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Tokidoki Bosotto Russia-go de Dereru Tonari no Alya-san
Aug 8, 2024 7:55 AM
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Umineko no Naku Koro ni Chiru - Episode 8: Twilight of the Golden Witch
Mar 15, 2016 10:04 AM
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Umineko no Naku Koro ni Chiru - Episode 7: Requiem of the Golden Witch
Mar 15, 2016 10:04 AM
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All Comments (111) Comments
GOODLUCK in your school and all your future endeavors. I'm on my vacation right now so we have opposite life HAHAHA Have a nice day to you, too!
But we're busy today so I just dropped by to say hello and have a nice day. I'll write a second reply to you later.
And aaah that's really nice of you, you never forget even though I'm an online friend of yours. I wish you do well in school. I'm having fun myself. Catch you later!
Remember how I told you I have a suitor? It went really good and now, I am happy with my relationship. My studies are good too except for a single course in which I had a really really really hard time. How about you, how are you? It's a good thing you do not fail to remember me.[/color]
If you are interested in events like ISML or Japanese Saimoe, you should also be interested in European Saimoe event organized by the Senpuu Society.
Give it a chance and vote for your favorite heroine in fierce battle of flames!
PS. I did well in summer class so I got my long-awaited 2-month vacation last month!
Have a nice day to you, too ~
I'll keep it short for now, preparing for exams this week since I'm currently on summer class and the next two days will all be test, test and test. GOOD DAY!
Oh speaking of school, I just had my first long weekend. Classes were suspended last Friday. If you have heard of the super strong typhoon that hit the PH then you should probably guess by now why school was cancelled. But, in our case, it was suspended as an early precaution for when the typhoon changed direction. Gladly, it did not hit us, no heavy rain even. Those from the lower part of the country were the one extremely affected. I tell you it was a super typhoon, roofs were flying everywhere, at least as I have seen them on television. Well, all I could do now is pray for them and donate some goods if I can. Sure thing, I can share to you some photo! Just you wait.
Wow, what a healthy living! Neither do I run nor jog when I am in the city. Oh, I have to correct that, I don't jog at all. Yeah, I have an unhealthy lifestyle of sitting or lying all day doing nothing. I attempted to changed though. I invited my sister to go and do some treadmills at the gym with me but she refused. As always, I am stuck here without any exercise. Oh well, I guess I just have to compensate with stretching. I do not have problems with my figure anyways. Meh HAHAHAHA XDD
Srsly? Oh well, just stay safe and bring a raincoat maybe. Thanks. I am fine now. Real battle at school starts tomorrow. This is my last day to relax so for now, I have to go and pamper myself a bit. Good day!
Oh nice, a week spent well. I am on easy mode at the moment because there is not much to do at school, at least for now. First week is always like this but by the time next week arrives, I bet I won't have anytime for myself. We have to read a lot of journals for our thesis. And so, my semester will be as busy as who knows to what extent orz
I think I have mentioned this before in my previous comments. Oh well, it won't hurt to mention it again, it's been ages since that time after all. I live in the country side, far far away from civilization, away from the buzzing noises of the city itself. Having said that, I have to go to the city to attend school since big schools and universities are often situated in cities. I am currently living with my sister who is also studying at another school within the city. Since I came here for the purpose of schooling, my mother got us a unit super close to our schools. Mine is a 10-minute walk since my school building is on the other side of the street. I can get on campus in just 2 minutes, by the way. Tell me if you can not understand any part. I'll gladly retell it over again, if I have to.
It has started raining in here as well. Bring an umbrella all the time. You do not want to get sick like me, do you? I am glad that I can cheer you up.
Wow, Turkey eh. I want to go out of the country one of these days. Sadly, I don't have a passport yet so maybe a trip to a nearby beach would do for me, saves me the money, too HAHAHAHAHA I want to hear your story about Turkey next time. When I graduate and get a great deal of pay for my job, I wish I could visit there. Who knows, maybe I will have the chance or maybe not. Time will tell.
Nah, don't ever get tired of long replies. I LOVE IT. I can practice my English here since I don't get to write any more of this during class. I no longer have writing class after all plus I get to converse with someone like you overseas. It somehow feels refreshing.