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Metal Gear Solid 1 is the third game in the metal gear series and the seventh game in order of the timeline. It takes place six years after Meal Gear 2: Solid Snake, who is a secret agent that has to infiltrate Shadow Moses, which is a secret base that was captured by Fox Hound, who is holding the United States hostage for the remains of Big Boss, who is the same guy as Solid Snake except with a eyepatch. Solid snake, not Big Boss, sneaks into the air vent to save DARPA Chief, but then he dies, so you fight a man called Revolver Ocelot, but your duel is interrupted by a mysterious ninja, called Grey Fox, who is a man called Frank Jaeger, who used to be in Fox Hound, but then defected to Zanzibarland because he was in love with a former figure skater from Czechoslovakia. Because he is a robot, he has to cut off Revolver Ocelot's hand. Then Snake finds a peeing man called Otacon, who is the son of a famous scientist that killed himself because his second wife cheated on him with his own son. You see, Otacon's father, Huey Emmerich built Metal Gear Zeke for Naked Snake and then built Metal Gear Sahelanthropist for a man called Skull Face. This is why Otacon builds a secret robot called Metal Gear Rex for a man called Liquid Snake, who is a clone of Solid Snake, created from the DNA of Big Boss, who is also known as Naked Snake, who is both of their fathers, and, he has an eye patch. Solid Snake is tricked into activating Metal Gear because Cambell thought that Miller was NOT Liquid Snake, but he actually was, but, turns out, Revolver Ocelot was actually a double agent the entire time, and was secretly working for the third Snake Brother, called Solidus Snake, who is also the President of the United States, and has a Dr. Octupus suit with flamethrowers on it, and, he has an eye patch. Are you following me so far? Next we have Metal Gear Solid 2, this is where things start to get a little confusing. 2 years after Shadow Moses, Solid Snake jumps onto a boat where he is confronted by Revolver Ocelot, and it turns out, he is now possessed by the spirit of Liquid Snake because he grafted Liquid's arm onto his body, so now Ocelot is voiced acted by the voice actor for Liquid Snake and he blows up the entire boat and steals an all-new robot called Metal Gear Ray. Then 2 years later, the new president is taken hostage by the old president, so the Colonel sends in Snake, who is actually Raiden, who is a part of Fox Hound, but not the old Fox Hound, a new version.Turns out, Solid Snake is the leader of the terrorists, but not the real Solid Snake, who is now known as Pliskin, you see, after you rescue the new president, he reveals that the entire democratic process is actually a sham staged by a secret organization called The Patriots, who rule the United States from the shadows, turns out, Big Shell is actually a facade, merely created to conceal a super-secret robot fortress hidden beneath it, called Arsenal Gear, which houses a powerful AI, called GW, which allows The Patriots to censor and control the flow of information. To stop GW, Raiden teams up with Otacon's sister, who is killed by a vampire. After they upload the virus to Arsenal Gear, The Colonel tells Raiden to turn the game off, because he was actually an AI construct created by GW the entire time. Raiden then has to fight 25 Metal Gear Rays on foot with a pistol. After the battle, Liquid Ocelot reveals that he was actually a triple agent working for The Patriots all along. Turns out the entire video game of Metal Gear Solid 2 was orchestrated by The Patriots to simulate the events of metal Gear Solid 1 so that Raiden could get good army training. Ocelot is once again possessed by Liquid Snake who declares he is now a reverse quadruple agent and will destroy The Patriots and jumps off of a building. Then for no reason, the AI Colonel contacts Raiden and reveals that GW was only one of many AIs developed by The Patriots, the TRUE purpose of the simulation was to serve as a microcosm of society entering into the digital age, The Patriots were concerned that with the arrival of the internet, humanity would become too fixated on trivial information like overly complicated video game story-lines. Then we have Metal Gear Solid 3, which is set 41 years before Metal Gear Solid 1. Big Boss is betrayed by The Boss, who is a different person, but he doesn't know that she was only pretending to defect to Russia because the United States told her to do that so she could be a scapegoat for the Cold War. After being thrown off of a bridge, Naked Snake is tasked with destroying an early Metal Gear prototype, called Shagohod, and eliminating Colonel Volgin, who has lightning powers, and eliminating The Boss, who he is in love with. And he has to steal a secret micro film that is worth one hundred billion dollars. He teams up with a woman called EVA, also known as Tachiana, also known as Matka Pluku, also known as Big Mama, who is Solid Snake's mother, who, in a shocking twi
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