do you have any predictions?
Haha glad we're on the same page with Rin and his edginess. xD Though there's also a chapter with that Nagi-Reo chapter in Rin's POV, if you didn't know (he was the one who bumped into Nagi and made him drop his candy apple). Oh I didn't even know that that chapter has an individual manga entry on MAL lol. But yeah, hopefully soon the author will give another chill chapter after the NEL arc, before transitioning over to the next arc.

OMG what, we're only at the end of volume 1 of 6 in the manhwa?? Eeeesh....though ngl, the many webtoon comments I've seen made me really tempted to give the LN a try. I think I might, otherwise if I put the manhwa on-hold again for a few weeks/months....I definitely won't have the energy to re-read everything again lol. Too many things to remember.
My impression of ORV definitely improved. I'm really glad I gave it another chance cause the arc after the one I first stopped at (the arc centered on adult Yoo-Sung Shin) became one of my favorites. I also really like the constellation party arc. The stakes seem to be getting higher and higher at an increasingly rapid pace, so it's pretty exciting to see what challenges are in store for Dokja. Does Uriel make more of a physical appearance later on? I see you have her on your favorites. She's adorable haha. Though she looks really different from the LN, so I couldn't believe it was her at first when I saw her in the manhwa.

Oh shoot, well I'm glad it had that effect! I watched Higurashi because I was curious if horror anime could scare me, and...well I'll admit, it's probably the scariest anime I've ever seen so far. xD Though I get scared pretty easily....

Haha yeah I didn't expect to see Vein and Felix being so care-free. Vein's cannibalistic dialogue always makes me go o-o though lol. Oh what, 20+ episodes??? That'd be so insane if true!!! But then it'd be so agonizing for me to have to wait half a year to binge-watch the entire season. x-x

Omg Blade and Aventurine are two characters that first caught my eyes in Honkai as well, along with Jing Yuan and Kafka. Though Aventurine is definitely my favorite now. Part of the reason I started playing too is also cause I really like this song, imo it's really catchy.

Oh yea definitely, I wouldn't go to the gym if I had to go by myself and if I had to pay to go. Monthly gym memberships are so expensive. D:
Huskkay Feb 24, 9:11 AM
Did you not go for the Valentine's Day event badge?
Only time will tell. It's probably going to be something random again.

That should be an anime. You should suggest that idea to all the big studios.

Ok, how about instead of pistols we use cannons loaded with grapeshot for our duel?`

Brace yourself! Yesterday I saw two ducks.

I feel like it is mostly bad surprises. At least I can't think of a good one on the spot.

I agree. Sometimes I see toddlers lying in their stroller with a tablet on top of them. How about Day-Batman and Night-Batman?

Actually, there are quite a lot of them.

If it happened again, it would be a tragedy.
Yeah, that said, I wouldn't mind a convenient version of heaven. I can forego all the reincarnation stuff because, let's face it, how big is the chance that you get dealt a great hand? Life is unfair, you said it perfectly.

Just try to keep your expectations low.

Would you take the chance to restart your life from kindergarten again? Preferably with all your memories intact.

You know, it could end up on my favs. But I have no idea what manga it would replace. Right now, I would rate it as a 8 or even 9. But let's wait and see how it all develops. Still got a lot of chapters to read.
Huskkay Feb 22, 3:44 AM
What might that be?
The tumbleweeds are done and forgotten.

Is that even a possibility?

I am completely fine with that. Everyone walks away happy.

I have never seen one of these fabled creatures.

Only good surprises are the one thing we are all hoping for.

I also didn't play it for pretty much the same reason. It never caught my interest. Sure, I see no rule that says otherwise.

We might need to knock out the guards, but then it should be smooth sailing.

It's a really unfortunate moment that my keyboard got stuck. Real unfortunate.
Yeah, while valid, they become a problem once they consume all your free time. Yep, you are spot on. Sadly, I most likely live in the wrong timeline for that.

Time to make that investment and see if it's better than acacia honey.

You still get a golden star.

And I am also taking my time with it because I have nothing else that I want to read or watch right now.
Huskkay Feb 20, 10:05 AM
That's good to hear.
Well, I needed to stop it before it became an unhealthy obsession.

Will Detective Shiro find an answer?

The duel is cancelled. Everyone is happy now, hopefully.

That's what they are always saying.

It's a good thing to be able to surprise oneself every now and then.

Pokemon Go was such a phenomenon. All of a sudden almost everyone played it, and then it got quiet pretty quickly. We can share the role.

It sounds like we hit an impasse. Currently I know of no other way to shrink you down.

My keyboard got stuck. :)
Kind of both, with a little bit more focus on my personal health. The last few weeks I have been driving myself insane due to my high myopia and fear of potential risks.

That's not very cheap. 25 € for a jar of honey is far from cheap.

Yes, you get a golden star for your correct answer.
Yep, I am sure nothing happened.

Thank you.

It's going to take some time until I finish it, but it looks pretty alright so far.

Huskkay Feb 18, 8:49 AM
I have no idea. It would be a surprise for the both of us.
Fine, that seems like a fair trade.

The chances are not zero. :)

Let's hope that happens.

Hallucinations always appear real to the one experiencing them.

Yep. No haircut for you.

Once again, your wisdom shines through.

Yeah, but thankfully Pokemon don't exist in the real world. They would get worked to the bone. Do you want to be Batman? I can be the sidekick instead.

Hauling such a massive coffin around all day could get a bit tiring. Bad news, they taste very bad. Rancid even.

Soooooooooooooooorry. :D
It's always so interesting to see how you are completely the opposite of me when it comes to stuff like that. I always worry about what could happen. That's why I think I would take it. The unknown and uncertainty of the future hardly ever hide something truly positive.

For honey, it is pretty expensive, Ms. Rich. :)

Yeah, sort of. Healing powers without any drawbacks would be amazing.
Thankfully you wouldn't realize if I did. Eh he he.

I'm trying my best.

You know, I never realized it was made by Inoue. I have moderate hopes that it is good.
Huskkay Feb 16, 8:06 AM
Please never abuse your power, boss.
Surely we can ignore my lack of qualification just this once.

Only time will tell if we ever encounter another afterimage.

The best-case scenario is when we both miss. Then we would get a draw.

What if I told you that ducks aren't real but simply a figment of your imagination?

Oh, okay.

I never was so sure in my life.

Let's catch them all! Time to get to work, my trusty sidekick.

Yeah, absolutely nothing to worry about.

Unless I find a 3-meter-long briefcase, it would be a challenge. Hmm, unscrewing a few limbs might also not be an option. I should have given you a few shrink potions when I had the chance.

Very sorry. :)
I keep my fingers crossed for you. How about a new one? Would you want a memo of all future major events that will happen in your life?

And super expensive. :D

Nope. Here is a hint: I can use it on myself or others.
I really need that memory-wiping Men in Black gadget.

My brain always feels tired.

You are not missing out on anything. I'm glad it was only 6 episodes long.
It’s time to ditch the text file.
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