Anime Stats
Days: 81.9
Mean Score:
- Total Entries325
- Rewatched10
- Episodes4,773
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Manga Stats
Days: 26.5
Mean Score:
- Total Entries43
- Reread1
- Chapters4,187
- Volumes361
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All Comments (126) Comments
Yeah, it's great! The main characters (in the flashback, since the first season is like 90% backstory) are fantastic. But tbh, I'm not really keen on the new season, since the actual main character is pretty lame for me. Though the first couple episodes are pretty boring, it's still worth it I reckon :)
So like, Kagura & Holo are the only females in my list, so I won't use them in my profile pic or forums set, because I'd rather use other females characters I love. For example, before the whole Christmas theme, I had an Ange forum set for ages.
Hope that helps, hahah
but the truth is, i try not to have my profile pic and forums sets related to my fave anime/manga/characters
btw, love your ava and profile images
it may turn bad as those movies
probably the budget will not be same as b4 cuz some say they are in need of money .
Gr8 waifu taste confirmed