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ClassyPenguino Jan 9, 9:11 AM
Happy belated New Year (again)
ClassyPenguino Jan 27, 2024 5:20 PM
Happy belated New Year lol
ClassyPenguino Jan 1, 2022 5:49 PM
(A little late but...) Happy New Year!!!!
ClassyPenguino Aug 4, 2021 6:16 PM
Joe mama
ClassyPenguino Aug 1, 2021 10:22 AM
Deez nuts
Timbsoka May 8, 2021 8:14 PM
Hey hope you've been well! :)
neelo_angelo Apr 27, 2021 6:32 AM
Okay I finally got my hands on the keyboard, 1st of all I am really sorry for the late reply coz I was in Holiday and without PC Lol, I hope you are doing well.

And Thank you for the kind comment about DMC lol and Oh yeah! Nobunaga is my fave as well and It's really cool that you are into FGO as well although I'm not a veteran when it comes it coz recently started to play lol. (Enjoying a lot so far)

Ngl, had an enjoyable 5 min of reading your thoughts about the characters you love and almost all the points that you made I can definitely agree so I have nothing to say, but you have really interesting characters ranking lol.

I was wondering if you have any interests on the antagonists as well or final boss battles in Yakuza.

neelo_angelo Apr 8, 2021 4:54 AM
I'm doing well! Thank you for asking. xD glad we are on the same page.

Btw out of topic, I noticed you are a Dante fan lol I grew up with Dante and Vergil and they are my favourite characters out of all the video games I have played throughout my childhood up until now. I remember I got dmc 3 as a birthday gift from my mother and I want to thank my mother because of her I got to know The Devil May Cry series, Lol I was so happy when I got it back when I was 6 years old and was really excited to play btw my mother picked this game for me randomly on shop because she liked the cover of the game and thought I might like it as well. After finishing the game I was like "LIKE THIS GAME ?? I FELL IN LOVE WITH THIS GAME" .. Btw this cover below lol

So yeah to this day I still play Devil May Cry games, oh yeah! I loved the DMC 5 as well and I was really happy that Vergil returns once again.

Okay lol back to Yakuza, aside Majima I would say Nishiki is my another favourite character. Such a tragic character.... Nishiki did not deserve any of that, the last fight in Kiwami...It was soo sad like no amount of stamina royal could cure my heart after that, Specially after when you play yakuza 0 and that fight hits you really hard. To be honest I don't blame him for his intentions after all the pain he went through (specially when he finds out about the doctor that tricked him) And I swear to GOD I was in tears at the part, at the hospital when he is like "I practically killed myself to get that money......" then trying not to burst out crying and in utter shock then just starts screaming. That part.......just killed me..on the inside. Then I goddamn hate sooo much that when people starts to say that he is useless and if Kiryu was there and him being inferior to Kiryu. Like they call him useless but he's done more for Kiryu than they ever did.

Then I see how Nishiki's crew is bitching him and I'm like just waiting for Nishiki to snap and f*ck one of them up but then again Nishiki just isn't the fighting type guy, so I just feel bad for him even more, and then when Kashiwagi scolds him and Nishiki is so sorry far what he did be just cries and screams thank you! then Kashiwagi just HAS to pull that Kiryu card (Him being inferior and useless part), like come on SERIOUSLY KASHIWAGI, YOU TOO?!!.

I loved the "For whose sake" theme that plays at the final fight because its such a fitting name, because at this point Nishiki is nothing more than an empty shell, he doesn't even know who he fights for anymore...In 0 it was "for Buddy", for Kiryu, but in Kiwami? In Kiwami, he doesn't have anyone worth fighting for, he discarded it all the day he lost his sister and now tries to hide his sorrow by putting up this facade of a cold, ruthless killer, but deep down, the old Nishiki who cared about Reina, Kiryu and everyone else still exist, and he at least resurface to redeem himself at the end, also avenging Yumi in the process.
I feel like I would've gone the same path if I were on Nishiki's shoes. So yeah I have a soft spot for Nishiki.

Btw Thank you again for reading and Oh! I noticed your fav character is Nishiki as well loll. I was wondering as well if you have other favourite besides Nishiki. Take Care :)

nightshadekait Apr 7, 2021 12:20 AM
Thank you!
neelo_angelo Apr 6, 2021 4:57 PM
Woah btw I hope you are doing well and Thank you for dropping your opinions on the series, lol even if you write 10 page of essay about yakuza I would gladly read it and I definitely had fun reading yours as well.

As you said about yakuza 4, it was indeed kinda all over the place and felt like Kiryu’s presence was pretty much unnecessary and yeah I agree with you as well that Saejima was the best thing about yakuza 4 (oh boy I’m starting to have flashbacks of Saito with rubber bullets).

It was pretty sad to see how Kiryu was doing in yakuza 5, like the struggle between him and Haruka. I wish they could focus more on them and more importantly Kiryu and Daigo, like...I wanted to see more of Kiryu and Daigo on how they deepen their relationship as a father and son than the whole Shinada section but it’s not like I hated Shinada, he was a fun character. After watching the epilogue in 6 where Kiryu writes a letter to Daigo saying to him that he wasn’t able to spend time with him know trouble always finds Kiryu..but damn.. it was soo sad and I felt soo bad for Daigo..he’s always been alone and in duty as the 6th chairman of tojo clan, He had only Kiryu and Majima..and of course recently with Saejima finally being out of the prison, but after the letter when Daigo says “My father made a request of me and I will honor his wish” It was such a good and heartfelt moment that Daigo saw Kiryu as his father and you know I feel like Nagoshi-sensei could’ve Involved Daigo in Haruka’s life and him being like her older brother taking responsibilities and stuff, It was a wasted potential..but that’s just me and my stupid ideas lol coz they had 0 interactions. Overall I enjoyed yakuza 5 because it’s a massive game.

Speaking of Judgment, you should give a try chapter 1 when you are free, trust me you will definitely love it because of its tone of the game .Every detail, the build up, the story, the characters and soundtracks are masterfully crafted and of course the antagonist . Out of all of the yakuza series judgment main villain (can’t talk about too much about it coz of spoilers lol ) is my favourite antagonist.

And lol yeah you are right, pretty hard to find people to talk about it especially in myanimelist lol
(I think I made longer again sorry tehehe)

neelo_angelo Apr 6, 2021 3:19 AM
You're welcome! and thanks!

(sorry for my English in advance lol)

Okay so your ranks are pretty interesting, btw I enjoyed every yakuza game and it's not like I hate others that I put below ranks and my tier is mostly focused on story.
So what I liked the most in S-tier games?

Yakuza 0- This game is just impossible to hate, I loved everything about this game, The soundtracks,characters,substories,minigames,the details and the story. I've been waiting for years when this game out on japan for the 1st time and I was like mad crazy just to get my hands on it and yeah finally after playing the game and finishing the story I couldn't see the damn end credits because my eyes were covered by tears, such a beautiful story and game that was made with love and this game is the only one to ever make me reconsider what exactly am I doing with my life, I'd say it has greatly changed my life for the better. (btw my 1st Yakuza game was Yakuza 4 on ps3)

Yakuza 7: Oh boy Nagoshi-sensei never ceases to amaze me. It got me worried for a bit when they announced the new protagonist, But then when I started to play I found myself completely sucked into the game. The gameplay is incredibly masterpiece for me, as a Persona fan this game just slaps the entire persona series although I still love Persona games lol, when it comes to character development Nagoshi-sensei is one of “God Hand”or (Goddo Hando-Lee) lol . I loved every character especially Ichiban where I was worried about him before playing but now I loved him more, I wouldn't compare him with Kiryu because both are good in their ways. The story is like the same level of Yakuza 0 and that is why it is on s tier for me. Another part I loved about this game is the soundtrack. I Always vibe with Yakuza OST and I usually listen to more OST than actual songs that normal people listen to.(Lol kinda weird) I could give every detail of what I loved about this game and same with other games but It’s wayyyy long, so I’ll keep it like that xD.

Judgment or Judge Eyes: Yakuza main storyline are quite dark and deep, but when it comes to judgment it’s 10x darker. If you haven’t played Judge I would 100% recommend you. Judgement is basically Yakuza crossed with Ace Attorney and Death Note, the perfect combination of Power,corruption,crime and mystery and which is why I love Judgment a lot. Same with Judgment I loved every damn thing but what I loved the most out of all them? It’s the villain setup and more importantly it’s plot and Plot-twists. RGG are professionals when it comes to making the plot twist, and I had my jaw dropped when I encountered some of the really disturbing scenes in this game. So yeah easily this game tops pretty much everything and I am pretty sure most people would put Judgement in S tier or higher rank.

Yakuza 1: It's just classic lmao thats why. There wouldn't be yakuza games if It wasn't for this.

Btw Thanks for asking and reading my opinion on why they are my favourite. Sorry I made very long loll.

I wanna hear your opinion on why Yakuza 5 being in your top 2 since I have it in low rank because for me I enjoyed playing this game but just the story I wasn't big fan but I feel like I should reconsider again and put in a better place.
neelo_angelo Apr 5, 2021 11:46 AM
Lol thanks ,you have good choices in anime btw I was curious which one is your favourite? (yakuza)
neelo_angelo Apr 5, 2021 11:37 AM
Sorry I just see a yakuza fan I add lol
Unowen Mar 17, 2021 8:57 PM
Glad you liked reading it, certainly had the need to vent a bit after going through it, which is rare
Timbsoka Jan 16, 2021 11:57 PM
No worries!! I hope you've been well :)

Genshin is a very fun game haha
I loved Tekken 7. It was just such a fun game to me. I don't think I've heard any bad things about the game tbh and there's nothing I would necessarily say was bad. The gameplay and the characters are very fun in my opinion.

I managed to get a PS5 for my brother for Christmas! Haven't been able to get another one for myself yet tho, but I'm not in any rush to get one. I'm fine with my PS4 for now lol I hope you're able to get one soon! Those scalpers are the worst :(

Yeah I feel that. Most of my time during the pandemic has gone to anime and gaming lmao but I just got my job back (got laid off early on in the pandemic) so I'm kinda looking forward to working again, as weird as that may sound haha
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