All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 130.4
Mean Score:
- Watching17
- Completed602
- On-Hold28
- Dropped32
- Plan to Watch98
- Total Entries777
- Rewatched0
- Episodes7,955
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 77.6
Mean Score:
- Reading97
- Completed509
- On-Hold45
- Dropped15
- Plan to Read29
- Total Entries695
- Reread0
- Chapters10,559
- Volumes1,059
All Comments (8) Comments
i just skimmed through all the recs you gave me and i have no idea how i've not heard of most of those anime ! they are all rated very highly too. ty for the recs !! it's always nice to get recs from someone who has similar interests and a bigger list than mine LOL
and yes team kaname all the way >:))
got any recs for anime with lowkey bl interactions but not explicitly bl? or anime with cute guys in general lol
also i found it funny how you rated oregairu, only saw part of it but what made you rate it that way?
Anything you're looking forward to for the Winter season?
And, my favourite sequel is Bleach.
How do you do?
Thanks for accepting the friend request!
What's your favourite anime this season?
Have a great day/evening :)