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All Comments (27) Comments
*me crashes down into SentinelX's new house*
Lasagna can indeed be quite tasty. :3 Haven't had that in a while. I might have to say sushi.
*me runs off in the good old fashioned way*
This is where you'll go when I bury you.
Roux deposits a wired bundle of C4 on your back while you're sleeping. It's set to go off at 10am.
Did you survive?
Oops ><
*shoots down helicopter and waits for SentinelX to arrive in parachute*
I agree, Chrono Trigger was great! Mass Effect 2 was great at times. As for favourite games, that's a really hard question... xD In 2015, hands down, the winner has to be Kerbal Space Program. I really love that game. But I kind of gave it a rest recently. But no single game has had me that obsessed in recent times, as far as I can remember. Though that's not an RPG. As for JRPGs, I really loved Final Fantasy 6 and the Disgaea games. Though I kind of fell off at Disgaea D2. And I love the Metal Gear Solid games, and I'm currently working my way through Metal Gear Solid 5. :3 Hmmm........ Do you have a favourite food?
*attaches jetpack*
*flies to the clouds*
Well, it is your fault and everything. Make sure to leave me food at my shrine everyday!
Oops again!
I see. What kinds of RPGs do you like? I'm biggest on JRPGs, but I like other games too. Just finished a run-through of Heavy Rain, and recently started on Tomb Raider as well. But I also have a pretty big backlog of JRPGs that I'm trying to pick back up again... xD But most of these I haven't played for close to 2 years for various reasons, so it's a bit intimidating to pick them up again. But guess I'll just have to tackle them one by one.
*plugs the hole in the house with a giant cork*
*drills back down again and escapes in a technodrome-style vehicle*
I'm allergic to kittens!!
*dies of dehydration from half a week of non-stop sneezing*
Miten musta tuntuu että haave Discordin suomalaisesta toppi-kolmosesta on aikalailla mahoton? Kaverit kerää tonneittain pisteitä illlasta toiseen eikä tässä taida saunakaan auttaa. :<
Baccanon ysille ehdoton peukku!
Each one scores a hit of 4-5 damage. Your citadel falls.
Deal with it ^^.
Blind yet?