How do I rate anime:
I like good Storytelling and characterisation, animes which imo got that right will score rather high. Even though i enjoy good artwork, this is not a very important point for me (creativity in Art is more important for me than production value). Also im someone who gets easily bored if i have to repeat things. Regarding Anime that means i dont like to watch unoriginal Shows. A flawed Anime which had some interesting ideas will most likely score higher than a AAA production which just warms up old concepts.
"Spectacular failures have far move value than mediocre successes." - Super Eyepatch Wolf
There are around 4500 Anime Entries(not Movies or anything else) from which around 3000 have score above 6,5. If you scratch the top 100 you'll get to the Score of 8,5 (it drops rather quick). 3000 Animes (66% of all Animes) are rated between a 6,5 and a 8,5. technically it should be around 900.
Where does that lead to? Well for me, the scoring of a anime says nearly nothing of its quality but of its fanbase and hype. Whenever theres a new Season Shitshows which will be forgotten in a few months threatening the Top 50. There are tons of people here rating everything they watched a 8+. Everything is good, everything is nice...
I personally like using the whole scale:
1-3 are just bad animes, sometimes enjoyable but only due to its shitfactor.
4-5 Average animes which were most likely very uninspired.
6-7 I really enjoyed this show! its a good anime you probably wont regret watching. Had quite some flaws but overall a pleasant experience
8-9 Reserved for the Top 1% of animes, nearly a perfect experience. Well crafted and/or very creative work.
10 An Anime only made every few years, absolute masterfully crafted with nearly nothing to complain about. These are the kind of shows you keep coming back to, always finding something new about it and with every watch growing even more fond of them.
40 Anime questions:
1: What is your #1 favorite anime?
A: Texhnolyze
2: Has an anime ever made you cry?
A: Yes, i have emotions.
3: Which anime made you laugh the hardest?
A: Gintama
4: If you could make a spin-off of any anime, what would it be?
A: Can the nostalgic weeb in me please get inuyasha 0.5 with Sesshoumaru and his father slaying mad?
5: List your top [5] anime's
A:Texhnolyze,Ergo Proxy,Ghost in the Shell, Serial Experiment Lain, Texhnolyze
6: List your top [5] anime OSTs
Ghost in the Shell, Hack//Sign (basically everything from Yuki Kajiura), Samurai Champloo, FLCL,Cowboy Bebop
7: Have you ever watched an entire anime in one sitting?
A: I tend to binge-watch much, so yes. Try to change it though.
8: Who is your favorite anime character?
:Yoshii Kazuho (Texhnolyze)
9: Name an anime character you absolutely hate
A:Slaine Troyard (Aldnoah Zero), his "Personality" is depending on where the Plot has to shift.
10: Which [3] animes would you most recommend?
A:Depends on the person. 3 rather unknown Gems are Fantastic Children, Kachu Ouji and Memories
11: What is your favorite 'moe' anime?
A:Since moe is not to my taste im not well versed in this genre. My pick would be Girls last tour, which only has moe elements.
12: What is your favorite romance anime?
A: Another strange pick: Macross. Over the runtime of the story the characters got fleshed out very well and as such i find the love triangle at the end very enganging and actually rooted for one of the characters and felt with her. Rather weird for me.
13: What is your favorite comedy anime?
A:Gintama again. Cant go wrong with the longest running show out there in this genre.
14: What is your favorite action anime?
A:There are hundreds of shows with action elements i liked bot often due to different reasons. Focusing solely on action i have to say Baccano.
15: What is your favorite harem anime?
A:Sora no Otoshimono. Hands down. Mainly because its the only harem with and actual MainCHARACTER and not some useless shyfag. Tomoki - King of Perverts!
16: What is your favorite ecchi anime?
A:See above. No competition.
17: What is your favorite mech anime?
A:Macross. Oh already had that? Well Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann
18: What is your favorite drama anime?
19: What is your favorite slice of life anime?
A: Haibane Reinmei
20: What is your favorite adventure anime?
A: Making Adventure synonymous with Journey my mind says Fullmetal Alchemist, my heart Fantastic Children.
21: What is the first anime you ever saw?
Heidi, didnt know it was Anime though. First knowing Anime was Inuyasha.
22: You get to have a harem of [6] anime characters of your choice, who do you choose?
A: Aww. Yiss. Lets go: Yuuko Ichihara (XXX Holic), Misa Hayase (Macross), Rin Tohsaka (Fate), Miria Harvent (Baccano), Meiko Shiraki (Prison School) and Makoto Kusanagi (GITS)
23: What is the most times you've re-watched an anime?
A: 4 times, that happened with Inuyasha, Perfect Blue, FLCL and Samurai Champloo.
24: Name [1] anime you wish everyone would watch
A: Ghost in the Shell: Stand alone Complex because it shows wonderfully what a well handled anime can do. Worldbuilding, Audiovisuals, Characters....this show has little to no weak points.
25: What is an anime you regret watching?
A:Hataraku Maou-sama! An anime so unoriginal that you cant even laugh about the bad things. I got a mild anime burnout from this one. No redeeming quality about it.
26: You get to have [1] anime character as your waifu in real life, who do you choose?
A:Yuuko Ichihara (XXX Holic). I would be her bitch, not complaining though.
27: Which anime character are you most like?
A: I 404´d over trying to find a not overly edgy choice. Probably Yoshi but dont want the CIA knocking at my door.
28: Do you watch a new anime because you think it will be good, or because its popular?
A: Because its good. Popularity doesnt mean much to me, rather i enjoy it finding great unknown show.
29: Has an anime's fanbase ever made you hesitant to watch an anime?
A: correction: Has THE anime's fanbase [---] yes, dozens of times. Cant really be sure if a popular anime is good if there a tenthousands of people rating everyting a 10/10.
30: How many anime episodes is 'ideal' for you?
A: I really like short stuff. I feel like most stories arent meant to told in hundreds of episodes. Im most comfortable with 1-13 eps. That being said, there are anime which only work with more.
32: If you could make a game for an anime of your choice, what would it be and why?
A: Just give me a proper realisation of .Hacks "The world" and i will be content dying in my chair.
33: Would you ever watch an anime with over [100] episodes?
A: Most of the Anime with over 100 Episodes stretch their story to thin and/or overstayed its welcome. But there are some good like HunterxHunter.
34: Have you ever watched an anime only because you liked a specific character?
A: Sakamoto desu ga? Well this anime is solely based on Sakamoto so makes sense right?
35: Have you ever dropped an anime, if so why?
I have a kinda masochistic anime viewstyle where i finish nearly everything. But i dropped shows which cant come to an end like One Piece, Naruto, Fairytale etc.
36: In your opinion, what makes a good anime?
A: The sum of its parts? Not a satisfactory answer i know, but a show without music, characters or other parts wouldnt really work. I really like complex stories, well written characters or scientific and psychologicial stuff though.
37: Name a popular anime you love
A: I have to say Inuyasha. Was my first anime and really influenced and helped me as a little kid. Thanks Sess.
38: Name a popular anime you hate
Elfenlied. Babies first 2deep4you anime hilarous that there are still people defending this as if its some piece of art kek.
39: Is there an anime you wish was more popular?
Fantastic Children and Kachu Ouji
40: Thoughts on live-action adaptations?
A: I tried a few. Still waiting for the first Adaptation thats not a total disaster. I think you cant transfer an anime back to live action without it instantly becoming inferior to the anime.
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