I like rap and anime. if you like rap and anime, you and i would probably get along really well. my favorite group is Wu-Tang Clan. i listen the group, the members individually, and a pretty good number of the Wu-Tang affiliates. i'm a proud Mexican-American. i love sushi. my favorite animals are cats. i like to throw the Frisbee on a hot summer day. i'm a huge fan of Zelda games. i'm addicted to asian girls. i drink a lot of starbucks and just soda in general. as far as i know, i'm really easy to get along with. i like Obama. if you don't, that's still okay. i prefer pepsi over coke, i get a lot of heat for that. i speak slang words. i usually try to keep it politically correct 99% of the time, but some of my most over-used terms for pretty much everything is "dope," "hella," and "what's good?" you'll hear those a lot from me. i like nike's, jordan's and fitted caps. i'm really short, so i like to find shoes that may potentially make me look taller. i'm very self conscious about my height. i try to eat somewhat healthy, but i still enjoy my occasional Taco Bell's, KFC's, McDonald's, etc. etc. especially when they get new stuff. my favorite stand-up comedians are Brian Regan, Gabriel Iglesias and Kevin Hart. i also like shows on Comedy Central and [adultswim]. i'm a member of the [adultswim] message boards for about 3 years. i'm also a regular in the Rap & Hip Hop section of yahoo! answers. i spend a lot of my alone time on the internet.
well yea, thats me. follow me on twitter @CosmicPacVibes
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I mahself thought it was sjiiit !! Only good song on there was the necro produced song Jihad !! No way near the first album IMO
Luv ur list of MC's and producers, big props !!
yeah idk its been so long since i added you lol
and im barely ever on here
I'm thinking it's another placeholder, I'd need to take a full day or two to get one of my better ones going. >_<
i saw couple NY guys on your list....not fan of Biggie or Pun?
and Pac is not even in your TOP 15?! im hurt..lol
+ Happy New Year