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ForeverSky Mar 8, 5:10 AM
Unborned Mar 5, 11:24 AM
I can't believe it has come to this... But here's my entire analysis on Vi and Jayce's physiques! I'll be discussing how the two physiques differ from each other, and how their training and physical activities contributed to their differences.

Let us start off with Vi. We know that Vi is a fighter. She is primarily trained in boxing, although she had instances where she used some form of kickboxing/muay thai (eg. her fight with Sevika). Vi's physique is quite lean and is actually an accurate depiction of a boxer's body. Although she can fight with her legs, she is very uncomfortable with that style of fighting, which is why her legs doesn't seem to be as well developed compared to her upper body. However, that doesn't discredit her lower body strength, as she is capable of doing parkour after all. This leads us to her abs, or core. Because Vi is athletic, it makes sense that her abs are more "usable" than visible. We don't actually see much of her abs in the show to be honest (what a shame haha). But she has a very strong core because of her abilities as a boxer and a parkour athlete. If we would translate her type of core training in real life, she would be using core exercises that would "brace" the core. It is unlikely that she built her strong core over sit ups or leg raises, she might actually have built her core with weighted objects instead (she DOES like to slam people, in hindsight that could be considered a medicine ball slam HAHAHA). Lastly, let's talk about Vi's muscular upper body. If you pay close attention to the way her muscles are distributed, you would see that she has very developed triceps and delts (shoulders), which make sense because these are arm muscles commonly used more in boxing. Delts are the ones bearing most of the strain, and triceps are worked out by extending them, which is equivalent to when you extend your arm to throw a punch. Also, a thing to note, but Vi's fresh out of prison physique vastly differs from her physique in the pits AND after she joined the enforcers. This is thanks to the use of the bitch mittens--- I mean the gauntlets. They put a lot of strain on the shoulders. An exercise commonly used in boxing for speed and power is shadowboxing with dumbbells. After a set of this, your shoulders will feel like it's burning. It makes sense for Vi to develop her delts more because of this. Lastly, let's talk about Vi's magnificent back. And no, it's not just magnificent because of the tattoos. Vi's lats are MASSIVE. In boxing, different punches actually activate different muscles. While all of them target your delts and triceps, hooks and uppercuts both put even more strain on your lats compared to jabs and crosses. Vi's massive back is very accurate, considering that in her fighting style, Vi really loves throwing uppercuts and hooks.
Now onto Jayce.

Jayce is actually a perfect example of "show muscles." Jayce's time in the forge resembles the usual strength training a bodybuilder does. In this picture example, when he pulls on... whatever it is he's pulling, he's actually doing a tricep exercise called reverse tricep pushdown! He also has a part there where he does something similar to a close grip lat pulldown, and the animators even showed the way his back moved when he did that!! And the way he uses his hammer to forge? Perfect example of why he had perfectly developed shoulders! His time in the forge really developed his body in a different way compared to Vi. A bodybuilder's workout routine always focuses on "stretching and contracting" the muscles, a thing that Jayce does when he forges. Not to mention, his equipment are hefty items, things that contributed to his large physique. However, with all this "training" you can actually see how it manifests with the way his body got developed. Let's focus on his triceps. Both Vi and Jayce have impressive triceps, but the difference is Jayce's lateral head of the triceps is MUCH more developed. This is because Jayce does more "pushdowns" than "kickbacks" in his forging. Pushdown exercises work out the lateral head more. You can see the evidence of this in a picture of Jayce shirtless but facing sideways. Jayce's back is also well developed, even more developed than Vi's because he does a lot of swinging and pulling in the forge, something that really helps with creating a strong back. Now let's get to Jayce's abs (thank you Riot). His abs are an example of what you call "visible abs." While it is no doubt a strong core, it only mostly helps him in his other exercises. Jayce isn't too athletic compared to Vi. Jayce is more of the type to be able to withstand hits instead of moving on the offensive (as seen with his player character ofc). Jayce's abs were developed through his movements in the forge, whenever he has to bend over or stretch out his body, completely playing into the stretching and contracting movements I mentioned before.

Anyway, these are my observations for their physiques. Completely different training routines can create vastly different bodies. This just shows the level of detail Arcane put into their work. It's all so fascinating and amazing. Also, kudos to Arcane for actually including massive triceps in their arms, this is the first time I've seen triceps actually animated. Anyway, that's enough of my nerdy yet athletic rant! Hope you enjoyed my analysis!
peeku Feb 22, 4:36 AM
94hrss Feb 9, 10:40 AM
Как такой мразота как ты можешь слушать филиппа киркорова. Филипп киркоров приличный семьянин и не доебывается до рандомных людей в интернете
xGrenadier Feb 4, 7:33 AM
旅に病んで 夢は枯野を かけ廻る
nlgsty Jan 15, 12:59 PM
Было бы не плохо если бы...
Мордочка накончала полный ебучий грааль.
Я бы выпила его залпом ,прям как BadlandsChugs пьет спрайт из своего
Ебучего стакана-сапога.Как же я хочу выпить её любовный нектар ,заполнить до краёв
свой ебаный желудок её любовными соками.
Да хуй с ним с желудком,я бы приготовила печенье из её нектара и питалась только бы им ,
а запивала бы его только её прекрасной слюнкой.А если бы она приказала мне измазаться мёдом,засунуть себе яблоко в жопу и залезть
в ебаную духовку , то без раздумий я бы выполнила её приказ ,только для того что бы доставить ей удовольствие.
Пиздааа блять ,как у меня горит шишка на её жопу,как же хочется пробурить своим языком её шоколадную дырочку.
Просто измазался бы её любовным нектаром ,надел бы на лицо её трусы и сидел обдрачивался изливая на пол литры маны.
А когда она придёт ,я как послушная собачка прибегу к ней на четвереньках вылизывать её нежные ножки ,я бы собирал каждую пылинку ,каждую частичку грязи
с её прекрасных ножечек.А если ей вдруг захочется поменяться ролями то я буду на седьмом небе от счастья если она меня грубо отстрапонит в зад,
попутно избивая плетью мою тощую задницу.А после amazing sex с Мордочкой я бы собрала с пола все капли что упали с её прекрасного тела и приготовила бы из них
ебучий торт.И даже ебаный Гордон Рамзи ахуел бы от того насколько пиздатый это пирог.Ебать меня в сраку ебучим пневмомолотом,как же хочу Мордочку пиздец
Как же я хочу вылизывать,ласкать ,тискать,гладить её нежное но в тоже время мускулистое тело.Пиздец,пожалуйста высшие силы даруйте мне Мордочку умоляю.
Я буду наряжать её только в самую лучшую одежду,кормить её всем что она захочет,буду выполнять всё что она скажет,да я даже готова свои яйца ей приготовить и подать на ебучей
хрустальной тарелке с золотой вилкой.Как же я хочу Мордочку,я не могу жить без моей прекрасной Мордочки блять,срочно дайте мне Мордочку или я устрою cumтерракт в одном из самых
больших сексшопов Мордовии.
LightArrowsEXE Dec 28, 2024 2:21 AM
wtf is bro beneath me yapping about
ForeverSky Nov 20, 2024 2:17 AM
The toothbrush scene is more than just the fan service. There is a deeper message in it.

The toothbrush scene is so erotically charged because of the intimacy involved, and everything in the show/episode leads into this. First, Karen and Araragi’s relationship always has a weird, semi-flirtatious charge to it, as they’ve moved from younger traditional antagonistic siblings to one of those bicker-flirting couples. Then, everything Karen does at the start of this episode is designed to put Araragi off his guard and in a place of intimacy/discomfort. Her outfit does so much work here, and it’s all her intentional, meaningful decision. First, it serves as a striking contrast against both her normal outfit and her personality – the bee exercise outfit is absolutely her, androgyny is absolutely her, carefree sexlessness is absolutely her, and putting her in such a constricting, gendered, sexually charged outfit serves to throw off all preconceptions Araragi has about interacting with her. Second, the fact that it isn’t her outfit, and in fact doesn’t fit her at all, puts her in a place of vulnerability, and this also throws off Araragi. Finally, it directly is designed to be sexy, and prove she’s in control of her sexuality, which is something Araragi has clearly been struggling to come to grips with as he attempts to act like a role model for his sisters. All of these things further Karen’s goals in this episode – make Araragi so uncomfortable he’ll agree to introduce her to Kanbaru. All these are choices of the character, not the leering cameraman, and the effect these choices have on both Araragi and the audience is very much the intended effect. Everything else she does – the confession about how his insults used to really get to her, her basically physically assaulting him – all these further that one clearly understood goal.

But I was talking about intimacy. So, what the actual toothbrush scene does obviously builds off this place of discomfort/vulnerability/overt sexuality she’s been intentionally provoking. It combines this with the relationship these two have been building, a great deal of bantering buildup, and a close monologue from Araragi to place the sex stuff in a position of complete emotional honesty. Sure, it’s also played for humor – but the humor is mostly based on the fact that it’s funny brushing teeth can be this sexy, and as I said, for that joke to work at all, the audience has to truly understand that this scene is sexy to these characters. Most powerful moments in most media are powerful not just because of the audience’s emotional reaction to a situation, but because they can empathize with a character’s emotional reaction to a situation. This effect drags us further into the text/film/show and girders our connection with the characters involved – at that moment, we feel for them more deeply than we do for ourselves. Thus, all the prep work of this episode works to help us understand these characters completely at this moment, and when they react to this scene as if it’s incredibly erotic, we can understand it to be erotic as well. The connection between the characters is honest, and the way the show is conveying their emotions to the audience is honest as well – intimacy is really just another word for honesty. This honesty, which makes this scene so strong, is a part of why most fanservice is so bad – because it’s dishonest to the characters, and portrays them as sexual objects when they’re not actually feeling like sexual objects in that moment. But more than that, this honesty is almost entirely lacking in conventional pornography. Conventional pornography is generally a collection of soul-deadened actors performing a service for a fee – sure, they’re naked, but it’s the furthest thing from intimacy you could possibly imagine. To find someone disrobe emotionally, you have to look to art. And so the point of this scene is “Even in a scene as ridiculous as this, honesty can make it ring true.”

One last tangent, but it was very interesting to me, and I never would have thought of it if not for the strong points raised by Nisemonogatari. I think this intimacy issue is a large part of why something like K-On is so damn successful. This is a kind of fractured and difficult point to make, mainly because the characterization in K-On is very difficult to describe as “honest,” but I think from the point of view that these are valid characters, K-On attempts to create a continuous mood of emotional honesty and friendly, unabashed intimacy. It invites the viewer into a safe, loving environment free from any of the hidden motives and defenses that characterize the real world, and is always completely honest with the viewer. For those who watch Community, K-On is basically like the ultimate Abed experience – a world based on rules you understand entirely that loves you unconditionally, and is willing to share all of its emotional secrets with you. Intimacy porn. I mainly bring this up because there was a thread a few days ago where someone said they like K-On because the characters feel “real.” Now, to anyone who knows anything about character writing or, frankly, human beings, that’s a ridiculous statement – but I think what was really meant there was that the characters feel honest, which, though they are very fabricated constructions, is certainly true within the context of that show.

So yeah, the toothbrush scene forced me to reevaluate and perhaps legitimize the emotional appeal of “cute girls doing cute things”. And I think that’s exactly the point Shinbo was trying to make – that sex will never be as appealing as honesty, and that intimacy is ultimately the core of the erotic. And that this, in addition to the issues about male gaze, camerawork, storytelling, and perspective he’s already addressed, is why fanservice normally hurts shows – it’s impersonal and dishonest.

So no, I don’t think Nisemonogatari is a big fan of fanservice. In fact, I think it’s the ultimate, staggeringly coherent statement against it, complete with endless demonstrations of the ways sexuality really can be used to enhance and augment storytelling. And I could not be more freaking impressed.
Orfey Nov 5, 2024 8:38 AM
During my heart surgery there were major complications, and I briefly died. I could see a light and a figure at the end, it was God.“Lord, is Trump the greatest ever” I asked “Yes, my child” he responded. After he said that, my heart rate picked up. Craziest experience of my life
fausifahrial Oct 15, 2024 7:44 PM
Happy birthday! :)
Mei-o_Scarlett Sep 14, 2024 7:16 AM
add me back on discord
light was beign a cuck and deleted the one server we shared
GEEZA Aug 24, 2024 9:19 AM
hey what do u think about kanokon?
Unborned Jul 18, 2024 10:01 PM

You don't have to be beautiful to turn me on (Uh)
I just need your body, baby, from dusk ’til dawn (Uh)
You don't need experience to turn me out (Uh)
You just leave it all up to me, I'm gonna show you what it’s all about

You don't have to be rich to be my girl
You don't have to be cool (Uh) to rule my world
Ain't no particular sign I'm more compatible with
I just want your extra time and your
(Kissing Noises)

You got to not talk dirty, baby, if you wanna impress me
You can't be too flirty, mama, (Uh) I know how to undress me, mama
I want to be your fantasy, maybe you could be mine
You just leave it all up to me, (Uh) we could have a good time

You don't have to be rich to be my girl
You don't have to be cool to rule my world
Ain’t no particular sign I’m more compatible with
I just want your extra time and your
(Kissing Noises)

Yes (Uh)
(Uh) (Uhhh)
Woo! Woo!
Got to, got to, got to

Women, not girls, rule my shoes, I said they rule my shoes (Uh)
Act your age, mama, (not your shoe size) not your shoe size, maybe we could do the twirl
You don't have to watch shoes to have an attitude (Uh)
You just leave it all up to me, my love will be your food

You don’t have to be rich to be my girl
You don't have to be cool to rule my world
Ain't no particular sign I'm more compatible with
I just want your extra time and your

CodeBlazeFate Jul 16, 2024 3:50 AM
Wtf is your comments section?
Sniparook May 11, 2024 10:46 AM
hey what do u think about kanokon?
It’s time to ditch the text file.
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