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lordzeru Jul 14, 2012 8:36 AM
I guess the comment I typed out just never posted. I'll never try and respond from my phone ever again.

I could live happy without having ever heard Dragonforce. I've seen Dragonforce a couple times live, sadly. First time I ever heard them was live. I remember looking over to my friend and saying this band looks sounds like they pulled them straight out of a bad nightclub in the early 80's.

Don't watch it. For real. Pretend it doesn't exist and I promise you'll be better off. I have K-On sitting on my HD now, but I've been too caught up in clearing currently watching and a few on hold series first. Might be a week or so before I actually get to watching it, since the series I am watching are all pretty decently length'd.

I have never actually been as far north as Maine. I don't think it's the weather that make people bag on Maine all the time. When I think of Maine..the only thing that comes to mind is Stephen King. Other than that, I can't think of anything that's there worth doing or seeing. ): We get tornadoes and earthquakes here. Lots of tornadoes.
lordzeru Jul 10, 2012 11:38 AM
Well, it's a goatee now but I'm too lazy to take new pictures! I would rather take pictures of my Gundams. (':

LOL! Never tried that with techno music. I've done it before the terri-bad Dragonforce albums, complete with air guitar action and circular head-banging, but I haven't tried since I got my hair all chopped off forever ago. Those days also garnered some questionable looks from the occasional fool who'd dare look in the direction of the Dragonforce.

): Challenge..accepted. I'll set K-On season two to download while I'm at work. Don't watch season two. Just..don't. It's bad, really bad. They break down any characterization they did in season one and make Hei into a sad, unlikable mess. Just pretend it doesn't exist.

Fireworks..completely illegal? That's insane. I'd kill for some rain. We got smacked with a storm from hell that was suppose to drop the temperature, but instead it just made walking outside like walking into a pool with the amount of humidity it brought. We had like, 12 days straight of 105+ degree weather. It was just terrible. I have never wanted to just pack up and move so badly in my entire life.
lordzeru Jul 10, 2012 10:13 AM
Yeah, I responded a few days ago. It was taking me so long to respond simply because I was too busy to do much of anything. That has since calmed though, and now I'm back to my normal routine of..nothing. I added you on facebook, guy with the beard.

Perfume! Oh no! Honestly though, Perfume isn't that bad. It's a higher quality of pop I can actually take. I was introduced to them like five or six years back by a friend. They're hilarious to blast while driving through downtown areas with the windows down. Just pull up next to somebody, and shake your head to the beat. The looks you get..priceless.

I..posted the first K-On opening in the worst anime openings thread LOL. My best friend started that thread, and asked me to post some of my experiences in there. So I obliged, and posted a myriad of terrible openings. Ugh..are you challenging me to watch the second season of K-On? Can't argue about the second season if I've never seen it. Everything in the first I figured was all I needed to see or know about said series, but I could be wrong. I thought season one of Darker than Black was incredible, but season two was a steaming pile of shit. Maybe K-On is the opposite.

..They're all put together. (': I bought a little bookshelf to display them on at Ghettomart for 20$. So I posed them all up and placed them there. Another two on the way! With nerd is starting to know no bounds.

Rain?! Lucky you. Fireworks were also cancelled here and made illegal, but not because of rain. It was because of the freakish 110 degree weather we had for nearly two weeks. It was so hot and dry that fireworks shot off in the morning had already caused some bad fires, so they just made it straight illegal to launch fireworks. Sounds like what happens to me all the time. I was away doing some Army things for Thanksgiving this past year. Turns out my mom invited several of my friends over to celebrate with her. Not sure why or how everyone gets along with my mom, but it just happens like that.
lordzeru Jul 3, 2012 10:55 PM
I spend a decent amount of time on here. Probably more time here than facebook, honestly.

I've heard Tool is an experience live. Can't say I've done any real research into Radiohead, as they're really just not my taste. NIN was awesome, not going to lie. I remember very vividly they opened up, and their first song was played behind a giant curtain on stage with bright lights behind them, so you could see their silhouette on the curtain. It was awesome.

I actually gave their new album a listen through when it came out. It was just eh. I think listening to Mastodon is to blame for me not liking that band. They make it really hard to appreciate any modern prog metal band that isn't them, because they're so insanely technical and impressive with their music. I know you stated you don't listen to metal as much anymore, but if you've ever played an instrument (I played drums and dabbled in guitar), it's hard not to love the hell out of what Mastodon does.

You really should! I just couldn't stand anything about K-On, but I'm very open minded with everything I watch. I'm actually jumping into another rom-com/slice of life, Toradora, even though slice of life just annoys me to no end. It'll probably take me a good minute to finish it since I can only handle small doses at a time, but I'll do it!

Lol! That's terrible, in a hilarious way. The first season was painful. I mean, it took a LOT just to make it through the opening once, for I consider it one the worst anime openings I've seen ever. Just during the duration of the season, I just never actually saw how these girls were friends outside of the daily tea and cake gatherings. They never really went beyond the daily slice of life activities to build character or relationships with one another. There was just enough shallow depth given to give you a slight grasp on why some of the members joined the club, and that's about it. They just did things to be cute. If I had less self control, there'd probably be an imprint of my face against my wall cause of some of the later episodes. One I remember in particular was near the end. I felt the characters acting in a strange way, but I couldn't quite pinpoint out what it was that was off. It dawned on me about 10 minutes in, that the creators were trying to create a conflict so that at the end of the episode they could have a cute kiss and make up scene. It was so terribly played out that I think I watched the rest of the episode with my body stuck in a facepalm motion. Anyways. /rant about K-On.

Uh, in other news! 16 Gundam kits have appeared! Yes. I spend money very wisely. And happy 4th of July! I will spend the night working. No fireworks for me. ):
lordzeru Jun 28, 2012 10:38 AM
Now it's me taking a super long time to reply. I've been too busy with work among other things to have much time to accomplish anything.

I still haven't gotten to see Tool live, and it's just one of those bands I don't ever expect to get to see live. So I can't exactly say it's one of my bucketlist bands. NIN, I have a deep appreciation for, but don't listen to them anymore. I did get to see them live about six years ago, and they put on a hell of a show. Radiohead, I just don't care for. :P

I'm in love with Coheed. Always and forever. They have a new album coming out this year, and it's probably my most anticipated album this year, with Circa Survive's new one in August running a close second. Just hoping they release a single sometime soon!

I went and listened to a couple of songs before I typed this section, and I feel the same way as I always have about BtBaM. They're just okay. Compared to other popular prog metal bands, Mastodon and Protest the Hero, I just don't enjoy their style as much. But I also consider Mastodon the best metal band of in the past ten years, so I don't think that's a proper comparison. With BtBaM, it sounds like they really want to be different, and in doing so their music sounds kind of awkward and forced. Maybe I'm looking too much into the music.

Monster is incredible. One of the few anime I'd recommend almost anyone give a try. It's bold and ambitious, and it's story telling really brings a level of suspense that is lacking in anime. I can't stand a lot of the slice of life genre. Every once in a while it'll sprout something unique and interesting, like Welcome to the NHK! But for every NHK, there are twenty duds that are clones of each other and bring immense levels of pain, like K-On! and Lucky Star.
SnakeBeater Jun 25, 2012 4:22 PM
Thanks! ^_^
Juddu Jun 18, 2012 8:46 AM
Hmm well I think you are right, everyone here, seems very friendly, and I made a good friend here already so I hope I can make others because it is the only place where I can find people who are like me and can easily talk stuff about without having to be shy etc:

Haha sweet, sounds pretty high class :D I just volunteer at a charity for now till I see what else Ill like to do! Do you have Skype though, I am just wondering if you do, I would like to add ya! :)

BTW, thanks for the webby. It is amazing, I am hoping for the same as you, but not too learn language just a overseas friend, you know, Now I think I got in contact with one so thank you!

lordzeru Jun 17, 2012 7:01 PM
I get what you're saying. See, I went into the series expecting a weak plot, but instead was treated to way more plot than what I was expecting. Might have also accidentally Spirit-Valkyrie'd it with Hanasaku Iroha, which was a slice of life with little plot that I had watched directly before Shiki. Dunno. Better character design, more closure, and maybe a bit more intense scenes like the one with the doctor's wife would've gone a long way for that series.

Lolo. Last I updated myself, they have only three or four songs written and demos laid down for. I'm not really expecting anything too soon, so I'm not going to let myself get excited for it. They've never released a crap album, so I have no reason to expect them to start now. I agree that Lateralus was the best , but 10,000 Days is my favorite. It was the first album that was released while I've been a fan (damn huge delays in between each album.)

Coheed is my favorite, hands down. TMS has progressively gotten worse off in my opinion with each album released since Francis the Mute. I listened to Noctourniquet once and haven't listened to it since. I just didn't like it. Between the Buried and Me aren't too bad. I have a few of their albums, but I don't listen to them steady by any means. I use to listen to a lot of heavier metal, but I've just grown out of that. Probably the heaviest I listen to now a days are The Dillinger Escape Plan, Protest the Hero, and Dir en grey.

Don't be daunted by it's run length. Looking at the way you score some things and what you like to watch, I think it's exactly what you've been looking for without even knowing it. It's the best thriller anime I've ever watched, and nothing else even comes close.
lordzeru Jun 16, 2012 6:47 PM
Hm, I can't seem to recall much comedy that seemed forced or out of place. Must mean it was neither good comedy, or anything that distracted too much from what was going on in the series for me. Oh god yes. That scene was brilliantly harsh. They really went balls to the wall with that scene, and was probably one of the highlights of the entire series for me. I agree, horror is probably one of the most underdeveloped genres of anime. I didn't really get a horror feel from Shiki, or at least I don't think that's what they were aiming for. I just happen to go look at the tags for it, and horror wasn't one of them. I think maybe you went into the series looking for something different than what it really was.

Tool, the good old days. I wouldn't really call Tool anything anymore, since they've been inactive for so long it's not even funny. I like a wide range of different prog styles. Probably the bands I spam the most are Mastodon, The Dear Hunter, Circa Survive, Coheed and Cambria, Fair to Midland, Dream Theater, Tides of Man, and Dir en grey.

Have you ever tried watching Monster?
Juddu Jun 16, 2012 4:31 PM
Yeah but I reckon it is pretty dumb to judge and make fun of others, I just never got it, it happens at all schools and people tend to grow up when they get hit with reality, which is awesome :P

Yes, I bought it so I will watch it sometime, I wan't to get Ghost in the Shell too, I like to collect them so bad, just can't stop myself!

It went well, obviously I watched the football which you guys call soccer, and that made my heart stop 600 odd times and then today I just chilled, I don't go back to work till Monday, so I gotta get as much rest as possible! Where do you work or do? If you told me before sorry, I have a bad memory!

Also, congratulations! I still would like to know where the best place to find friends from that part of the globe! If you would be sooooo nice, can you tell me? xD
lordzeru Jun 16, 2012 12:46 PM
Oh, you need to go seek out the unholy Blood-C. It'll bring you a totally new kind of hate for Clamp that you didn't know you had in you. xxxHolic is pretty bad, yes. But Blood-C is a totally different monster. Plot? Barely any to be had. Character development? Nothing of the sort. It's like, the first half of every episode is this terrible slice of life, mostly with the main character walking around singing, or having sandwiches at school with her friends. Then the second half of every episode is her slicing up terribly designed monsters that bleed for half a century when cut, with the sole purpose of the scenes being to cover the main character up with blood. It's unbearable.

I actually really enjoyed Shiki. I enjoyed the slow methodical pacing, with very dialogue heavy episodes. They really put an emphasis on developing the characters as well as the setting and different sub-plots they had going on. I thought it was all pretty interesting, but the ending was sort of rushed and left a sour taste. That's my one real complaint, excluding that absolutely ridiculous gravity defying hair.

Before I got my beats, I had Bose earbuds that cost about 90$. Those have some astounding quality to them as well, but they just don't seem to be made to really bring out the kind of music I listen to. I looked at the Turbines for a short period of time, but instead went for the Monster. I don't like those huge tacky headphones that I thought went out of style in the late 80's. I wouldn't fork out 300$ for any headphones, unless they came with the ability to beam me straight into space. My Bose have lasted for a consider amount of time compared to other headphones I've bought, so I plan on keeping them around just in case something happens to my beats.
Juddu Jun 16, 2012 5:01 AM
Haha, yes I bet!

Aww, that is bad, I am sorry to hear that, anyhow that is what you get in schools and such sadly, many people are immature heh. Yeah it would turn heads, obviously the right way haha :D

That looks cool too, do you make more or just one, is it like a hobby for you? :)

I see your a sci fi geek then ;D I bought Noein the other day, so will see if it is any good!

Having a good day? :D
lordzeru Jun 15, 2012 11:55 PM
Oh no! My dislike for K-On! runs deep. I know I have a weird sense of humor, and I know series like that just aren't made for me, by my word. I just don't understand what that series is trying to accomplish, if anything. Can't say I'm too much a fan of what Clamp has done recently. Most of their characters look like eight foot tall lean aliens. Blood-C was one of the biggest pieces of crap 2011 produced, even if Clamp only did the artwork for that.

Oh, no. I wasn't referring to the eyelashes in Shiki, I was talking about the hair! LOL. Ugliest batch of characters I've ever seen.

I don't listen to rap. I didn't buy the oversized and overpriced headphones, I got the more affordable earbuds, which were still pretty pricey. The acoustics and bass have a great clarity with the earbuds that aren't there with the headphones, in my opinion. I listen to a lot of prog metal/rock, which relies heavily on technical instrumentals, and the headphones really help bring that out.

I've already put three of the four I bought together, and have joined the growing collection. So addicting..
CMYK Jun 15, 2012 1:53 PM
Where on earth did you hear that? I've never heard of a VA having so much influence as to change the script. I looked this up and couldn't find anything of the sort. If you could direct me to some facts or maybe an interview that says this that would be great. Otherwise, if it's just a rumor, I wouldn't believe it... :l If he was *very* religious I don't think he'd even take up the role in the first place. In interviews he even said he was delighted to be able to take up the role again for Brotherhood. And here I quote: I am so excited about the possibility of more FMA that I can barely stand it! I think that's one of the greatest anime series ever, and the prospect of getting to do more is so thrilling. I know everyone in the cast would absolutely love to do more! If he had problems with the original, why would he bother with it again? You'd think he'd leave it for another VA. I actually applaud the dub for its efforts and being successful in reeling in more fans of the series.

Scripts shouldn't always be followed, especially not word-for-word. Take Ghost Stories for example. The original was so terrible in sales, the producers gave it to America and told them to basically do whatever they wanted with it. The dub gave their actors the official script but told them they could improvise and basically play with it if they wanted. As such, the dub threw in some much needed comedy, adding flare to a otherwise dull story. I would have dropped this show instantly if it wasn't for the jokes to keep me watching, because the actual plot was horrendous. The series had potential to become something more, but sadly everything was executed poorly. This is one such case where the dub was more successful and didn't do that bad in sales compared to the original. Not just Ghost Stories, but there's a good handful of dubs that are on-par with the original. I could even list a few. This is why I loathe people who can automatically say that all dubs are bad, because that's just being ridiculous. It's one thing if you're not a fan, but to think like this? Seriously, these people. ;l

Eek! Such a long rant. D:
lordzeru Jun 15, 2012 7:46 AM
Ahah, I do that too! I'll throw on a little Inuyasha dubbed to piss people off. It's always scary how well I remember those episodes, though. Like I'll pick a random episode and end up sitting there like..why do I even remember the 'plot' of this episode? That's awesome that you found someone to share your hobbies with. I have a bunch of friends who all pretty much have the same taste in everything but music with me. "I have shows he has no interest in.." You must be talking about K-ON! |:

Yeah, she easily will end up in my hall of fame of ugliest characters ever, along with the entire cast of Shiki. I tried so hard not to stare at the gruesome eyelashes the entire time she was in scene. I think the last time I read manga was..last time I was in class bored, probably like last fall. I read a few chapters of Gantz, and realized once again that I just couldn't get into manga like I used to.

Well, I guess that's true. If I wanted to see my favorite characters all the time, I'd just set them as desktops on my computers. Like this one here has Char from MSG (': All of the kits I ordered came in yesterday, along with the Beats by Dr. Dre headphones I ordered. Since today is my only day off this week, I'm probably going to take the chance to zone with my new headphones and put together a couple of them.
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