Likes:Tohsaka Rin, Tsunderes, Arsenal, Babymetal 🤘🦊🤘 Dislikes:Nothing Hobbies:Drawing, Gaming, Mahjong
- I don't know anything about The Idolm@ster, I just like Higuchi.
Status:This year, I'm attempting to watch less anime and give more time to other interests.
I watched Blue Giant movie, started watching yesterday and finished just now. Great movie and I watched because you mentioned it as best movie of 2024 (when we were doing the poll thing the other day in the chat). True
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What have you been watching or reading recently?
And are you looking forward to anything this season? :D
and the best of the best:
left fg soon after this
I hope this year has been very kind to you
and that it made you experience and learn a lot of things in life
and many more in the coming years.
As time passes by, people come and go
and we experience some unpleasant things
and we feel like it's not worth the effort moving forward
But I hope that too passes for you, no matter how long it takes
All the best in your goals and endeavors in life
grinding on my anime stats too sometimes
all the while juggling irl stuff too
Duel Links was what I was playing since September 2021, I only transferred the record to steam to get the achievements lol
I did the same for both lmao
and yes they were expensive (mahal)