I was thinking of getting the divine sword one lol
yes all my assassin champs r m5 and above except for Shaco
she loves playing Zoe, she said she'll try Yasuo
I don't play a lot of adc, when I play adc I just mainly play mf, Vayne, Jinx, Kai'Sa and Xayah
oh then I play 2 games xD
I don't play much Mord either lol, I like his ult too ahaha
yeah I'm surprised why it's so cheap as well, prob because there're not much particle effects in it
yeah I do but not as much as I love assassins xD
oh nice, Anastasiya should learn Yas too, he's the most popular champ in the game xD
BA Ezreal has nice particle effects, I didn't get it because I don't really play him lol
it's not that, it's more like I don't have time to play other games lol
well I do play YuGiOh if u even consider that as a game xD
I like the new Mordekaiser rework lol
I only have Order of Lotus and Nightblade
oh I need 1 more token for m6 Syndra lol
ofc, everyone is m7 yas ahaha
but their animations look great, I have the Prestige Lux and Battle Academia Kat
nope, not atm lol
yeah but u need to know what u're doing with every champ lol
oh I c, I only have 2 skins for Irelia
Idm playing Syndra but I played her a lot before so it got kinda boring
the only champ I can play every game without getting bored is Yasuo xD
Do u like the new Battle Academia skins?
nah League is the only Moba I ever played lol
I've tried Yasuo supp but it doesn't work without farm for me lol
oh nice, which Irelia skin?
oh I haven't got any skins for Syndra yet lol
the only champ I played on free rotation was Lee Sin back then but now I own every champ so no need for free rotation lol
oh I c, I only bought champs with RP when they come in skin bundles lol
not really, I can even play Yasuo jg and adc ahaha
oh rip, feels bad :(
I haven't played Syndra in a long time lol
I never played the free champs on rotations lol
it took me 3 years to get all champs ahaha
I play both top and mid
yeah I've gotten pretty shit skins from rerolls before lol
oh I got SG Lux for free from skin shard lol but I bought all the other SG skins
Did u buy most of ur champs with RP?
yeah he's very annoying for carries lol, but I can beat him as Yasuo late game xD
well I got my Renekton skin for rerolling skin shards so can't complain ahaha
nah she just looks like Sailor Moon ahaha, what about Pyjama Guardian Lux? lol
well when u just start, u can't immediately find the champ that suits u the best lol
It took me 3 years to get all the champs lol
I've vsed AP Nasus mid so many times, but they r only annoying in the early game
I flame too when my team ignores pings and has no map awareness
oh lol, I always use the Pool Party Renekton recall to bm ahaha
oh I c, I only have Elementalist and Star Guardian Lux lol and I'm m7 Lux xD, gonna get Battle Academia Lux soon
I'm patient with them because I can understand the difficulties that I went through when I just started lol
yeah that's true, max e and go full AP Nasus ahaha
do u flame ur team? xD
the only bm skin I have is Pool Party Renekton lol
nah Lux is just too hot ahaha
I believe everyone will improve as long as they put effort into it, it's just some people improve slower than others
but he only has 1 main source of cc lol
yeah that's true, I can't go to sleep every night without ending with a win ahaha
oh I'm not a big fan of the arcade series, I have all the Project and Blood Moon skins xD
yeah that's true ahaha but she looks good xD
well they acknowledge that they improve because of me lol
yeah they doubled the stacks he gained from each kill with q
well idm either but I get tilted after ahaha
I have Arcade Hec too lol, I also got Elderwood Hec, I only like him because he's so fast lol
Lux looks hot in that skin tho, I would smash ahaha
nah the students should know if they have improved or not lol
yeah true, I can easily 1v2 when enemy jgler ganks lol
I only like it when I kill them when they trying to counter jg me lol
oh I c, I have Lancer Zero Hecarim, what do u think of the new Battle Academia skins? xD
yeah I teach League xD idk if I'm good or not, that's for the students to say xD
All Comments (39) Comments
yes all my assassin champs r m5 and above except for Shaco
she loves playing Zoe, she said she'll try Yasuo
I don't play a lot of adc, when I play adc I just mainly play mf, Vayne, Jinx, Kai'Sa and Xayah
oh then I play 2 games xD
yeah I'm surprised why it's so cheap as well, prob because there're not much particle effects in it
yeah I do but not as much as I love assassins xD
oh nice, Anastasiya should learn Yas too, he's the most popular champ in the game xD
BA Ezreal has nice particle effects, I didn't get it because I don't really play him lol
it's not that, it's more like I don't have time to play other games lol
well I do play YuGiOh if u even consider that as a game xD
I only have Order of Lotus and Nightblade
oh I need 1 more token for m6 Syndra lol
ofc, everyone is m7 yas ahaha
but their animations look great, I have the Prestige Lux and Battle Academia Kat
nope, not atm lol
oh I c, I only have 2 skins for Irelia
Idm playing Syndra but I played her a lot before so it got kinda boring
the only champ I can play every game without getting bored is Yasuo xD
Do u like the new Battle Academia skins?
nah League is the only Moba I ever played lol
oh nice, which Irelia skin?
oh I haven't got any skins for Syndra yet lol
the only champ I played on free rotation was Lee Sin back then but now I own every champ so no need for free rotation lol
oh I c, I only bought champs with RP when they come in skin bundles lol
oh rip, feels bad :(
I haven't played Syndra in a long time lol
I never played the free champs on rotations lol
it took me 3 years to get all champs ahaha
yeah I've gotten pretty shit skins from rerolls before lol
oh I got SG Lux for free from skin shard lol but I bought all the other SG skins
Did u buy most of ur champs with RP?
well I got my Renekton skin for rerolling skin shards so can't complain ahaha
nah she just looks like Sailor Moon ahaha, what about Pyjama Guardian Lux? lol
well when u just start, u can't immediately find the champ that suits u the best lol
It took me 3 years to get all the champs lol
I flame too when my team ignores pings and has no map awareness
oh lol, I always use the Pool Party Renekton recall to bm ahaha
oh I c, I only have Elementalist and Star Guardian Lux lol and I'm m7 Lux xD, gonna get Battle Academia Lux soon
I'm patient with them because I can understand the difficulties that I went through when I just started lol
do u flame ur team? xD
the only bm skin I have is Pool Party Renekton lol
nah Lux is just too hot ahaha
I believe everyone will improve as long as they put effort into it, it's just some people improve slower than others
yeah that's true, I can't go to sleep every night without ending with a win ahaha
oh I'm not a big fan of the arcade series, I have all the Project and Blood Moon skins xD
yeah that's true ahaha but she looks good xD
well they acknowledge that they improve because of me lol
well idm either but I get tilted after ahaha
I have Arcade Hec too lol, I also got Elderwood Hec, I only like him because he's so fast lol
Lux looks hot in that skin tho, I would smash ahaha
nah the students should know if they have improved or not lol
I only like it when I kill them when they trying to counter jg me lol
oh I c, I have Lancer Zero Hecarim, what do u think of the new Battle Academia skins? xD
yeah I teach League xD idk if I'm good or not, that's for the students to say xD