First of all, thank you for the civil reply. It was eye opening and insightful to see how others view animes that I have seen. That is part of the beauty of anime and the community that surrounds it. Not sure if you meant that it was the last season of Kaguya Sama or SNAFU, but I can assure you it is not the last of Kaguya-sama. I can understand that Kaguya would be far less enjoyable if you didn't enjoy the comedy so your review makes a lot of sense to me from your perspective.
Once again thank you for taking the time to write a review and then reply to my comment. :)
Best wishes in your future viewings!
Do the critiques you gave Kaguya sama not also apply to Snafu which you have at a 10? Just genuinely curious why there is such a large deficit in scores when we both know how much drama and dragging out are in Snafu (for virtually no payoff). Same goes for many of the other romcoms you have rated so highly. They all share similar tropes to Kaguya same (many done not as well IMO) so I am wondering why you have them all rated so much higher? No hate, just curious :)
"It is until one question comes up: Why did I help her? Why, only why. Let me give you an answer we all had that moment: Because you are a human being and you care about her. There is nothing wrong with that, but the whole anime stressed that it is wrong."
Why did the anime stress that it was wrong? Because it's illegal. The anime talks about this over and over. There have actually been real instances where the same thing has occurred: an older man who takes in a young girl, with her consent, is arrested. The only thing that prevented Yoshida from being arrested was the fact that his coworkers didn't report him. Do you think a normal "human being" would risk his image, job, and possibly jail time when it would take a few minutes to call the police or kick her out?
All Comments (9) Comments
Once again thank you for taking the time to write a review and then reply to my comment. :)
Best wishes in your future viewings!
At least you have good point about episode 11 to 13.
Why did the anime stress that it was wrong? Because it's illegal. The anime talks about this over and over. There have actually been real instances where the same thing has occurred: an older man who takes in a young girl, with her consent, is arrested. The only thing that prevented Yoshida from being arrested was the fact that his coworkers didn't report him. Do you think a normal "human being" would risk his image, job, and possibly jail time when it would take a few minutes to call the police or kick her out?