All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 119.4
Mean Score:
- Watching5
- Completed323
- On-Hold16
- Dropped75
- Plan to Watch125
- Total Entries544
- Rewatched21
- Episodes7,200
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 51.5
Mean Score:
- Total Entries341
- Reread1
- Chapters9,197
- Volumes920
All Comments (299) Comments
Oh y deberías ver One Piece, merece mucho la pena :_)
Por cierto, si prefieres que hablemos en inglés no tengo problema x)
Y estoy de acuerdo! Sheba es genial xD Al principio no me caía bien pero luego se hace buena y cambia mucho, además me hace bastante gracia. Y LOL el momento de la foto por ejemplo es muy bueno xDDDD
D gray man, me leí el primer tomo, creo. No lo logro engancharme, pero algún día le daré otra oportunidad.
Akame ga kill! sé cual es, pero no creo que sea mi tipo. he leido comentarios que dicen que no puedes apegarte a los personajes, por que cualquiera puede morir. por ahora tengo suficientes muertes con Shingeki no Kyojin
I don't really do pictures, so I don't have instagram. I feel like I need to start doing more as I get family members inquiring as to what I look like these days since they haven't seen me in like 10 years and idk how old my fb picture is. I don't really use fb that often, as I just quickly glance at it once a day or so, I just mentioned that since it's a common thing these days. I don't want to harass you non-stop or bother you, but I'd reply as often as you did.
So I guess that really brings it down to either texting or skype. Texting is done via my tablet, which I don't carry on me at all times, but if I had a reason to I would. Skype might benefit you though; I'd hate to inconvenience you by having your phone go off or something. And I'm a big advocate of voice chat...but I understand if you don't want to do that or can't.
I know between this and previous posts I seem like I pussyfoot around everything. It's just I'm aware of how some guys on the internet act around girls, and I don't want to come off like that. Similarly it would probably benefit you to PM me any contact details, unless you are ok having them available to the internet.
Math's never been my strength. I didn't even pass adv. algebra, and I took it twice. I have to take a math class next semester or the one after that unfortunately. If I don't understand something, I know who to ask though lol and I can help you with programming if you end up taking that class...or if you just want to learn for the hell of it.
I don't mind my teacher, though he's a bit incompetent since we switched material to the newest edition this semester. He's the only teacher in the department, so there's not much choice though.
I know exactly what you mean. I know I probably have an addiction to the internet cause I really hate getting disconnected from it. I always bring my tablet with when my family goes out to eat so I'm not disconnected. My mom tries to get me to go with her to a cabin she borrows every now and then with the argument "Wouldn't you like to get away from all the technology for a while?" and honestly it makes me more stressed to be disconnected because I might miss something lol.