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- Total Entries17
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- Chapters334
- Volumes54
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BTW, the reason I watched Blame! Movie; it was on my Netflix queue and the cover appealed to me, how shallow am I, lol.
If I may, I would like to recommend Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso to you.
Growing up, I played trumpet and french horn. No, I was not a child prodigy unlike many of my peers who have gone on to play in orchestra's around the world but I did have some talent. Watching this anime, I relished how the music flowed thru the mind, body and hands of each character. It made me wish for my youth to return so I could feel the thrill of performing and being on stage, dreading the end notes of my favorite pieces, the sadness that followed knowing I would never play that piece again. The producers went to great lengths to accomplish both feats.
I also have a personal connection: Lawson's. If you watch this anime, in the opening episode, the three main characters pass a Lawson's convenient store on the way home from school. Lawson's exist as they are the largest convenient store in Japan and were at one time the largest chain in my home town but sadly they went out of business in the late 70's. If you should travel to Japan, I recommend going to Lawson's and purchasing some Lawson's French Onion Chip Dip ... out of this world!
I hope you write more reviews.
You have good taste too :)